OUWB alumni are making their mark in medicine
Laura Ortiz on the job
训练结束后 Beaumont Hospital, 皇家橡树, 在医学院期间,并在印第安纳大学完成了急诊医学实习, Laura Ortiz returned to Beaumont, 皇家橡树, as a physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine.

Five classes have graduated from Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine 越来越多的OUWB校友正在全国各地的医学领域崭露头角.

校友向OUWB官员提供的信息显示,毕业生不断通过各种方式获得成功, such as becoming 总住院医师s, being appointed to 奖学金 and leadership positions, and earning various other types of accolades.

“公开商学院毕业生在继续实习时的成功率, 奖学金, and careers is a true point of pride,” 杜安Mezwa, M.D.临时院长,OUWB教授,诊断放射学和分子医学.

“It speaks to the quality of the curriculum, as well as the levels of caring and compassion on the part of OUWB faculty, 工作人员, 和学生,梅兹瓦说. “We’re proud of the accomplishments of our graduates, 并期待OUWB对医学领域的持续和日益增长的影响.”


阿什利·格思里, Class of 2015, is among them.

OUWB后, 她开始在西奈山纽约眼耳医院的耳鼻喉头颈外科(ENT)实习. (The program has since merged with the Otolaryngology program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.)

As a PGY-5, Guthrie attained 总住院医师 status. Starting in July 2020, 她将开始与丹尼尔·鲁索(Daniel Rousso)合作进行面部整形和重建手术, M.D.他在阿拉巴马州伯明翰市(Birmingham)工作. (Thirteen OUWB graduates have started or will start 奖学金.)

“I will be forever grateful for my experience at OUWB,” Guthrie said. “我之所以能有今天的成就,是因为我在那里得到了出色的教育和个人支持. I feel honored to have been part of the charter class, 我将用余生来珍惜这四年的记忆.”

格思里的同学, Laura Ortiz (Diffenderfer), found similar success.

训练结束后 Beaumont Hospital, 皇家橡树在医学院期间,她完成了急诊医学实习 印第安纳大学之后,奥尔蒂斯回到了皇家橡树的博蒙特,成为急诊医学系的一名医生.

“回到我开始医疗生涯的地方真是太棒了,”奥尔蒂斯说. “我在急诊医学实践中成长了很多,包括了解博蒙特医疗系统是如何运作的. 我有机会和医科学生一起工作,他们轮流在急诊科工作,这有点超现实,因为我记得当我在OUWB的时候,我站在他们的立场上.”


梅根Cheslock, Class of 2018, was recently named Intern of the Year at Naples 社区 Hospital.

梅根Cheslock Intern of Year“获得这个奖项对我来说意义重大,因为我是根据与我一起工作的住院医师、医生和医务人员的投票选出的,切斯洛克说. “实习一年在很多方面都很有挑战性,大多数时候我都觉得自己不是一个优秀的实习生. 知道别人认可并尊重我作为一名医生,我感到很谦卑,我今天所付出的努力是值得的.”

切斯洛克将在那不勒斯社区医院至少再待两年,并计划攻读老年医学的奖学金, potentially a combined fellowship in medical education, 姑息治疗, 或研究.

切斯洛克说:“我很高兴我选择了对外商学院,因为它为我的实习做好了充分的准备。. “特别是, 我们在临床技能中心接受的沟通技巧培训非常出色, and I use it every day with patients and colleagues.”

Here’s a rundown of additional alumni accomplishments, 从最近担任总住院医师职位的OUWB毕业生开始:

