十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院的 多样性办公室 & 包容 kicked off Women in Medicine Month last week with an educational session designed to help attendees sharpen leadership skills.

OUWB Department of Pathology Chair speaks on leadership as part of Women in Medicine Month
芭芭拉·杜卡特曼,M.D., 牛津大学病理学系教授兼系主任, (right) presented a professional development session on leadership. Attendees said they took a lot away from the session, including feeling inspired.

十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院的 多样性办公室 & 包容 kicked off Women in Medicine Month last week with an educational session designed to help attendees sharpen leadership skills.

芭芭拉Ducatman, M.D., 牛津大学病理学系教授兼系主任, presented a professional development session called “Lean In? 探身出去? Personal Reflections on Leadership” held at 博蒙特医院, 皇家橡树.

整体, the intent was to help attendees better understand the qualities, 属性, 以及领导所需的技能, 讨论保持工作与生活平衡的策略, 并分析培养这些管理技能的方法.

杜卡特曼谈到了成为领导者的利弊, aimed to highlight the questions potential leaders should ask themselves, how to take away the right things from various work experiences, 从个人经历中学习的重要性, 和更多的. 她从自己40年的医学生涯中汲取灵感.

“I view (being a leader) as a three-dimensional chess game,”她说。. “这涉及到很多思考过程. 你要往高处想, 向下, 和横向, 你可以贡献你的观点, 你帮助别人, 你让你的世界变得更美好.

“To me, it’s important to always make where I am a bit better.”



立刻前, she was at West Virginia University School of Medicine for 21 years, 她是那里的病理学教授和主席, 负责学院服务的创始副院长, the founding director of the WVU National Center of Excellence in Women's Health.

杜卡特曼收到了她的M.D. degree from the Albany 医疗 College and completed a residency in anatomical and clinical pathology at the Mayo Clinic. She is subspecialty trained in cytopathology and is recognized as a national expert in this discipline. She has served at the Beth Israel Deaconess 医疗 Center (Harvard) and has also served in the U.S. 海军.

进一步, 杜卡特曼曾在学术病理学领域担任领导职务, including on the executive advisory board of the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, the highest circulation major peer-reviewed publication in the field, 也是《十大菠菜台子》的副主编.

在她的演讲中, Ducatman provided detailed background on how she constantly has strived to be a leader throughout her career. She challenged attendees to ask themselves and answer six key questions related to values before setting out to become leaders.


  • 你想在你的生活中完成什么?
  • What are you prepared to sacrifice to obtain (whatever you want to accomplish)?
  • 你准备让别人牺牲什么?
  • How can you add value to your organization, specialty, the profession of medicine?
  • 你的价值观是什么??
  • What is most important to you (what would you want in your eulogy)?

回答对她来说最重要的问题, Ducatman said she “went beyond ‘I wrote 100 papers’ because you don’t create your CV on your tombstone.”

“Instead, I want to leave the world a better place,” she added. “这就是我选择领导的原因.”

Ducatman对小组领导的演讲Ducatman explained the credentials that are generally required for leaders and/or potential leaders: experiences within an organization (success with prior roles and responsibilities); experiences outside the organization; a “big CV” that includes academic institutional leadership; academic and non-academic leadership experiences; and increasingly a degree.

She also reminded the audience that a career should be viewed as an “adventure, not just a job.”

杜卡特曼以自己的职业生涯为例, 并引用了她的临床经验, 还有教学, 研究, 服务, 以及其他被她归类为“平常”的成就.”

Her “unusual” experience includes visiting Guantanamo Bay (prior to Sept. 11, 2001), 参观铀矿/加工厂, helping establish a medical school in Oman (a country southeast of Saudi Arabia), having lunch with West Virginia’s first lady in the governor’s mansion.

She urged audience members to continually learn and internalize experiences — both professionally and personally — as they occur.

Ducatman also reminded attendees to keep their work in perspective, pointing to a previous battle with breast cancer that gave her a whole new perspective on life, including coming to the realization that “a job is just a job.”

“You can fail at your job, you can succeed in life,”她说。. “But if you continue (at a job), it’s a choice, so suck it up and do your best.”


Meeting an expert like Ducatman is one reason M3 Brandon Metcalf said he wanted to attend the session. Metcalf said he plans to go into pathology and hopes to do so at Beaumont.

”也, 她说的是领导力发展, I think it’s just good to learn about that for future career development,他说.

凯伦·弗雷德里克, 物理治疗主管, 博蒙特医院, Grosse黑, 说她从演讲中获益良多, 包括一定程度的验证. Frederick said there was a particular point made by Ducatman that stuck with her.

“I think one of them was you can always walk away (from a job), 如果你选择不去, 那就尽力而为吧,”她说。. “If you stay planted, you have to do it with the intention that you’re going to lead.”

苏珊·沃克, 移植社工, 博蒙特医院, 皇家橡树, 她发现杜卡特曼“非常鼓舞人心”.”

Walker said she felt validated in doing things she already does, particularly with regard to chairing or co-chairing various committees.

“It validated things I currently do to say ‘Yeah, I’m not doing so bad,’”她说。.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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