In various roles at Beaumont Health in the last three decades, 史蒂夫·科拉德曾与十大菠菜台子威廉·博蒙特医学院密切合作,但没有现在那么密切.

An image of Steve Collard and wife, Lydia, biking in Alaska.
Steve Collard and his wife, Lydia, take a break while biking in Alaska. Collard is OUWB’s new vice dean for Business and Administration.

在过去的三十年里,史蒂夫·科拉德在博蒙特健康公司担任过各种职务,他与 Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine — but not quite as close as he is now.

On June 22, Collard, 在过去的33年里,CMA在博蒙特健康公司担任过各种财务领导职位,他开始担任OUWB商业和管理副院长.

Collard replaces Cheryl Verbruggen, MSA, 最近被任命为密歇根大学牙科学院预算和财务规划主任.

"Having worked with physicians for many years, I understand the pressure and challenges they face, 以及他们从改变病人的生活中获得的满足感," said Collard. 


Among others with connection to OUWB, Collard has worked closely for about 20 years with Duane Mezwa, M.D., Stephan Sharf Interim Dean, OUWB.

“史蒂夫在医疗保健金融方面的专业知识使他非常适合OUWB,”Mezwa说.  "He is a welcome addition to the school's leadership team, providing significant guidance on wide-ranging financial issues." 

‘Thrilled to play a role in preparing OUWB medical students’



科拉德说,他最喜欢做的事情就是和孙子们在一起, 但他也是一个狂热的体育迷(他们的狗是哈士奇和实验室的混合,以前底特律老虎队投手马克斯·舍尔泽命名)。. 他和妻子还喜欢在克林顿河步道散步,去国家公园远足.

科拉德在密歇根州的沃特福德长大,1979年毕业于沃特福德凯特林高中. 1983年,他就读于十大菠菜台子,获得金融学学士学位.

Collard’s first job in accounting was for Crowley Milner and Co. ——又名Crowley’s——这家前百货连锁店在底特律地区有着悠久的历史,可以追溯到1909年.





他在医疗保健相关财务方面的第一次经验是为Horizon health System工作, which merged with Henry Ford Health in 1995.

At 25, Collard started working for Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak. 一年后,他搬到了特洛伊医院,在那里度过了18年,医院规模扩大了一倍,为奥克兰和马科姆县带来了急需的服务.

“Basically, we added bed capacity, and specialties such as OB/Gyn, radiation oncology and open heart surgery,” he said. “It was a fun place to be because it was just constantly growing.”

In 2006, Collard was named vice president of finance for a then-new Beaumont Health 这个业务单元包含了“医院校园之外的一切”.这包括门诊中心、物理治疗、养老院合资企业和家庭服务.



“那笔生意可能比密歇根州的很多医院都要大,”他说. “So it was a pretty enriching experience. I learned a lot.”

From there, Collard was named vice president of the Medical Group at Beaumont, 他在哪里说他的主要任务是发展系统的雇用医生基础和功能良好的学术医师实践.


Following the 2014 merger of Beaumont Health System, Botsford Health Care, and Oakwood Healthcare, Collard曾担任本科和研究生医学教育的财务主管. 



“我对这个职位感兴趣的部分原因是,凭借我的背景,我可以帮助加强博蒙特大学和牛津商学院之间的联系,” he said. “我认为我可以为医学院做出贡献通过我与博蒙特医师领导的关系以及与一些OUWB领导的关系,他们现在是我的日常同事.

“我很高兴能在为OUWB医学院学生未来的医生职业生涯做准备方面发挥作用," he added. 

‘Another step in (OUWB’s) development’


During his first week, for example, he not only spent some time in OUWB’s O’Dowd Hall, but had more than 20 virtual meetings.

His first impression?

“I’m really excited about working with this team,” he said. “It’s a great group of people to work with. 人们都非常友好,非常热情……我真的很高兴认识每个人.”

他要做的第一件事就是用各种方法让学生们尽可能安全地回到校园, ways to possibly re-open the student lounge when school starts, and continuing to meet with various people connected with OUWB.

Collard said that a year from now, he hopes to have accomplished several tasks, 包括无缝过渡到OUWB工商管理副院长的职位.

“In terms of objectives, 尽管2019冠状病毒病肆虐,我希望我们在一些新举措上取得了进展,” he said.

“我真的很高兴能帮助医学院在发展中迈出新的一步,” he added.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected]

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