  • 布兰登Luczak, 2015, co-总住院医师, Orthopaedic Surgery, 博蒙特健康
  • 莎拉Sefcovic, 2015, 总住院医师, Internal Medicine-Pediatrics, Anthony Hospital
  • 詹姆斯•大卫2016年,路易斯安那州立大学健康科学中心眼科总住院医师
  • Amanda Mann (nee Stahl), 2016, 总住院医师, Emergency Medicine, Henry Ford – Detroit
  • 伍德罗·山姆, 2016, 总住院医师, Emergency Medicine, University of Michigan
  • Kelsey Satkowiak, 2016, 总住院医师, Neurology, University of Virginia Health System
  • 乔Vercellone, 2016, 总住院医师, Internal Medicine, 博蒙特健康
  • 雷蒙德友江, 2016, chief medical resident, Internal Medicine, University of Michigan
  • 迪尔德丽巴特利特, 2017年, 詹娜Millstead, 2017年,海伦·德沃斯儿童医院儿科联合总住院医师(2020-21)
  • 茱莉亚 Orlovskaia, 2017, 总住院医师, psychiatry, Henry Ford Hospital
  • 亚伦·戈德堡, 2017, 总住院医师, 儿科, University of California Irvine - Children's Hospital of Orange County
  • Julie Blossom-Hartley, 2017, 总住院医师, Family Medicine, Brown 医疗 School
  • 马克Kauth2017年,印第安纳大学医学院内科总住院医师(2020-21)
  • Eric Raynal, 2017, 总住院医师, Pediatrics, 印第安纳大学 School of Medicine
  • 珍妮Wigant, 2017, 总住院医师, Family Medicine, McKay-Dee Hospital Center
  • 奥斯丁克纳普, 2018, co-总住院医师 in transitional year, Oakwood Hospital


  • 迈克尔Bonnette, 2015, Pain Management fellowship, University of Michigan
  • 克里斯托弗Jaeger, 2015, Pediatric Urology fellowship, Boston Children's Hospital
  • 金伯利Lemkin, 2015年,咨询联络精神病学奖学金,剑桥健康联盟(2019/20)
  • Nickolas林口, 2015,芝加哥大学骨科运动医学奖学金(2020/21)
  • 约书亚说睡觉, 2015, currently in the U.S. Air Force; Gastroenterology fellowship at Naval 医疗 Center San Diego (July 2018)
  • 劳伦·麦加, 2015年,纽约市首席法医办公室法医病理学奖学金
  • 莎拉的歌手, 2015, Hematology and 医疗 Oncology fellowship, Ohio State University (July 2018); inducted into "Courage to Teach,” a group that recognizes faculty committed to education at OSU
  • 安妮·斯皮纳(瓦格纳), 2015, Forensic Psychiatry fellowship, University of Michigan
  • 卡拉Toretta, 2015, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry fellowship, Yale Hospital
  • 亚当·维纳, 2015, Vitreoretinal Surgery fellowship, UCLA
  • 斯蒂芬妮•坎贝尔, 2016, Genetics fellowship, Detroit 医疗 Center
  • 真实性拉米雷斯, 2016, Cardiology fellowship, University of Connecticut/Hartford Hospital
  • Kelsey Satkowiak, 2016, Neuromuscular fellowship, Virginia Commonwealth University

除了al recent appointments and/or accolades have been awarded to:

  • 乔纳森Goike, 2015, appointed faculty at OSU, starting September 2019
  • 尼科尔麦, 2016, accepted a faculty position at Northwestern University to be a pediatric hospitalist; currently pursuing a master’s degree in education to focus on medical student education and curriculum development
  • Julie Blossom-Hartley, 2017, resident teacher award from Brown University medical students
  • 蕾妮Cholyway, 2017, awarded Intern of the Year from the Department of Surgery at Virginia Commonwealth University; recently began two years of research into heart transplantation from donation after circulatory-determined death donors (DCDD)
  • 佛罗伦萨豆儿·2017年当选西奈山CIR联盟(实习生与住院医师委员会)医院代表
  • 罗伯特Petrossian, 2017, presented research at Illinois Urological Society and won first place; won second place for clinical research at Chicago Urologic Society
  • Alexa (Lexi) Shepherd, 2017, awarded the Louis E. Zeile杰出妇产科住院医师奖
  • 劳伦的歌手, 2017, 当选拉什大学医务人员协会(拉什大学医疗中心所有住院医师和研究员的学生会)主席
  • Theresa Timm (Yankovich), 2017, 在西非的一家多哥农村医院,通过圣. Louis Children’s Hospital
  • 凯尔伊顿, 2018, set to begin training as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Navy in Pensacola, Fla. 这是他有意暂停住院三年,为海军飞行员和机组人员提供初级护理. 
  • Johnathon Recknagel, 2018, 被北卡罗莱纳大学医学院学生选为“金塔希尔”奖,以表彰其出色的住院教学
  • Chanteil Ulatowski, 2018, promoted to second year junior Emergency Medicine resident, University of Florida College of Medicine-Shands Hospital; served as an EMRA representative