Community Engagement

Commitment to community


An image of students volunteering at Gleaners

2023年1月,近30名OUWB医学院学生在Gleaners社区食品银行底特律配送中心担任志愿者,参加纪念马丁·路德·金的服务日活动. (Photo by Andrew Dietderich)

Community Engagement

icon of a calendarApril 27, 2023

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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有史以来第一次,指南针服务荣誉将成为 OUWB Commencement ceremony.

在大学四年期间完成150小时以上社区服务的学生将佩戴紫色和银色的绶带. (Students who completed 50-150 hours will receive a certificate.)


“我们对我们的首次服务感到非常兴奋,”托尼亚·贝利博士说.D., associate dean, Diversity & Inclusion and Community Engagement.

“The students are not only receiving a degree, 但要感谢他们在完成任务时所做的贡献.”  

‘A more meaningful experience’

An image that contains all names of service cord recipientsOUWB’s mission statement 是“培养富有同情心的医生,致力于改善社区的健康状况?, collaboration, and lifelong learning.”

学校对社区的重视可以追溯到2011年第一批学生入学之前, according to Jean Szura, Ph.D., director of service learning.

“Our founding dean (Robert Folberg, M.D.) wanted to make OUWB a community itself, 然后把这种氛围带到周围的社区,真正帮助我们的学生发展成为关心他们的社区和不同人群的医生,” she says.


Compass 学校的部门是专注于促进与当地的联系吗, regional, national, and global communities.

Compass works with a wide-range of community partners, such as Gary Burnstein Community Health Clinic, Hope Hospitality and Warming Center, and Care House of Oakland County.

此外,Compass还为各种学生主导的项目提供最高500美元的小额资助,例如 sheep brain dissection program for Avondale High School students, 或者另一个是为尼日利亚的孕妇制作分娩工具包. For the 2022-23 calendar year, 15 mini-grants have been awarded.

该部门还负责监督一些已成为标志性项目的活动 OUWB: Make a Difference Day; Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service; OUWB Day of Service; and more.

“When we think about community, there are two words inside of that one word…common and unity,” says Bailey. “我们的总体目标是确保我们未来的医生明白,在他们服务的任何社区都需要满足一个共同的统一. Our role as an institution is to give them those opportunities.”


“Addressing food insecurities, 或者住房不安全感……这有助于他们更好地了解有多少不同的事情影响健康和医疗保健……以及未来可能的患者,” she says.



2022年10月,学生们参加了“战胜乳腺癌”活动. (Photo by Michele Jasukaitis)

‘A passion to give back’

Since 2019, 公开商学院学生的服务时数和学校官员记录的服务时数增加了一倍多.

在2019-20学年,学生们完成了6779小时的服务工作. That number increased to 12,644 for 2020-21, and again for 2021-22, when the number increased to 13,036.


Szura says the increasing number of service hours can be, in large part, traced to the kind of students who apply to OUWB.

“So often, OUWB的申请者有回馈社会的热情,并且热爱我们所做的事情,” she says.

Trixy Hall, coordinator of graduate programs and community outreach, 她说,她认为这种增长很大程度上与学生们从帮助他人中获得的感觉有关.

她说:“有机会肯定会激发那些想做更多事情的学生的热情。. “学生们通过给予和帮助而感觉更好……并对自己说,‘是的,这是值得的. I’ll do it again.”

To recognize the OUWB commitment to community, officials wanted a way to honor those who go above and beyond, which is where the Compass Service Honors come in.

‘Great’ honor

Szura说,OUWB一直要求学生记录他们的服务时间, 但人们普遍认为,并不是所有的时间都被跟踪了.

To incentivize students to log the hours, 制定了一项计划,以表彰那些达到某些里程碑的人.

First, it was certificates. That evolved into the service cords.

According to Szura, 官员们肯定看到学生们在知道他们将在毕业典礼上佩戴荣誉勋章后,努力记录他们的工作时间.

It’s a win-win situation, she adds.

“That helps us know where they are in the community, and helps us see where we are making an impact,” she says. “这给了我们一个机会来表彰他们的辛勤工作.”

斯蒂芬妮·莫罗琴斯基(Stephanie Mrowczynski)是一名获得“指南针服务荣誉”的学生,她说,“OUWB以这种方式表彰学生是件好事。.”

Mrowczynski说,她在OUWB的服务经历吸引她来到杜兰大学, 她在哪里获得了内科住院医师的职位,以及一个专注于服务不足的医学和倡导卫生公平的项目.

“Service has always been something I am passionate about because it allows me to connect to people from all walks of life; it is how I learn what empathy really means and how to practice it, which is essential for patient-centric care,” she says.

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