十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 second-year med student Kunal Kedar couldn’t stop smiling Tuesday following a special lunch hosted by OUWB’s Radiology and Radiation Oncology Student Advocacy Group.
‘Find that balance’: OUWB’s interim dean offers career advice to med students
Dean Mezwa放射学午餐,一月. 7, 2020
十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 Stephan Sharf Interim Dean Duane Mezwa took time to meet earlier this week with the school's Radiology and Radiation Oncology Student Advocacy Group for a candid discussion on life in medicine.

十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 second-year med student Kunal Kedar couldn’t stop smiling Tuesday following a special lunch hosted by OUWB’s Radiology and Radiation Oncology Student Advocacy Group.

Kedar was among more than a dozen OUWB medical students who talked with 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 Stephan Sharf Interim Dean Duane Mezwa, M.D., about his life in medicine and some of the valuable lessons he learned.

Kedar said he enjoyed “Lunch with Dean Mezwa - A Career in Radiology” because he is “fairly set” on specializing in radiology — and that he was encouraged by what Mezwa had to say about the possibilities afforded by the specialty, 一般的医学.

“Mezwa院长经验丰富,我们所有人, 作为一年级和二年级的学生, 现在还不能理解吗,凯达尔说. “He’s seen it all in his career so for me to hear from him directly is really helpful.”

在与学生的坦诚讨论中, 梅兹瓦讲述了他是如何建立起成功的职业生涯的, from his decision to go into radiology to his roles at OUWB.

Mezwa attended Wayne State University School of Medicine and graduated in 1979. 他在…公司工作了40年 博蒙特健康他在那里完成了住院实习期. He became an attending radiologist in 1983 and served as program director for 15 years followed by vice chair and eventually Health System Chair and physician executive for Diagnostic Radiology and Molecular Imaging. He was the chair of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Molecular Imaging at OUWB until he was appointed Stephan Sharf Interim Dean almost a year ago.

自OUWB成立以来,Mezwa一直参与其中. He was on the inaugural admissions committee and served as vice chair. He has also served on the Deans Executive Committee and previously chaired the Student Performance Review Committee. Mezwa has also represented the clinical faculty to the AAMC as a member of the Council of 教师 and Academic Societies.

Dean Mezwa放射学午餐,一月. 7, 2020 (2)周二, he shared details with members of the Radiology and Radiation Oncology Student Advocacy Group about how it all began, 从决定专攻放射学开始.

“I didn’t know I was going to do radiology until my first rotation in my fourth year,” Mezwa said.

就像他当时做的那样, Mezwa urged the medical students to keep an open mind as they explore the different opportunities in medicine.

“There are going to be a lot of things that you’re going to like, there’s going to be other things where you go through the rotations and say ‘I just don’t see myself doing that,’”他说。.

Beyond taking extra steps to ensure the best possible patient care, Mezwa urged medical students to fully embrace their specialty of choice.

That can include publishing papers (Mezwa has written dozens of peer-reviewed articles, 几本书和章节, 以及许多科学展览和演讲), 并帮助培养下一代医学生, 无论是在医院还是在演讲厅.

“I get a lot of satisfaction from having dozens and dozens of residents that I’ve trained doing things all over the country in the way that I’ve trained them,他说.

Fully embracing a specialty should also include getting involved in organizations that relate to a physician’s area of clinical interest.

Mezwa, for example, has been a member of multiple committees for the 美国放射学会, 曾任密歇根放射学会会长, 并担任过包括总裁在内的多个职位 放射学项目主任协会.

“当你更多地参与这些类型的组织, eventually you will be asked to participate at a higher level,他说, noting he still frequently is in contact with other specialists he met through his involvement in the organizations.

他还强调了继续学习的重要性. That can mean keeping up with the latest techniques and technical advances by reading as much as possible, 去处理新的话题, as Mezwa did when he went to business school to learn more about the business of health care to prepare him for administrative positions.

Concurrently, he said, Mezwa stressed the importance of a healthy work-life balance.

Mezwa said he always made family (he is married with three adult daughters and now, 三个孙子)优先考虑, whether it was attending events his daughters participated in when they were younger, 和他的妻子和家人一起旅行, 或者追求其他爱好.

“One thing you want to keep in mind when making career choices is how you’re going to find that balance,他说. “You have to keep yourself happy and pay attention to your own emotions and body.

无论决定如何, Mezwa advised the medical students to carefully weigh the pros and cons of any decisions they make because throughout their career they will inevitably encounter forks in the road.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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