医学院学生 Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine recently found themselves in the unique position of teaching residents when their point-of-care ultrasound peer-to-peer training program changed course as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pandemic creates ‘unique opportunity’ for OUWB medical students to teach residents
An image of peer-to-peer ultrasound coaching at OUWB
瑞秋Kalthoff (left) and Rachel Harvey (right) practice point-of-care ultrasound techniques, 早在他们今年夏天教住院医生之前. (照片拍摄于COVID-19大流行之前.)

医学院学生 Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine recently found themselves in the unique position of teaching residents when their point-of-care ultrasound peer-to-peer training program changed course as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

这些学生,以及m.s Arati Kelekar.D., an internist at 博蒙特健康 and OUWB faculty member, got creative and developed a way to offer the training virtually to Beaumont residents -- not the typical flow of training or information sharing. 具体地说, they taught the residents how to use technology that is increasingly being utilized in health care.

“大流行提供了这个独特的机会, 我认为这些学生很好地利用了这一点,凯勒卡说. “They decided to capture an audience that was still not very familiar with this particular kind of training.”

通过设计, the program calls for a small group of OUWB students to begin training at the end of their first year in point-of-care ultrasound techniques. 学生 would then disseminate that information to their peers.

Point-of-care ultrasounds are not meant to replace traditional ultrasounds.

它们在很多方面都很有用, 然而, especially in acute situations where patients might present with heart issues, 呼吸急促(气促), 或者肌肉骨骼异常. That makes point-of-care ultrasound especially valuable in urgent care centers, emergency rooms and in making critical decisions in hospitalized patients.

Kelekar said point-of-care ultrasound training continues to gain traction as part of today’s medical school curriculum, especially as equipment becomes increasingly portable and less expensive.


新志愿者, peer-to-peer program is an offshoot of OUWB’s Art and Practice of Medicine, a longitudinal course that introduces and develops students’ history-taking and physical-diagnosis skills.

学生 interested in being peer tutors apply and are interviewed at the end of their first year of medical school. (Plans for the next group of peer tutors are temporarily on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)

For the inaugural group, five students were selected. 现在所有三年级的医学院学生, 他们是Rachel Harvey, 本杰明Malamet, 瑞秋Kalthoff, 卢卡斯·纳尔逊, 还有詹姆斯·布卢姆林. 

在几个月的时间里, radiologists and other physicians with expertise in bedside ultrasound use train the students in the basics of point-of-care ultrasound, system-by-system(肺, 心脏, 腹部, 等.).

The students practice with each other until they have enough expertise to share with their OUWB peers.


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虽然有几次会议不得不取消, Kelekar said she knew residents could benefit from the basic training that the medical students could offer.

“基本上, what’s happened is that point-of-care ultrasound is gaining more and more popularity in medical school curriculums, which means current students are ahead of the game compared to many residents, 尤其是那些内科医生,凯勒卡说.

Harvey said the students prepared a didactic that included a PowerPoint presentation, demonstration of the various types of probes and their applications, videos of sonographic examination techniques they filmed at the 临床技能中心.


Kelekar赞扬了学生们的演讲. Harvey said she’s “learned a lot” throughout the entire process of being a peer tutor.

“目前, I’m working in the pediatric cardiology office at Beaumont, Royal Oak and we’re looking at a ton of (echocardiograms) and I would have no clue what they actually were showing had I not done this program,”她说。.

Harvey said she also gained insight into the teaching aspect of medical education.

“It was a very good experience in medical education and teaching and working with others,”她说。. “I have a lot of experience in being a student, but not as much in being a teacher. It was really great to take the opposite perspective.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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