三位校友 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院的 2016届毕业生 recently offered insight into what it’s like to be a young doctor – 和 how their time at OUWB impacted them.
对外商学院2016届校友(左至右.D.法蒂玛·法赫斯,m.s.D.特拉维斯·华盛顿(Travis 华盛顿).D.

三位校友 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院的 2016届毕业生 recently offered insight into what it’s like to be a young doctor – 和 how their time at OUWB impacted them.

古永锵,M.D.特拉维斯·华盛顿,M.D.法蒂玛·法赫斯,m.s.D., shared their experiences with current medical students during a Dinner with a Doctor event held at 皇家橡树的博蒙特医院. 它是由OUWB共同赞助的 多样性 & 包容校友 部门.

古 is a gynecologist, 华盛顿 is an orthopedic surgeon, 该公司 is a dermatologist.

“The Dinner with a Doctor series is a worthy event because it puts practicing physicians in front of our medical students,” Caryn Reed-Hendon, Ph.D.,导演,多样性 & 包容,OUWB.

Reed-Hendon said that offering current students the opportunity to engage with alumni helps them, 除此之外, “get a slice of life as a practitioner of medicine after medical school.”

“从多元化和包容性的角度来看, it is imperative to showcase practitioners from all walks of life, 从各种不同的特产,里德-亨顿说.

帕梅拉·霍尔兹, 校友和家长项目协调员, OUWB, said the school is “always looking for new ways to connect our alumni with current OUWB students.”

“我们为他们的成就感到骄傲, they are a wealth of experiential knowledge that is so valuable to students,霍尔兹说. “This group discussion was an excellent opportunity for them to share the wisdom that they've garnered from their journey. 我们希望在不久的将来再次举办这样的活动.”

Here are some of the questions addressed by the young alumni panel.

What are some things you wish you had known or not been so stressed about when you were in medical school?

2019年12月与Doc共进晚餐. (4)该公司(右)我不知道我想做(皮肤病学)进来. I really wish I didn’t pigeon-hole myself into (obstetrics 和 gynecology). When I got to OB I was like… ‘I don’t like OB, what am I going to do?“你有兴趣是件好事, but just remember what you end up actually being interested in may be very different from what you think you’re interested in.

: It’s important to have goals 和 think to yourself ‘This is what I want to do.但保持开放的心态也很重要. 尤其是作为一名医科学生,你什么都没见过. 你做得很少. 你知道这份工作应该是什么样的, 但在你真正去做之前, 你不能那样设想你的生活. 我没有成为妇产科医生的计划. 一点也没有. 我以为我会成为一名儿科医生.

What are some things you wish you had focused a little bit more on during your four years of medical school?

华盛顿: At first, I felt like I was still kind of treating (medical school) like I was still an undergrad. 死记硬背,不一定能记住很多东西. (As doctors) we take our in-training exam every year (和 the tests) have some of those basic science questions that you learned in first-year medical school. Put a little extra time into actually retaining as much information as possible because it will come back.

该公司另一件大事是人际关系. When you’re rotating through a bunch of different 部门 or specialties, you don’t really know how people may come back into your sphere in the future. It happened to me multiple times where there were people that I had met along the way in medical school that ended up somehow impacting my career later.

不要自满于学习. The sooner you learn that, the better habits you’re going to build. Because if you don’t do well on your Step 1 exam (United States 医疗 Licensure Exam – USMLE), 这只会影响到你. 当你成为一名医生, 如果你学习不够努力的话, 或者你不知道你的技术, or you’re not up-to-date on how to do a procedure…that’s another person’s life. 当你照顾病人时,你的错误会被放大.

How did you make yourself st和 out in interviews 和 residency applications?

2019年12月与Doc共进晚餐. (2)具(右)我现在面试(潜在的居民). When I read through the applications, I don’t really care where people went to school. 我想知道人们是怎么评价你的. 我阅读评估. 我看推荐信. 我读个人陈述. Because it’s about the little things about you that make a difference – it’s got to be your personality, 你的学习方式, 以及你能带来什么. 你一定要做个好学生吗? 是的. But what gets you in the door, keeps the door open, are all the other things.

该公司: I’ve sat on interviews (和) we had applicants from top tier programs, 拥有一流的分数, (我在想)‘你只是在纸上写得很好.你的个性决定了你的成败.


:我不知道. I look at my profession 和 feel like I was uniquely made to do this job. I found this little niche of medicine that seems perfect for what I’m interested in 和 what I like. I think that comes from putting all of your heart 和 soul into wanting to be good at this job. 最终, 当你做得更好的时候,你会发现的, 它变得更有趣了, 然后你把自己塑造成你想成为的样子.

该公司: I was all over the place 和 could see the positives in every single specialty. 我当时想,‘我该怎么选择呢?’ I had this anxiety like, ‘If I pick this am I going to regret it?’ But you (medical students) need to realize there are so many opportunities that exist within your own specialty. 有很多不同的方法可以让它成为你自己的.

华盛顿我想我本可以做很多事情,而且很开心. 你如何在那些让你快乐的事情中做出选择? 我不能告诉你.

In addition, the importance of having a positive attitude came up throughout the discussion. 以下是校友们说的一些话.

2019年12月与Doc共进晚餐. (3)华盛顿(右图)当你还是个大学生的时候,你会觉得‘这太难了.” Then, you get to medical school 和 you’re like ‘Undergrad was easy.’ Next, you’ll get to residency 和 be like ‘医疗 school was super easy.’ It’s important to keep in mind that it can really seem like you’re struggling more when you’re in it.

该公司: People will know you 和 remember you for being smart or having good grades, 但他们会因为你的态度而记住你, 你如何对待别人, 你真是太好了, what their experiences were working with you — all stuff that will come back to you one way or another.

你是专业的. 你可能还有学生的头衔, but you’re now a professional 和 you have to conduct yourself that way. You’re going to get hooded (at the graduation ceremony) 和 all of the sudden, 你是个医生,这个头衔很有分量. You should work on building that mentality now — how you want to treat people, 你如何与其他专业人士交谈, 甚至你如何回复邮件和与人握手. 这是你练习所有这些东西的时间.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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