A pair of current and former OUWB学生s are leading efforts to make dermatologists more aware of special considerations that should be top of mind when treating Muslim women wearing hijab. 

OUWB学生, alumna publish report on how dermatologists can provide culturally sensitive care for Muslim women

A pair of current and former OUWB学生s are leading efforts to make dermatologists more aware of special considerations that should be top of mind when treating Muslim women wearing hijab. 

四年级医学生Rafey拉赫曼是"The Etiquettes of Hijab: Recommendations to Improve Care in Dermatology Clinics.该报告于2008年8月初发表 英国皮肤病学杂志, 国际顶级皮肤科杂志.

该研究的共同作者之一是法蒂玛·法赫斯(Fatima Fahs).D., a recent graduate of the dermatology program at Wayne State University. Fahs也是OUWB的校友(2016届毕业生), Instagram influencer known as “Dermy Doctor” with more than 54,000 followers.

头巾的建议The purpose of the report is to provide recommendations on how to deliver culturally sensitive health care and “ultimately improve physician relations with patients who wear hijab in dermatology clinics.”

“I hope that dermatologists and dermatologists-in-training who read this paper will consider what changes they can make during their office visits and patient encounters to be culturally sensitive and allow their patients to feel completely comfortable during an exam that may otherwise be difficult,法赫斯说。.

根据论文, hijab is “a cloth worn by Muslim women to cover their hair and preserve their modesty around male non-family members.” Women who wear hijab generally also cover their arms and legs, 只露出他们的脸, 手, 和脚.

The hijab may be removed in the presence of health care workers if the patient seeks treatment for pertinent medical conditions. 然而, 隐私问题可能会让患者感到不舒服, 和本质上, 妨碍他们得到必要的照顾.

“我自己也戴着头巾, I know and understand the struggle of feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable with removing my hijab during a medical encounter and exposing my hair and skin in front of others who are not my family,她继续说道。.

然而, 正如拉赫曼指出的那样, there isn’t a lot of literature that specifically addresses how dermatologists should deliver health care in a culturally sensitive manner. 这就是他开始这个项目的原因.


“We identified a gap in the literature and wanted to do our best to try and fill that gap,拉赫曼说. “It’s very important to make sure that all patients feel comfortable during their visits.”

“Enlightening dermatologists on the special considerations to give women in hijab will hopefully help remove this barrier of seeking care and strengthen the physician-patient relationship, 最终建立信任,Fahs补充道。.

拉赫曼 says the hope is that any physicians — especially those who are new or have limited experience with Muslim patients — can refer to the paper as a guide.

这些建议是基于作者的经验. (其他作者有Iltefat Hamzavi, M.D., 皮肤科, Henry Ford Hospital; Tasneem F. 穆罕默德,M.D., 皮肤科, Henry Ford Hospital; and Amneah Chaaban, 他刚从密歇根大学迪尔伯恩分校毕业.)

拉赫曼 says he is “extremely passionate” about dermatology and has worked with Fahs extensively.

For one recommendation, the report says to address the hijab in a respectful manner. 它指出,希贾布可能被称为“头巾”或“面纱”.”

如果可能的话, patients should be asked if they prefer a male or female providers, be given the options to be seen by female providers — including support staff and trainees. Patients should be asked about their level of comfort with male trainees.

如果病人同意摘下头巾,但看起来很焦虑, it’s recommended that the option be given to have a female chaperone in the room.

It’s also recommended that patients who wear hijab be seated in rooms located on the perimeter of the clinic so that if a door opens there is decreased risk of accidental exposure to someone outside of the room. (参见信息图了解其他建议.)

Both 拉赫曼 and Fahs say they view the paper as extremely important.


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“作为一名皮肤科医生,我见过各行各业的病人, I felt it was particularly important to highlight the needs and cultural sensitivities of seeing Muslim women in hijab, as this is a marginalized population of people who often avoids seeking care with a dermatologist because they may not feel comfortable,法赫斯说。.

拉赫曼 says he hopes the paper helps others expand their own “cultural competence” as he has while a student at OUWB.

“We are going to be working with diverse populations in the future and we need to make sure patients feel comfortable in order to create stronger patient-physician relationships,拉赫曼说. “That’s why we focused on this population…if you are cognizant of their beliefs and practices, they will feel a lot more comfortable around you and you will ultimately be able to provide them with higher quality health care.”

“If it can benefit at least one patient, then it’s worth it to me in the long run,” he says.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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