四名来自耶路撒冷的医科学生刚刚在博蒙特医院待了一个月, Royal Oak, 最近,他们谈到了他们所谓的“很棒的经历”.”

OUWB, Hebrew University exchange program marks 10th year
An image of students and others eating lunch
希伯莱大学-哈达萨医学院的四名学生最近与OUWB和大底特律哈达萨的官员共进了早午餐. The students just spent two months at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, via a longstanding exchange program with OUWB.

Four medical students from Jerusalem just spent two months at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, 最近,他们谈到了他们所谓的“很棒的经历”.”


参与该项目的机会是通过2011年双方签订的合作协议提供的 Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine and The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School.

The visiting students participated in a Dec. 视频会议名为“与来访的哈达萨大学医学生的对话”,” hosted by OUWB’s Global Health Directors Inaya Hajj Hussein, Ph.D., Allison Ball, M.D., and Kala Yedavally, D.O. An overview of the program was provided by Rachel YoskowitzBS (Nursing), MPH, retired assistant professor, 基础医学研究部门和全球健康主管.

Students, staff, 老师们问了很多问题,从去耶路撒冷的医学院是什么感觉到他们为什么想来美国.S.

卡希拉说:“我想来博蒙特,因为我读了关于这家医院和底特律地区的报道。. “总的来说,这是一次很好的经历,看看一个不同的卫生系统是如何运作的,因为我们已经习惯了以色列的医院……我们在这里学到了很多东西是如何运作的。, and what is different and what is the same.”

Forer shared similar feelings.

“We think of the U.S. 作为一个拥有先进系统的地方……(适用于)对病人的好方法,我真的很高兴知道它就像我来这里之前所想的那样,” she said. “It was a great experience.”

An OUWB tradition

这两所商学院之间的联系是由公开商学院的创始院长罗伯特•福尔伯格(Robert Folberg)建立的.D., 他曾是希伯来大学的客座讲师,并在那里与其他人合作研究项目.

根据交换协议(OUWB全球健康倡议之一), 符合条件的OUWB四年级学生有机会去耶路撒冷, 并从希伯来大学-哈达萨医学院(HMS)选出六年级学生获得机会 to travel to Michigan.

To be eligible to come to the U.S. 通过交换,HMS学生必须是班级前25名之一. 感兴趣的候选人随后由学校的一个委员会进行面试和挑选. English proficiency also is required.

对于希望去耶路撒冷的OUWB学生,申请程序提前一年开始. 有兴趣的学生必须在他们第三年(M3)的3月之前表明他们的参加意图,并在他们出发日期前六个月完成申请流程. 在第四年(M4)学年,参加交换活动是一门选修课. Not all participants have been Jewish.

选定的OUWB参与者前往耶路撒冷,并根据希伯来大学哈达萨医学院的国际交换生项目选择临床选修课. Schedules are based on timing of holidays, vacations, and exams at HMS, as well as OUWB’s academic calendar.

Austen Knapp, M.D., an OUWB alumnae (Class of 2018), 在视频会议上,她讲述了自己从OUWB前往哈达萨的经历.

“The program at Hadassah was very well set up,” she said. “那里有来自世界各地的医学生,所以不仅是我和那里的医学生交流,还有德国的医学生, Austria, Asia…it was very much a multicultural experience.”

She called the medical center “massive and beautiful.”

“我当时正在做一门外科选修课,所以我进入了手术室,看到了他们使用的技术……这是一种不同的文化体验。, different pathology, 但他们仍然在推动临床护理的界限,并将其与高水平的研究相结合.”

Community support

自项目启动以来,开放大学商学院共接待了23名学员. Concurrently, 15 OUWB M4s have gone on elective to Hadassah.


这种支持包括来自拉维茨基金会慷慨的慈善捐赠的财政支持. 这份礼物涵盖了旅行、住房、日常交通和其他必需品的费用.

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For Israeli students who travel to Michigan, additional community support is provided via “host families.”

寄宿家庭隶属于哈达萨-大底特律分会, which has about 4,000 members who are women. Per the organization's website, the group is "committed to innovative, life-changing medical care and research, women's empowerment, education, advocacy, philanthropy and building Jewish identity – in Israel, America and around the world."


“I’m learning a lot,” she said. “看看这里的病人是如何接受治疗的,这很有趣……医生与病人交谈的方式与以色列不同,很高兴看到不同的方法。. 这有助于我们在未来将自己视为医生.”

尽管他们认为这是一种总体上积极的体验, there was one clear challenge identified by Rivlin.

“The weather,” he said with a laugh. “尽管以色列的耶路撒冷被认为是一个寒冷的地方,但它很少低于32度……所以这是一个挑战.”

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected]

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & Marketing webpage.

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