十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院2020届的一名成员获得了美国公共卫生协会颁发的2020年卓越公共卫生奖.S. Public Health Service Physician Professional Advisory Committee.
OUWB’s Sosnowski awarded 2020 Excellence in Public Health Award
Aniela Sosnowski
Aniela Sosnowski, Class of 2020, OUWB, (left), has received the 2020 Excellence in Public Health Award from the U.S. Public Health Service Physician Professional Advisory Committee.

A member of Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine’s 2020级获得了美国公共卫生协会颁发的2020年卓越公共卫生奖.S. Public Health Service Physician Professional Advisory Committee.

Aniela Sosnowski因在OUWB的四年中对社区的服务而获得提名.

While at OUWB, 她曾在美国残疾人协会的Midicha营为糖尿病儿童做志愿者, Hope Adult Shelter, and Happy Period.

“我们对阿尼拉为社区中最需要帮助的人提供照顾的承诺印象深刻,” said Robert Noiva, Ph.D., associate dean of Graduate Studies & 社区整合和基础医学研究系副教授, OUWB. Noiva nominated Sosnowski for the award.

“As a physician-in-training, she has generously given of her time and talent to serve others,” continued Noiva. 她一直在寻找机会,解决向穷人和无家可归者提供的服务中经常被忽视的一些不平等问题.”

The award is traditionally announced at the OUWB Honors Convocation, one of several events cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


“我有点惊讶,人们竟然意识到我在做所有这些事情,因为对我来说,这只是很多个人兴奋和个人实现,” she said.

‘Not only learning how to be a doctor’

Sosnowski, a native of New York City, earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan. 她在纽约霍夫斯特拉/诺斯韦尔的祖克医学院(Zucker School of Medicine)获得妇产科学位.

她成为一名医生的旅程基本上是从高中打篮球时摔断手指开始的. 索斯诺斯基说,从那时起,她接受了医生的治疗,对人体产生了特别浓厚的兴趣.

“我当时想,‘这是我想要追求的东西,是我可以用余生去做的事情,’” she said.


她说,她喜欢告诉人们,在牛津大学商学院,她“不仅仅是在学习如何成为一名医生”, 但学习所有这些其他的社会和人文特质会帮助我成为一名优秀的医生.”

Volunteerism was a big part of that education, she said.

“我会主动联系教授或医生,问他们‘嘿,你们有什么志愿者经验吗?’” Sosnowski said. “Everybody was willing to share those opportunities with students.”

‘Highest level of compassionate care’

Early in her time at OUWB, Sosnowski参加了美国糖尿病协会的Camp Midicha, the Fenton, Michigan-based ADA camp that is the largest of its kind in the U.S., and has a longstanding partnership with OUWB.

She volunteered at the camp for three summers, 在此期间,她主要负责10-15名儿童的糖尿病管理.

“She learned by fulfilling her duties at the camp, 但她最珍惜的是与营员及其家人进行亲密交谈的机会, learning about their experience living with diabetes,” according to the nomination form for the Public Health Award.

Sosnowski将Midicha营地的经历进一步发展,开展了一项研究项目,研究和改善患有糖尿病的儿童露营者的营地体验. 该信息是在美国糖尿病协会(ADA)的 79th Scientific Sessions held June 7-11, 2019, in San Francisco. Nearly 15,000 leading physicians, scientists, 来自世界各地的卫生保健专业人士和行业代表参加了此次活动.



Happy, Healthy Campers


在OUWB工作期间,索斯诺斯基还在庞蒂亚克的希望成人收容所做志愿者. Among other things, 她对病人进行检查,并确定他们是否需要在紧急情况下进行额外的护理. 公共卫生奖的提名表明,Sosnowski“对收容所客人的承诺程度已经得到了收容所工作人员和OUWB教员的注意。.”

Further, Sosnowski was an ambassador for Happy Period, 一个致力于为无家可归的妇女提供女性卫生用品的全国性组织. 这项任务对她来说很重要,因为她通过与希望成人庇护所的客人打交道的经历确定了这种需求. Among other things, she applied for grants, 收集捐赠的女性卫生用品,然后包装并分发给社区.

索斯诺斯基说,她在公共卫生部门的志愿者经历将使她成为一名更好的医生. 她说,重要的是要注意那些对她的成功起了重要作用的人:詹姆斯·富兰克林, Ph.D., psychologist and director of Training at the OU Counseling Center; Jason Wasserman, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Foundational Medical Studies and Department of Pediatrics; Lowell Schmeltz, M.D., FACE, associate professor and chairman of Camp Midicha; and Mary Ann Ryan, one of the nurses at Hope Adult Shelter.

“For being a doctor, 你必须准备好进行各种不同类型的社会互动——你必须把自己放在一个位置上,你要去见那些你可能没有任何背景的人, whether it’s same race, same religion, or same socioeconomic status,” said Sosnowski. “你必须学会如何快速建立联系,以确保他们信任你——这是我在这段时间里绝对学会的.”


“Most importantly, she provides the highest level of compassionate care to her patients, regardless of their economic or social circumstances,” he said.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected]

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