

OUWB students bring their skills to Beaumont

An image of OUWB alumni posing in front of an OUWB sign.

Andrew 拉吉卜, m.s.D. [j]; Nahrain Putris M.D. (OUWB, '21) pose for a photo during a break earlier this summer. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)

十大菠菜台子, OUWB, 十大菠菜台子 William Beaumont School of Medicine

日历图标9月. 30, 2021



Beaumont Hospital has been a consistent, positive influence throughout Nahrain Putris' education. She worked with Beaumont clinicians while doing undergrad research at 十大菠菜台子's 眼科研究所, and went on to do rotations at Beaumont while she was at 十大菠菜台子 William Beaumont School of Medicine. 所以,当 2021年比赛日 是在, Putris says she was "incredibly excited" to learn she'd be doing her residency in ophthalmology at her number-one pick: Beaumont.

Putris is one of 15 OUWB students who began residencies at Beaumont on July 1, and one of over 85 OUWB students who have matched into Beaumont residencies since 2015. 瑞安·福林格,m.m.D., associate dean for graduate medical education at OUWB, says OUWB students make for outstanding Beaumont residents because of OUWB's focus on the individual learner.

"OUWB establishes relationships in a really deliberate way between students and faculty, 学生和住院医生, 学生和病人,他说.

"I think that the humanity of medicine is emphasized from day one in their medical school training, and that really is consistent with the kind of care we want delivered in the hospital system."

Andrew 拉吉卜 says OUWB's "systems-based" approach to education helped him feel better prepared both for his third- and fourth-year rotations at OUWB, as well as for his upcoming Beaumont residency in diagnostic radiology. 拉吉卜这么说, rather than "jumping around from topic to topic," OUWB's more holistic approach has helped him more quickly adapt his education to real-world situations. Because Beaumont is OUWB's exclusive training partner, 拉吉卜 says his third- and fourth-year rotations at Beaumont were an invaluable primer for his upcoming residency.

“因为这是一家很大的医院, you really get an opportunity to be exposed to a lot of different disease pathologies and a lot of diverse patients as well. I think that's very important," 拉吉卜 says. "I felt that coming out of medical school, I had a very solid foundation. Talking with nurses, residents, and other students, you get the full experience at Beaumont."

Putris agrees that her OUWB education has prepared her "incredibly well" for her upcoming residency. She says she was always "welcomed with open arms" by Beaumont clinicians even as an undergrad, and was "in awe" of the clinicians she continued to learn from while she was doing rotations at Beaumont.

“尽管他们非常忙, they always took time to sit and listen to my concerns, 给我建议, to provide me opportunities so that I could also be successful and someday be in their shoes,她说.

他同意, noting that he's excited to continue building relationships that he developed during his rotations at Beaumont.

"To be on a first-name basis with the residents you're going to be working with is very unique,他说. "To have them reach out to me on Match Day, 发送短信, 打电话, 诸如此类, 让我感觉很受欢迎."

Fringer says many OUWB students are invested in the idea of doing their residencies at "the institution that they've kind of grown up in the shadow of."

"I think they see that there's a challenging educational environment," Fringer says. "There are great teachers to learn from at the institution and I think there's a level of comfort in staying in a system they're familiar with."

That's certainly true for Putris, who says OUWB has been like "a family" to her. She says she's excited to see how Beaumont "mirrors" OUWB's mission and values.

"To be able to start applying those principles and lessons that I've watched and observed and somewhat practiced as a medical student, and put that into actual effect as a doctor, 对我来说很刺激吗,她说.
