
Najah Bazzy获得十大菠菜台子荣誉学位后的照片.
Najah Bazzy, RN, Ph.D., 在7月17日通过视频会议举行的特别仪式上,他获得了公开大学的荣誉博士学位. Photo: Zaman International

A 2019 CNN Hero 她在一辆小型货车上创办了一个非营利组织,帮助了全球200多万个家庭,并被授予十大菠菜台子荣誉博士学位.

Najah Bazzy, RN, Ph.D.在7月17日通过视频会议举行的一场特别仪式上,他获得了学位. 参与者包括十大菠菜台子校长奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨.D., 十大菠菜台子学术事务临时执行副校长兼教务长米歇尔·皮斯库里奇, 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院临时院长杜安·梅兹瓦, M.D.


Bazzy’s accomplishments include starting a nonprofit called Zaman International from the back of a minivan in 1996. Today, Zaman has a 40,000-square-foot warehouse in Inkster, 密歇根州是向有孩子的边缘妇女提供危机援助和职业培训的整体任务的一部分. 

“My favorite medical ethic is ‘to do good, and do no harm,’” said Bazzy. “我向十大菠菜台子保证,这份礼物将在思想领域——做好事, and do no harm.”

During the ceremony, 佩斯科维茨说,公开大学授予荣誉学位“给那些取得显著成就并对社区产生重大影响的人”, industries, and in making the world a better place.”

佩斯科维茨说,授予荣誉学位是十大菠菜台子对课堂和校园之外真正杰出成就的认可,也是教育力量的证明, initiative, and vision.

“作为一名执业护士和杰出的企业家,我想花一点时间表达我对Najah的同情和无私的钦佩,” she said. 她的使命感激励着她找到各种方法,为生活贫困的病人提供急需的物资.

她的医疗保健专业知识促成了跨文化临床护理模式的创建,促进了临床医生和患者之间更好的理解,” added Pescovitz.

 ‘A truly kind person’

An image of Najah Bazzy.


Born and raised in southeast Michigan, Bazzy获得了麦当娜大学的护理学位,在过去的三十年里专门从事重症监护和跨文化护理, which promotes cultural and spiritual competency within health care.

她曾在底特律医疗中心的西奈格雷斯医院和哈珀-哈泽尔医院实习, and with Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn, 为此,她建立了一个跨文化临床护理的国家模式.

As head of Diversity Specialists, she has conducted countless workshops for health care administrators, practitioners, 教育工作者和政策制定者对服务提供的重要文化和精神考虑, ethical decision making, staff training, and end-of-life care.


According to Bazzy, 她在出院后为医院病人出诊时目睹了极度贫困,这促使她创立了扎曼国际, a grassroots network of southeast Michigan donors providing food, furniture, 向整个区域的边缘妇女和儿童提供服装和公用事业援助.

该组织成立于2004年,现在提供全面的危机援助, infant burial, 以及人道希望中心的职业培训和生活技能项目.

Mezwa said that he visited Zaman last November with Robert Noiva, Ph.D., 研究生研究和社区整合副院长兼基础医学研究副教授, OUWB.

“也许这次访问中最有启发的部分是我们看到一位年轻女子从街上走进来,简单地问纳贾: ‘How can I help?’”梅兹瓦说,并补充说:“她是一个真正善良的人,非常关心社区和他人.” 

“More than anything, she wants to make each person's life better than it was the day before,” he said.


Lessons learned

在接受学位时,贝兹在感谢家人和导师时流下了眼泪. She also touched on several insights gained throughout her career.

“I believe that humility is the foundation,” she said. “如果我们能够达到并保持谦卑,那么自我就没有地位.”


She also stressed the importance of asking questions.

“I relish in the question of ‘Why?’” she said. “It’s something I’ve had in me since I was a child, since kindergarten. I remember asking my teachers, ‘Why? Why this? Why that?’ The exploration of this question really motivates me.”

Specifically, she said, 这促使她思考诸如人类为什么受苦和饥饿之类的问题, why systems of rejection, oppression, and deprivation exists, and what one person might be able to do in addressing those issues.

“I’ve learned that courage is required to ask the question ‘Why?’” she said. “I’ve learned that introspection is required to hear the answer. 我明白了,踏上答案之旅需要激情. 我明白了决心和勇气是获得任何领导者解决生活中任何问题所需的能力所必需的.”

(The video honoring Bazzy as a 2019 CNN hero can be viewed below.)

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