超过80名医学生,教师和工作人员来自 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 spent time Monday volunteering at various organizations throughout metro Detroit in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. 一天.
为纪念马丁·路德·金,OUWB为底特律地铁服务. 一天
对外商学院学生纪念马丁·路德·金. 一天
周一,马丁·路德·金. 一天, 西澳大学医学院的学生帮助准备午餐 at Grace Centers of Hope's William A. 戴维斯妇女和儿童中心 as part of their community outreach.

超过80名医学生,教师和工作人员来自 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 spent time Monday volunteering at various organizations throughout metro Detroit in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. 一天.

我们的志愿者帮助 鲍德温中心希望恩典中心希望酒店 & 变暖的中心, 老年人委员会送餐上门, 世界医疗救济.

“From the onset OUWB's mission has revolved around giving back to our surrounding communities and being a community that serves its community,让·舒拉说, 服务学习总监, OUWB. ——马丁·路德·金. 服务日就是一个这样做的机会.

“Participating in these different activities can also give volunteers a sense of the multi-dimensional approach to health that is needed,Szura说。. “这不仅仅是进行测试或找到诊断. 它是关于在最冷的日子里提供温暖的毯子, 它是关于健康检查送餐, 它是关于提供营养早餐或安全, 一个干净的避难所. 关心他人有很多不同的方面.”


在鲍德温中心, 人类服务机构, students prepared and served breakfast as well as organized inventory and packed hygiene kits for clients.

希瑟女仆, 社区参与总监, 鲍德温中心, said volunteers like the OUWB medical students are critical to the organization and community.

“我们每周有六天的节目, 有时一天12个小时, 我们只有11名员工,”她说。. “So you can imagine the amount of work that needs to get done…we rely heavily on volunteers.”


“每次马丁·路德·金纪念日,他们都会来. 一天 for a day a service…and the work that they do is amazing,”她说。.

M1 Stephanie Roskelly was among the OUWB medical students at Baldwin.

“我想花时间在社区里,”她说. “I’ve created kits for those in need in the past and figured it would be great to come here today.”

在鲍德温中心的街对面, another group of OUWB medical students volunteered at the Hope Hospitality & 变暖的中心.

对外商学院学生纪念马丁·路德·金. 天(2)学生 organized donations to prepare for the center’s clients. 在Hope Hospitality & 暖化中心的疗养中心, 几英里外, OUWB medical students helped clear snow and ice from walkways and helped organize inventory (see right). 

伊丽莎白·凯利,希望酒店的首席执行官 & 变暖的中心, said volunteers are “the lifeblood of our organization.”

“It’s not just the service they provide but the fact that our volunteers bring community into our organization,”她说。. “Guests we serve often feel apart from society at large, having volunteers here changes that.”

M3 Tori Drzyzga, one of the founders of OUWB’s recently launched 街医学 在希望酒店做志愿者 & 变暖的中心. The 街医学 program has worked to establish itself in the community by working with Hope Hospitality & 暖心中心客人.

“I wanted to come here because of our connection through the 街医学 program,”她说。. “我只是想以一种不同的方式帮助他们.”

Drzyzga said she has previously volunteered at Hope and that it means a little more on Martin Luther King Jr. 一天.

“我们很多人都有一天不用上学和工作, 但重要的是要记住为什么马丁·路德·金. 这样一个有影响力的人在这个世界上吗. 做点小事是对他的小小敬意.”

Less than a mile away, at the Grace Centers of Hope's William A. 戴维斯妇女和儿童中心, 西澳大学医学院的学生帮助准备午餐, 清洗, 整理库存, helped prepare a loading area for a truck set to arrive later in the day from Forgotten Harvest.

阿曼达·摩尔, 厨房助理主管, said volunteers like those from OUWB on Monday “are everything” to the organization. She added that the OUWB students that volunteered were “just lovely.”

“They have great personalities, are so helpful,” said Moore. “The guys just ran through the work I gave them in the loading area and the ladies helping in the kitchen are just awesome.”

M1 Andrew Shanholtzer said he felt it was important to get out into the community on Monday.

“Pontiac is our neighboring city and it feels good to just be out here helping the community,他说. “We only spent about 30 minutes helping move stuff (near the loading area) and...他们非常感激. 我能感觉到他们非常欣赏我们.”

OUWB MLK日送餐OUWB MLK日送餐在罗切斯特, 送餐上门计划, 由长者事务委员会提供, welcomed OUWB volunteers as drivers to deliver hot nutritious meals to homebound seniors. The drivers covered seven routes in the Rochester area, making up to 10 stops.

“It’s nice for the students to (understand) the needs of the community and their participation gives our regular drivers a break,卡伦·奥罗克说, 上门送餐的经理. O’Rourke said that the drivers often provide feedback on the health of the seniors when they drop off the meal, 因此,与OUWB合作是一个额外的好处. 医疗ly trained students and 教师 members are certainly qualified to assess the wellness of our seniors said O’Rourke.

There were also OUWB student volunteers in the kitchen preparing meals for future deliveries to homebound seniors who cannot shop or prepare meals on their own. The program supports seven cities in Oakland county with all of the meals made in the Rochester kitchen, 由贝基·沃诺斯管理, 营养学家, 和一名工作了22年的OPC员工.

“我们总是欢迎学生的帮助. They have a good attitude and are always willing to help with whatever we need,沃诺斯说, who also appreciates how quickly and efficienlty the students finish their jobs.

One of M4 Bryan Goldman’s jobs was to divide up loaves of bread into individual bagged slices. 他面带微笑地完成了任务.

“这是一个很好的休息. 真的很难摆脱轮换,”戈德曼说.

回到校园, 在奥多德大厅, more than 20 volunteers assembled as many fleece blankets for 世界医疗救济. 彩色格子, plaid and striped blankets will be delivered to the association for its clients.

Her blanket complete, Trixy Hall, dean’s office assistant, reflected on the meaning of the day.

“我今天的服务是为了纪念. King to continue his legacy of creating a system of unity and love for the betterment of all people,霍尔说。.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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