十大菠菜台子 and William 博蒙特医院s have extended their affiliation agreement through 2041.

十大菠菜台子, Beaumont add 20 years to medical school affiliation agreement
Dean Duane Mezwa and students 2
俄勒冈州立大学院长杜安·梅兹瓦,m.d.D. (second from left), talks with a group of students recently at 博蒙特医院, 皇家橡树. OUWB medical students will continue to train at the hospital after 十大菠菜台子 and William 博蒙特医院s extended their affiliation agreement through 2041.

十大菠菜台子 and William 博蒙特医院s have extended their affiliation agreement through 2041.

这为……扫清了道路 十大菠菜台子 William Beaumont School of Medicine medical students to continue training at Michigan’s largest health system — and offers both organizations enhanced research capabilities.

的 amended and longer term agreement was recently approved by the 十大菠菜台子 Board of Trustees on February 15, by the 博蒙特健康 Board of Directors on February 17.

Approval means that OUWB students will continue to train at 博蒙特医院, 皇家橡树, 博蒙特医院, 特洛伊, 博蒙特医院, Grosse黑.

的 amended agreement also enhances capabilities for researchers from both organizations, essentially allowing them to share data more easily and expand the amount of research conducted.

“的 20-year extension reaffirms that 十大菠菜台子 and William 博蒙特医院 are deeply committed to providing a premier educational environment for developing OUWB medical students into compassionate, 道德, highly skilled physicians,奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨说, M.D., president, 十大菠菜台子.

博蒙特健康 President and CEO John Fox added, “It is critically important to provide exceptional training and education for the next generation of physicians. We are thrilled to extend our partnership with 十大菠菜台子, 我认识我们的医生, 护士, 工作人员 are very pleased to continue working with OUWB’s outstanding medical students.”

起源 of the affiliation agreement date to the mid-2000s, when exploratory discussions among community leaders and officials at 十大菠菜台子 (OU) and William 博蒙特医院s concluded that the combined faculty, 工作人员, infrastructure resources of their institutions would provide a remarkably strong base on which to build a new medical school.

2007年1月, OU and Beaumont submitted a letter of intent to the Liaison Committee on Medicine 教育 (LCME) to initiate the formal process of accrediting a new allopathic medical school. 的 initiative to fund a new medical school was approved by both the 博蒙特健康 Board of Directors and the 十大菠菜台子 Board of Trustees on July 31, 2008.

当时, officials announced the name of the school would be 十大菠菜台子 William Beaumont School of Medicine and described their vision for the school as “a partnership to lead innovation in patient-center medical education and research.”

Officials also said establishment of Oakland County’s first medical school and Michigan’s first new medical school in nearly 50 years would have an economic impact of up to $1 billion annually and help address a then-projected shortage of physicians in Michigan.

Since OUWB welcomed its first class in 2011, the school has graduated 548 physicians. OUWB currently has about 500 students enrolled. OUWB graduates are recruited to the top residency programs in the country and are a testament to the excellent training environment provided by 十大菠菜台子 and 博蒙特健康.

“的 agreement reaffirms that our OUWB medical students will continue to receive exclusive instruction at three of the best training sites in the country,” said OUWB Stephan Sharf Dean Duane Mezwa, M.D.

Approval of the amended affiliation agreement comes almost exactly one year after the 十大菠菜台子 William Beaumont School of Medicine received 满reaccreditation by the Liaison Committee on Medicine 教育 for eight years, the maximum time possible.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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