毕业于 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院’s 特许班已被任命为教员 马萨诸塞州总医院 — part of an “incredible journey” that she says traces to her first interview day at OUWB.
Graduate of OUWB’s inaugural class to join faculty at Mass Gen
Amanda Xi last day of residency
OUWB alumna Amanda Xi (second from right) was all smiles on the last day of her residency at Mass Gen.

毕业于 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院’s 特许班已被任命为教员 马萨诸塞州总医院 — part of an “incredible journey” that she says traces to her first interview day at OUWB.

从明年7月开始,Amanda Xi, M.D., 2015届OUWB毕业生, will join the faculty at Mass Gen — the original and largest teaching hospital of 哈佛医学院. She is scheduled to start after completion of a one-year anesthesia critical care 研究员hip.

Concurrently, she chairs the council of review committee residents, 研究生医学教育认证委员会, is program co-director and member of the board of directors of the 美国女医师协会. Xi also writes a blog, stays busy on social media, is an oft-cited expert on medical schools.

这是她最喜欢的职业, though one she didn’t necessarily immediately imagine after she earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering from University of Michigan, 在她进入OUWB之前.

“It’s been an incredible journey,” Xi said. “我非常感谢OUWB, everything that the institution has done to support me in my endeavors.”


Xi, 西布卢姆菲尔德, 密歇根州居民, said she had always wanted to be a physician in the back of her mind.

然而, Xi admits she “didn’t know if I would have adequate resources to study and succeed at the MCAT. I didn’t know if my circuitous path would be frowned upon when evaluated by medical school admissions committees. 因为所有这些不确定性, I elected to pursue an engineering degree to have a ‘back up’ plan (i.e. 一份“真正的”工作).”

仍然, 她申请成为OUWB特许班级的一员, based in large part on the close proximity to her Michigan home and the reputation of affiliate, 博蒙特健康.

According to Xi, her interview day at OUWB was especially enlightening.

“I loved my interview day,” Xi said. “I got there and I was like ‘This is a great place and I would really love to be here.’

“I’m really glad it worked out because when I was at Michigan, 我甚至不知道我能进医学院,”她说。.

阿曼达·希在2019年的手术室在OUWB工作期间, Xi said she fully embraced all her exposure to various specialties, 但她不知道该选什么.

最终, 她决定学麻醉学, based on what she found herself putting the most value in: a fast-paced, 以团队为基础的病人护理方法.

“当我在麻醉师轮岗的时候, I saw that when someone needed help they called their colleagues and a whole crew of people would come in,”她说。. “Anesthesiologists would just flood in and say ‘Hey, how can I help you?’”

另一个因素, Xi said, was that she would receive training in critical care that would allow her to make rounds on intensive care units.

Xi said her education and training has turned her into a well-rounded anesthesiologist.


Post-graduation from OUWB, Xi had a one-year internship at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. She then moved to Boston to begin her anesthesiology residency at 马萨诸塞州总医院.

Xi said it didn’t take her long to feel like she was in the right place. 主要是, 她说, it was because she was surrounded by others from whom she found it easy to learn.

在麻省理工学院, there are world-renowned researchers (and) clinicians that despite all of their accolades, 是卑微的, 平易近人, easy to talk to — things that really drew me to the institution,”她说。.

Because of her positive experiences as a resident (and now fellow) at Mass Gen, Xi said she wanted to stay with the organization.

Xi said she loves the MGH anesthesia community, 期待着教授(和向)住院医师学习, 研究员, 医科学生, 还有课外活动, 项目, leadership opportunities that she hopes will one day help her land a position in hospital administration.


In 2011, Xi started a blog (which can be found at http://amandaxi.com/). 第一条微博发布于2011年6月21日. 它的名字叫“介绍”.”

“With this blog I plan to chronicle my experience as a medical student in the inaugural class of 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 (Rochester, MI)和其他任何扔给我的东西,她写道。. “While I cannot guarantee what this blog will mature into (or if it’ll even be updated regularly), 我希望有人, 有些地方可以从我的话中获益. 我想我们会看到的.”

Xi has kept the blog going with new content.

Posts have evolved from those early days (“OUWB Orientation: Day 1,“新开始之夜和白大褂仪式”,”等.). Posts made in the last few months have included “Tips for applying to residency” and “How to interview like a boss.”

“当我2011年开始写博客的时候, my purpose was to answer questions and put out there what it means to be at a new medical school,”她说。, adding that questions ranged from basics about curriculum to what it was like to work with Beaumont physicians.

“I really enjoy the opportunity to help people who are pre-meds and are looking for a medical school, 或者是医学院的新生, 可以从我经历的过程中学习,” Xi said.

最终, Xi did her capstone 项目 (now called 开始)的社交媒体政策. She also expanded into the social media channels (Instagram, 脸谱网, 推特, etc.).

In addition to serving as both a mentor and mentee at different times, Xi said her blog and social media endeavors have led to unique opportunities in her career, 比如在今年七月的 医疗 Women's International Association (MWIA) Centennial Congress.

Xi also was quoted as a source in an October U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 story about “What to Ask When Evaluating New 医疗 Schools.”

“There’s so many opportunities out there for growth in your career,” Xi said.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

关注OUWB 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram.