Physicians need to better understand beliefs and practices about Muslim pediatric fasting during Ramadan, 根据最近发表的一项研究,由一位校友领导 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院.

Fasting by children during Ramadan needs better understanding, finds study led by OUWB alum

Physicians need to better understand beliefs and practices about Muslim pediatric fasting during Ramadan, 根据最近发表的一项研究,由一位校友领导 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院.

Pediatric Muslim Fasting Practices in Southeast Michigan: A 社区 Survey的文章最近在 社区卫生杂志.

这项研究是由Emman Dabaja博士领导的.D., Class of 2018, OUWB, a pediatrics resident at Children’s Hospital of Michigan.  

The project has won four awards since 2018, in early May, Dabaja appeared on the podcast “3个豆荚” — a show hosted by three other residents at Children’s Hospital — to talk about the evolution of the project and how the team behind it plans to take it further.  

“Our hope is to do medical education…to go to different hospitals and talk about this subject, 尤其是在密歇根东南部地区,”她说。. “These are the communities we serve and our physicians should be able to hear and understand this.”

除了ally, she said, “the other phases of the project are also currently underway.”


According to Pew 研究, eight in 10 Muslims say they fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

今年, 斋月从每年的4月23日持续到5月23日, 日期各不相同,以农历为基础).

Muslims fast from all water, food, medications from dawn to dusk. 斋戒被认为是所有虔诚的穆斯林的义务, including adolescents who typically start the practice at puberty. Depending on when Ramadan occurs, the fasting period can last up to 16 hours a day.

然而, 正如论文所指出的, “there is no existing data as to how many children or adolescents fast for Ramadan in the U.S.“此外,这种做法已经 引起广泛的争议 in parts of Europe where some have called it unhealthy for children.

“到目前为止, the existing medical literature focuses on fasting among adult diabetics and pregnant patients with little attention paid to pediatric patients,Dabaja和她的团队在论文中写道.

“This study is the first of its kind in studying the widespread pediatric Muslim fasting practices, 尤其是在密歇根东南部, 采用基于社区的参与式研究(CBPR)方法.”

该项目的重点是密歇根州的韦恩县, 是其中最大的一个, 最古老的, most diverse populations of Arab Americans outside of the Middle East.

进一步, Dabaja’s entire team identified as Muslim and are residents of southeast Michigan.

“Our research team is composed of community members of our target population, who intrinsically understand the dynamics and complexities of identifying as Muslim in America,论文中写道. “Everyone on the team had also been participating in Muslim fasting since a young age.”


The project, led by Dabaja, centers on data collected via survey in a variety of settings. 该研究小组与几家医疗诊所合作, 清真寺, 学校, 和企业, 还有社交媒体平台.

Eligible participants had to identify as Muslim and be a parent or guardian of a child or children between the ages of 7 and 18.

Between July 2017 and May 2018, a total of 918 people took part in the initial survey. 这些, 70%的人说他们住在韦恩县, 80%是阿拉伯裔美国人, 57%是移民到美国.S.

More than 63 percent of the respondents said the health care provider of their child/children was unaware of the pediatric fasting during Ramadan. 进一步, 75 percent said those same health care providers did not offer any medical advice regarding fasting.

同时, 正如Dabaja在“三个孩子在一个豆荚”播客中所指出的那样, 家长和监护人需要儿科医生的营养建议.

“The part that made me so encouraged is that about 70 percent of the participating parents said they really value their pediatrician’s advice and they thought really highly of them,达巴贾说.

The study indicates that it is imperative that physicians become more aware of the fasting of pediatric patients during Ramadan.

“因为独特, 年度, 宗教, 以及斋月庆祝和实践的传统性质, pediatricians must become more aware and educated regarding the prevalence of fasting among children and adolescents — as this practice continues to be a vibrant, 这是全世界穆斯林的生活方式,研究总结道。.

Since completing the first phase of the project, Dabaja and her team have won four awards:

  • 首先, 口头报告, 2019 Southeast 医疗 Consortium of 医疗 教育 Regional Conference
  • Third Place, 口头报告, 2019 CHM Sheldon Brenner Resident 研究 Competition
  • Best Overall Trainee Poster Award at Section on International Child Health and Section on International 医疗 (SOCHI) Graduates at 2018 National American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Conference
  • 2018年密歇根大学Sujal研讨会最佳海报

Dabaja said presentation at the conferences has essentially helped lead the project to its next phase.

“When we present our work at all these conferences with all these pediatricians, that is a question we constantly get asked…’Is fasting for children healthy, 尤其是糖尿病患者?’”她说。. “And that’s actually a question that we’re studying as we have approval from the research board to study this topic at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, 那里有很多穆斯林病人.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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