Nineteen from OUWB Class of 2023 inducted into 阿尔法欧米茄阿尔法荣誉医学协会
The OUWB Class of 2023 AOA inductees who participated in the induction ceremony held at Meadow Brook Hall 10月. 25, 2022.

Nineteen medical students from OUWB’s Class of 2023 were inducted into the 阿尔法欧米茄阿尔法荣誉医学协会 10月. 25.

The event was held in person at Oakland University’s Meadow Brook Hall for the first time since 2019. 介绍由Duane Mezwa, M.D., Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB和Pamela Benitez, M.D., AOA三角洲分会委员兼秘书.

演讲的主讲人是马萨诸塞州的朱贝蒂(Betty Chu).D., 高级副总裁, associate chief clinical officer/chief quality officer, 亨利福特健康系统. 在她职业生涯中的其他角色中, Chu also served as founding chair of the executive committee at OUWB.

入选者加入了130名OUWB校友AOA成员. Mezwa强调了两点: 阿什利·格思里, M.D., ’15, who recently opened a practice near Nashville; and 布兰登Luczak, M.D.他最近加入了布莱顿的一家诊所.

“Stories like this will be told about each of you,” Mezwa told the new AOA inductees. “被选为AOA成员, you have proven that you are compassionate leaders who have attained distinction and scholarship, 无私地为他人服务.”

“You’re recognized for having an undeniable drive to advance the medical profession with honorable conduct, 道德理想,他接着说. “I’m looking forward to the day that you make your mark in medicine.”



AOA是一个认可学生的国际社团, 校友, faculty who dedicate themselves to the medical profession. 关于 3,500 people are inducted into this society annually.

AOA has 135 chapters in medical schools throughout the U.S. and has inucted more than 200,000 members since its founding in 1902.

More than 50 Nobel Prize winners in physiology, medicine and chemistry have been AOA members. More than 30 of those were elected to AOA prior to winning the Nobel Prize.

Eligible students must be from a school’s next graduating class. Only the top 25 percent in academic achievement are invited to apply. 在这些申请者中, the top 16 percent are selected for induction based on academic awards, 领导, 所获奖项, 进行和发表的研究, 还有社区服务. 评选委员会作出最后决定.

OUWB annually holds its induction ceremony during autumn. 在2020年和2021年,该活动以虚拟方式举行.

Benitez gives Elizabeth Seeley her AOA pin during the ceremony.

“It’s very personal to be able to recognize and honor them for the work they’ve done, 以及他们所取得的成就,贝尼特斯说. “It’s a way of saying ‘We know that you’ve really done something.’”

在向入选者致辞时, Chu focused on ways that they can go even further in their respective careers. 具体地说, 她建议他们每个人都明确自己的目标, 说“不”的力量,这样他们就能说“是”,” and the importance of being effective communicators.

仪式开始前, Chu said the overall hope for her presentation was that students would take away the importance of having a defined purpose in life.

“这与一个特定的头衔无关, 金额, 或目标, but what they’re trying to accomplish in the bigger picture,”她说。.


学生 generally expressed feelings of being honored and excited.

“To be surrounded by so many incredible students at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, 能在这个顶级团体中获得荣誉,这意味着很多,布伦特·耶尔顿说.

He added that “it makes you feel really proud of all the work done over the last four years, 无论是通过社区参与, 在课堂上表现良好, 全面发展.”

海莉•沃尔顿 他说能入选“真的很激动”.

“It’s an honor that I’m going to be able to carry with me,”她说。. “Fellow physicians will be able to recognize this and know I’m a hard worker and can get stuff done. 我很荣幸能成为这个受人尊敬的团体的一员.”

斯凯勒Porcaro 还称其为“巨大的荣誉”.”

“With COVID and all the changes that we’ve gone through, it’s great to be on the other side of things and see the success that we’ve been able to achieve,他说.


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Porcaro also said that it was nice to be recognized for “all of the little things that we’ve been able to do through medical school (that) add up to a big picture.”

Yasmine Abushukur said she was excited to be inducted.

“这意义重大,”她说. “It feels like we’ve worked so hard over the past four years and it’s finally starting to come to fruition.”

安德鲁Shanholtzer 他还表示,AOA的入选“意义重大”.”

“It’s a nice culmination of all the hard work we put into medical school,他说. “这体现了我们对领导的承诺, 服务, teaching so I’m really glad to be part of Alpha Omega Alpha.”

For parents in attendance, it was an occasion to share their pride.

“We are very proud of our daughter,” said Sundus Jabro, mother of Stephanie Gappy. “She’s always amazing us with her performance, both academically and everything else.”

Jabro called the induction ceremony “a great thing that the school does for students.”

肯波尔, 玛格丽特·玻尔的父亲, said it was “very nice” that OUWB includes friends and family in the induction ceremony. 他还表达了自豪感.

“(Margaret) is always surprising us, especially when we get invited to events like this,他说. “It’s exciting that she’s almost done with medical school.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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