Two OUWB Class of 2024 members early match in ‘incredibly competitive’ specialty
M4s Prasun沙玛 (left) and Davit Meliksetyan trained in 2021 using the "Harvey Heart Sounds" cardiovascular training mannequin at the OUWB Clinical Skills Training & 模拟中心在特洛伊校园Corewell健康.

Two members of the OUWB Class of 2024 successfully matched Thursday in the highly competitive specialty of urology — joining 25 alumni from the school to have done so since 2015.

Prasun沙玛 matched at University of Pennsylvania and Moe Hijazi at University of Illinois.

They were among the 500 medical trainees competing for 394 positions in 148 urology residency training programs nationwide, according to the Society of Academic Urologists (SAU) and the American Urological Association (AUA). When the matching algorithm was processed, 77% of trainees were matched to a position in a program.

Early matches apply to specialties not affiliated with the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), which annually holds its Match Day the third Friday in March (on March 15 this year). 军事和眼科项目也有早期匹配.

The two future urologists from the Class of 2024 join 25 OUWB alumni who have matched in the specialty since 2015 and helped establish OUWB as a 前给料机 实地学校.

“OUWB’s success in urology is what attracted me to it,” said 沙玛.

“I looked at how the school consistently has students matching in urology. 学生们必须尽自己的一份力, 当然, 但是没有部门的研究支持, 指导, and connections…it’s difficult to mirror that type of success year after year.”

沙玛 said successfully matching and joining the OUWB alumni to have matched before him “feels really good.”

“It’s been incredibly competitive in the last three or four years in urology…but we have a fantastic staff here and I definitely put in the work, 结果结果很好,他说.



肯尼斯·彼得斯,M.D., chair, 泌尿外科, called it “an incredibly competitive year for the urology match.” 

“I am very proud of the OUWB students that matched in urology,他说. “这是一项伟大的成就.”

“The 泌尿外科 continues to mentor many OUWB students interested in urology, and we provide them excellent research opportunities that gives them a competitive advantage as urology candidates,他补充道.

克里斯·耶格,m.s.D., OUWB”15, 教练, 泌尿外科, 也是夏尔马的指导老师, called OUWB’s continued success in matching future urologists “truly amazing.”

“I believe the success stems from the perfect fusion of passionate students, 强大的医学院课程, and an extraordinary department of Urology at the Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital in Royal Oak led (by 彼得斯),耶格尔说。.

“Dr. 彼得斯 has helped build the department into a national leader in clinical medicine and research that is revered by other leading institutions across the country,他补充道.


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的沙玛, another big factor in his success was knowing early on that he wanted to specialize in urology.

原产尼泊尔, 沙玛 earned a bachelor’s degree in web design and development from Brigham Young University. Before starting at OUWB in 2020, 沙玛 served four years in the U.S. 军队里,他是军医. It was during his experiences with the military that he realized he could combine his background in information technology with his interest in medicine to specialize in a field like urology.

“The very first (urology) case I saw was a laser breaking up a stone and my mind was blown,他说. “Coming from a tech background, I absolutely fell in love with the field.”

他一马当先,在M1年和M2年之间 获得著名的奖学金 由美国泌尿外科协会资助. He spent the summer as part of a research team at Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital in Royal Oak.

Post-fellowship, 沙玛 continued doing research, working alongside mentors like Michael B. 总理米.D., professor, 泌尿外科, at the Beaumont 研究 Institute.

夏尔马,2023年 金牌人文主义荣誉协会入选者, 他说他很早就参与了临床学习, 与布莱恩·奥多姆这样的导师密切合作, M.D., OUWB ' 17和Jaeger.

“Mentorship is fundamental to medicine but also represents an important component in advancing specialty care like urology,耶格尔说。. “Dedicated 指导 is how I was able to match into urology and I feel an obligation to uphold this tradition at OUWB and Corewell健康 for all medical students interested in urology.”

沙玛, 谁将在五月结婚, said one of the first things he did in learning he matched was email and text those so critical to his success.

“我告诉他们,我怎么感谢他们都不为过,”他说. “I also encouraged them to continue helping future students like me because we have a great pipeline for urology, 我希望这能继续下去.”

That’s exactly what Jaeger said OUWB’s 泌尿外科 plans to do.

“教职员工对OUWB的泌尿科遗产感到非常自豪, and we hope to continue inspiring future OUWB medical students to pursue this field,他说.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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