



迪克·阿马赫说他和他的妻子, Barb, considered it an "obligation to put in place the resources that will do the greatest good for the people that follow us.(罗布·霍尔摄)



铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


Constant improvement with an eye on the future has always been important to Dick Amacher — the most recent example found in a generous gift he and his wife gave to OUWB.

这是一个很好的例子, 他说, because the hope is to not only help the student who benefits from the gift — a full-ride scholarship — but also inspire others to follow suit.

的关键, 他说, is for potential donors to realize just how much more leverage donations carry at OUWB — and how much they mean to beneficiaries.

That’s why the longtime automotive engineer is sharing the story of how he and his wife, Barb, 做出了一个重大决定,成为十大菠菜台子医学院的捐赠者.

“一美元的边际价值在任何地方、任何情况下都是不同的,”他说. “For OUWB, the marginal value of a donor’s dollar is greater than it is at other schools.”


约旦纳什, 发展副, says the gift from the Amachers goes a long way in helping create a strong foundation of student support at OUWB.

“捐助者 like the Amachers are so important to OUWB because they not only recognize what we are trying to achieve as an institution — transforming medical education by emphasizing holistic physician development — but they are eager to inspire others as well,纳什说。.


Dick Amacher began his career in 1970 as a mechanical engineer with the Chevrolet division of General Motors Co.


在80年代早期, 而且还在通用汽车, 他决定在十大菠菜台子攻读MBA, 那时候才刚刚开始提供夜间课程. 他于1983年获得学位. (他后来也从公开大学的注册理财规划师项目毕业.)

不久之后,他转到雪佛兰的产品规划部门. He worked with people from sales, marketing, finance, manufacturing, and, of course, engineers.

“这真的让我大开眼界,”他说. “从工程师的角度来看,你永远不会真正看到所有这些东西.”

By the late 1980s, Amacher had joined GM Motorsports, where he worked for about eight years.

除此之外, he’s particularly proud of the training program that was developed for interns and co-ops. 它吸引了多达100名学生, many of which would go on to have high-level positions at GM or within the industry.

Amacher says he was particularly proud that the students would get good experience “in a highly energized, highly focused environment like racing…and (learn) how you apply engineering and business skills.”

另一个特别值得骄傲的时刻发生在20世纪90年代中期, 当他被招募到公司当时新的电动汽车项目时.

He oversaw the design team working on what would eventually become the GM vehicle known as EV1. 制作于1996年至1999年, EV1 was the first mass-produced and purpose-designed electric vehicle of the modern era from a major automaker.

就在2021年, 汽车和司机 报道 that the team behind EV1 invented many technologies that are now commonplace on electric vehicles.

Amacher points to “being part of the team that effectively launched the first modern electric car” as one of his proudest moments at GM.

51岁时, 阿马赫离开通用汽车后,还担任过其他几个职位, 都在汽车行业, 都在密歇根东南部.


But his deep ties to engineering and the auto industry raise one big question: why would Dick and Barb Amacher want to become donors for a medical school?


Amacher points to “being part of the team that effectively launched the first modern electric car” as one of his proudest moments at GM. (罗布·霍尔摄)


Dick says he and Barb started with one goal: to do something “more meaningful in terms of charitable involvement.”

同时, they were thinking of what Dick calls a “significant portfolio of chronic illness” in their family that led to “significant interactions” with the medical community.

“我都数不清我们住院的次数了,”他说. “But everyone is doing well today because of the quality of health care we’ve been able to get.”

The Amachers started exploring their options to give back to the industry that has given them so much, 并最终与欧空局的克劳斯·魏曼取得了联系, 慈善总监, 和纳什.

经过几次讨论, the Amachers decided they would provide a full-ride scholarship to an OUWB medical student. 简而言之, the gift calls for the recipient to be from an underserved community and have plans to somehow pay it forward by giving back to that same community. (该学生已被公开大学奖学金委员会选中.)

“A big part of the idea was to relieve a student concerned about having to make a choice between doing what they want to do and doing what financial requirements might force them to do,他说.

Dick says that he and Barb appreciate the ability to directly see the results of their gift — unlike other organizations, 哪里会有困难, 如果不是不可能的话, 才能真正知道捐款的最终去向.

It’s the same mindset that has had the Amachers sponsoring a young university student in South Africa. 那个人现在正在考虑上医学院.

“It’s our obligation to put in place the resources that will do the greatest good for the people that follow us,阿马赫说。.


这被称为合格慈善分配,简称QCD. 根据美国国税局在美国,qcd为70岁以上的符合条件的美国人提供服务.5 and have IRAs a great way to easily give up to $100,000 annually to charity, tax-free.

Dick says he and Barb felt they were in good position to take advantage of a QCD and that their gift to OUWB was worthwhile.

The last big reason the Amachers are OUWB donors is because they believe in the school and the physicians who graduate from it.

他用同样的眼光展望未来,成为一名汽车工程师, he’s still looking ahead — and simply using a different approach to how he can influence things for the better.

他表示:“我希望人们能看到我所看到的……OUWB可以提供更好的体验。. “These are things that will make the future doctors more rounded, more aware of the world.”


“迪克和巴布的慷慨礼物影响巨大, 这真是一个改变人生的机会,可以接受不可思议的教育,他说. “奖学金远远超出了对学生的经济援助, as it also affords them more time and energy to focus on their studies free from the burden and stress of student loan debt.”
