博士的照片. 奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨

The importance of mentors and finding a healthy work/life balance were the primary topics of a keynote presentation held as part of OUWB’s 女性 in 医学 celebration.

奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨,m.s.D.他是十大菠菜台子校长, delivered the keynote during the online session held Thursday.

Pescovitz has more than 30 years of experience in health centers, industry, and universities. She is a renowned pediatric endocrinologist and investigator who has published more than 190 papers and books, 也是美国国家医学院的当选成员.

Pescovitz drew on her extensive experience in 医学 and academia to offer up advice for the OUWB students, 教师, 以及参加会议的工作人员. She also referenced an essay called “My Mentor Quilt” that she wrote and was published Aug. 在… 美国医学协会杂志.

“我希望在今天的会议结束时, 你们每个人都要建立自己的导师被子, regardless of whether you are a first- or second-year medical student…dean of (OUWB) or provost,”她说。. “每一个人, 不管你处于职业发展的哪个阶段, 应该有一个导师的被子.”

女性 in 医学 月是每年举行一次的庆祝活动 9月 突出…的成就 女性 in 医学 和科学.

为了纪念这个月,对外开放大学的卓越中心 医疗 教育提供了引人入胜的虚拟和面对面的活动, 所有这些都旨在促进知识共享, 赋权, 和专业发展开放给所有的OUWB社区. 注册 在这里.

9月. 20
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
启发 女性 引领

请参加我们的小组讨论 女性 担任领导职务 医学 他们会分享自己的职业生涯. 他们将讨论他们的灵感、影响和挑战 女性 在职场中.
9月. 21
2 - 3 p.m.
平等对. 公平:知足常乐
加入贝利在这个互动环节, w在这里 participants will explore equality and equity concepts and consider the similarities and differences between the two often confused terms. 这节课将深入探讨平等与公平,看看公平如何, 成功, 社会受到这些观念的影响.
9月. 26
9 - 10 a.m.
Building Self-Esteem in the Academic Environment: Unleashing the Power of “The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem”
灵感来自纳撒尼尔·布兰登那本颇具影响力的书, 《十大菠菜软件》," this presentation sheds light on the impact that self-esteem has in the academic environment.  

正如她在文章中所描述的那样, 随着时间的推移,佩斯科维茨发展出了导师被子的概念, after she realized “no one person would ever be a perfect fit for that role.” In short, it’s a “patchwork of mentors to guide, advise, and nurture me throughout my life journey.”

“今天, I have a large quilt stitched together by remarkable individuals from a range of careers and experiences through all stages of my professional and personal life,她写道。.

在她对OUWB社区的主题演讲中, she talked about having mentors at different points in her career: when she was primarily doing research; working in a clinical setting; and serving as a medical and hospital administrator. 佩斯科维茨还提到了导师对她个人生活的帮助.

“今天, 我有一个很棒的, amazing quilt of mentors and I never discard any of the patches from this quilt…I keep adding to them,”她说。. “The moral of the story is that each of you should develop your own quilt of mentors and keep adding to it as well.”

杜安·梅兹瓦,m.m.D.他听了佩斯科维茨的演讲. He urged others to consider that not all mentors are necessarily older individuals.

“我有很多比我年轻的导师,”他说. “I learned from them as they developed their leadership…that I could end up copying and become a better dean, 或者找个更好的医生, 或者成为一个更好的领导者. 年龄不一定是一个因素.”


她演讲的后半部分, Pescovitz zeroed in on tips she primarily learned from her mentors to help maintain work/life balance.

The first tip centered on the importance of quality childcare for families w在这里 both parents are pursuing careers.

她说:“最重要的一件事……就是永远不要在儿童保育上吝啬。. “It is worth spending whatever you need to in order to ensure that your children are taken care of and so that you don’t have to worry because they are in great hands so you can devote yourself to your careers.”

佩斯科维茨承认儿童保育的成本很高, and noted that when she and her late husband were working they were essentially spending the equivalent of one of their salaries on the expense.

“But it allowed us to pursue our professional pursuits and ensure that our children were healthy and safe,”她说。. “我一点也不怨恨.”



通过例子, she pointed to when one of her daughters was on the high school dance team that would perform at basketball games.

“It was very important to me to support all of my children’s extracurricular activities,”她说。.

However, Pescovitz said she didn’t have the capacity to sit through an entire game. As a result, she figured out when her daughter would be performing based on when games were played. This allowed her to see her daughter in action without having to give up nearly three hours.

“I figured out how to be present for what was important…that I would see my daughter dance…and I would stand in a place w在这里 she could see me and know that I was t在这里,”她说。.

演讲的与会者都很投入. They asked several questions and expressed gratitude to Pescovitz for sharing her story and advice.

琳达·米斯拉,D.O., OUWB 教师 member in the Department of Internal 医学 was among them. She offered one additional piece of advice to which Pescovitz expressed agreement.

“Sometimes young females in particular with young families can get overwhelmed, 陷入困境, and feel like they’re just not hitting the mark because they see what other people have accomplished,”她说。. “定个高远的目标是很棒的, but also realize that you have to give yourself a break and it takes time to achieve all of those things.”

特蕾西·泰勒博士.D.她是多元化学院副教授兼副院长 & 她说,她发现佩斯科维茨给出的建议非常有用. 

"Her parenting story about attending her daughter's cheer events is something that I honestly think about probably on a weekly basis in my own life when attending my own children's sporting events,泰勒说。. “这真是一个精彩的故事,她讲得非常好. That 'parenting hack' and her description of the mentor quilt are my two most memorable takeaways."

Tori Arnold, 教师 development coordinator, also said she took a lot away from the talk. 

听听别人的经历总是有益的. Pescovitz's story reminded me that t在这里 are always people willing to help if you need it," she said. “不管你面对的是什么, 总有那么一个人可以帮助你,引导你走过“未知”.'"

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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