六名医学院学生 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 have received the distinction of “outstanding” for the 2020-21 school year.

OUWB students recognized for being ‘outstanding’ during 2020-21
OUWB's six "outstanding students" for 2020-21 were: 伊丽莎白·斯利 (upper left); 尼古拉斯舒密尔 (lower left); 莎拉·贝克尔 (center left); Brittany Silverman (center right); Brent Yelton (upper right); and 梅根·摩尔 (lower right).

六名医学院学生 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 have received the distinction of “outstanding” for the 2020-21 school year.

The annual awards are given to three rising M2 and three rising M3 students.

The now M2 students named Outstanding 学生 for 2020-21 were 莎拉·贝克尔, 梅根·摩尔, and 尼古拉斯舒密尔.

获奖的M3s是 布伦特·耶尔顿,布列塔尼·西尔弗曼, and 伊丽莎白·斯利. Seeley also received the designation of outstanding student for the 2019-20学年.

“The outstanding student award winners are remarkable students who have distinguished themselves for excellence in academic performance, 领导, 服务, 和奖学金,” said 莎拉Lerchenfeldt, Ph.D., 助理教授, 基础医学研究系, 并担任学生奖励委员会主席.

“过去一年, they have displayed many qualities that exemplify traits of skillful, 道德, 还有富有同情心的医生,她补充道。.

“The committee was impressed by their enthusiasm for learning and genuine desire to help others.”


The Outstanding Student Awards began in 2012 as course awards. 类似于目前的职员奖励, an award was granted to a student in each M1 and M2 course. 



In 2014, it was decided to collapse the M1 and M2 course awards into the Outstanding Student Awards for the M1 and M2 classes. It was determined three students in each class would be selected by the 15-member committee.

Lerchenfeldt said outstanding students must excel academically and exhibit the attributes expressed in OUWB’s mission, vision, 和价值观, 包括同情, 协作, 团队合作, 专业, 对卓越的追求.

学生 are nominated by course directors using the above criteria.

“The course directors consider many factors when nominating students, 包括学习成绩, 课堂参与, 的态度, 和考勤,Lerchenfeldt说.


Seeley said she was “very surprised” to receive the award for the second time.

“回顾过去的两年, I am reminded how grateful I am to be a part of the OUWB community,”她说。. “I owe a very big thank you to my classmates and to the OUWB faculty for supporting, 鼓励, 每天都在激励着我.”

除此之外, Seeley was a member the executive boards (e-boards) for the Pediatric Interest Group and 拉丁裔医学生协会. She also held positions as student coordinator for the Hispanic Newcomer Outreach (HNO) Program and for Classroom Connection, which are mentoring programs that aim to teach you about health and wellness. She also worked as a peer tutor and volunteered in the COVID-19 抗体的研究 在博蒙特.

Seeley said the events of the past year forced her to “look deeply at the inequities that exist both inside and outside of the medical field and inspired me to focus on how I want to change them.”


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“There were times that I used studying as a distraction when I was struggling to take in what was going on around me, but there were also times when I used school and my extracurricular activities as a way to try to make a positive impact on my community,”她说。. “Being recognized for my hard work this year is an honor, but more importantly has encouraged me to continue to learn how to have a meaningful role within the medical profession.”


Silverman said she was “so surprised and grateful” to receive the recognition.

Silverman was on the e-boards for the Jewish 医疗 Student Association, 拉丁裔医学生协会, 和肿瘤学兴趣小组. 她还积极参与了HNO项目, 在非营利组织“儿童抗癌”做志愿者, 并担任公开大学招生大使.

“我的同学都很优秀, and I feel fortunate to have had the support of my fellow students and faculty as we together navigated this past year,”她说。. “我非常感谢我们整个OUWB社区.”


“非常感谢我的家人, 朋友, and God for walking with me throughout this first year of medical school,”她说。.

除此之外, Moore served on the e-boards for the Pathology Interest Group, 放射学兴趣小组, 亚太裔美国医学院学生协会, 基督教医学牙科协会. 她全年都在做志愿者, 包括作为临床预科学生的指导者, 公开商学院招生大使, a 通信联络 在博蒙特医院, Troy, and at a local free clinic and food pantry she was involved with as an undergrad at Oakland University.

Becker also is involved in many extracurricular activities, including serving as an officer for the Obstetrics and Gynecology, 家庭医学, 内科医学, 神经病学和神经外科, 生物医学伦理学, CMDA和CMSA学生兴趣小组. 

进一步, she volunteered for the spiritual care department 在博蒙特医院, Troy, 钱德勒公园学院的健康博览会, 以帮助进行COVID-19检测, 并领导了准备工作 近50个护理包 对于那些经历过早孕流产的患者, 结果是, receive treatment at the Beaumont Royal Oak Emergency Department.

“我受宠若惊,也很荣幸能获得这样的认可, 非常感谢所有优秀的公开商学院教员, staff, and classmates who have accompanied me on this journey so far,贝克尔说。. “成为开放式大学社区的成员是一种荣幸, 能成为这所学校的一员真的很开心.” 

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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