

OUWB volunteers throughout the community during busy autumn season

Fall Service A

罗伯特·诺伊瓦博士.D., associate dean for Graduate Studies and 社区 Integration, and associate professor of Foundational Medical Studies, helps students who volunteered at 世界医疗救济. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)


在初秋, students volunteered to distribute flu shots at HOPE Hospitality and Warming Center in Pontiac. (图片来源:Lauren Chopski)


学生s help stain a pavilion at HOPE on Make a Difference Day. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)


在初秋, students volunteered to distribute flu shots at HOPE Hospitality and Warming Center in Pontiac. (图片来源:Lauren Chopski)


学生s sort medical supplies at 世界医疗救济 in Southfield on Make a Difference Day in October. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)


学生s volunteered at Michigan Humane Society as part of Make a Difference Day. (提交的图)


学生s sort medical supplies at 世界医疗救济 in Southfield on Make a Difference Day in October. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)


A group shot of OUWB volunteers at 世界医疗救济 on Make a Difference Day. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)


A group shot of OUWB volunteers at HOPE on Make a Difference Day. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)


铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


From delivering the flu vaccine in Pontiac to packing medical supplies to be sent around the world, fall saw volunteers from OUWB stepping up for community service all across metro Detroit.

They volunteered at a Hope Warming Center Flu Vaccine Clinic in Pontiac, MIU’s 11th 在底特律福特球场举行的年度男性健康活动, the Beaumont 学生 Heart Check Hydration Station at the Free Press Marathon in Detroit, and the “Healthy Halloween” Trunk or Treat at the Pontiac Farmer’s Market.

学生s even harvested fresh vegetables at a new garden they established earlier in the year at the Gary Burnstein 社区 Clinic in Pontiac.

The biggest OUWB community service event of the season was held Oct. 23-24, when about 50 people from OUWB volunteered for the annual Make a Difference Day — or in this case, 周末服务.

10月. 23, many volunteered at 世界医疗救济 in Southfield and the Hope Warming Center. 10月. 24, students volunteered at a Michigan Humane Society Flu Clinic in Rochester.

“We have a truly great community at OUWB and the fact that so many volunteered their time and energy on a weekend reinforces that,让·舒拉说, Ph.D.服务学习主任.

“You can tell that people are genuinely invested in giving back and even tying what they are doing in their service activities back to what they are doing in their courses,她补充道。.

世界医疗救援组织, volunteers sorted and packed medical supplies donated by local health care providers and destined for overseas clinics.

乔治·萨姆森博士.D., 总裁兼首席执行官, 世界医疗救济, said volunteers like those from OUWB keep the organization up and running.

“Without them, I don’t think we can do very effective work,” he says. “Because of the way the volunteers step up, we are able to help a lot of people out there.”

First-year medical student Nolan Shoukri was among the volunteers at 世界医疗救济.

“We have the resource of time and the resource of labor that we can give back to the community, 所以我想我可以来这里, 帮助解决问题, 并以最好的方式回馈社会,他说.

First-year Darshana Blaise also volunteered at 世界医疗救济 and said she feels it’s important to serve the community whenever possible.

“A big part of being a doctor is not just seeing patients, 而是与社区合作来支持他们,”她说。. “This is more than just sorting things…this is about helping others in need.”


First-year Darshana Blaise also volunteered at 世界医疗救济. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich) 

在希望温暖中心, OUWB志愿者们度过了一段寒冷的时光, 外面灰蒙蒙的早晨, 染红了木栅栏和亭子.

Brian Wright, operations officer, Hope Warming Center, said volunteers make a “big, big difference.”

“It helps us connect with the volunteers in a way that will hopefully be a lifelong connection,他说. “We’ve also got work that needs to be done…and volunteers are at a premium right now.”

Emelie-jo Scheffler, 医学院的一年级学生, said she volunteered as a way to connect with the community.

“I’m from out-of-state and did a lot of volunteering work previously,”她说。. “I’m looking for ways to get more connected to the community here.”

科里沙佛, 也是医学院的一年级学生, said he’s always looking for opportunities to volunteer.

“This is a great way to 帮助解决问题 and do something outside of my medical skills to help the community,他说.

Second-year medical student Brandon Prentice said he viewed volunteering as a way to meet more people from the OUWB community.

“今天之前, 我没有机会在霍普医院做志愿者, 但我非常认同它的使命和目标,他说. “我在这里尽我所能支持这个组织.”

Szura said “it felt great” to have the in-person Make a Difference event return in 2021.

“Being able to connect with one another as well as the community in an in-person setting is refreshing and really reminds us of why we're doing what we're doing,”她说。.
