学生 from five medical schools across Michigan took part in a symposium hosted Tuesday by one of Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine’s 学生兴趣小组.

Surgical symposium hosted by OUWB student org goes virtual for 2021
RJLSS 2021

学生 from five medical schools across Michigan took part in a symposium hosted Tuesday by one of Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine’s 学生兴趣小组.

6th 年度罗伯特·J. Lucas Surgical Society 研究 Symposium drew participants from OUWB, 韦恩州立大学医学院, 中密歇根大学医学院, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, 以及密歇根大学医学院.

这次虚拟活动是由罗伯特·J. Lucas Surgical Society (RJLSS) — an OUWB student organization that aims to provide students with exposure to the surgical field through guest speakers, 指导, 和事件.

The annual event usually is held at Beaumont Hospital, 皇家橡树, but went virtual for 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Camilla Cascardo, president, RJLSS, said cancelling the event was never an option.

“It’s always a great opportunity for students to be able to demonstrate the work that they’re doing outside of the classroom, 特别是在外科领域的研究, learn how to present material and advance their careers,卡斯卡尔多说.

“We felt it was important to keep the event alive, despite the pandemic.”

OUWB 医学院三年级学生 Brett Friedman was among those who presented a poster.

“This event was a unique opportunity to have so much time and feedback from several attending surgeons on my research,他说. “Now I get to bring their feedback to the drawing board as we finish our full manuscript.” 

“医生会怎么做?”. 卢卡斯做?’

RJLSS was previously known as the “Surgical Society” until about six years ago. That’s when the Surgical Society members decided to rename the group after the late Robert J. 卢卡斯,米.D., 长期担任普通外科主任, 外科住院医师项目主任, 外科主任, 博蒙特医院的医疗主任, 皇家橡树. 他于1999年退休.

man wearing glasses and a white lab coat, smiling at the camera


马克Frikker, M.D., 外科服务主席, 博蒙特健康, 同时也是牛津大学医学院外科主任, spoke during Tuesday’s event about the influence of Lucas.

“Every couple days of my life — maybe every day of my life — as a surgeon, 我发现自己在问, “医生会怎么做?”. 卢卡斯在这种情况下做的? 博士会怎么做?. Lucas think about this thing that I’m thinking about?’”弗莱克说.

Frikker complimented all of the participants in this year’s symposium.

“We’re proud of all of you,” Frikker said at the end of the event. “It’s terrific that early on in your medical school careers you get involved. It ultimately makes you better candidates for residencies…and it also makes you a better doctor eventually because you learn early on to look at everything critically.”


Twelve posters were presented by participants in this year’s symposium with seven from OUWB students, 三名来自密歇根州中部, one each from Wayne State and Michigan State.

Seven oral presentations were given with four from Michigan State, 两个来自OUWB, 还有一个来自密歇根大学.

共有8位评委对参赛作品进行评审. 评委是Felicia Ivascu, M.D.Anthony Iacco, m.s.D.Begum Akay, m.s.D.,助理教授, 安东尼种马, M.D.教授,都来自外科学系. 其他评委还包括杰奎琳·巴斯德斯基(Jacquelyn Pastewski).D.Samer Kawak, m.s.D.亚历克斯·德马雷,m.s.D., OUWB Class of 2015 — all surgeons with Beaumont — and OUWB Stephan Sharf Dean Duane Mezwa, M.D.

Lior Kopel, 牛津大学医学院的三年级学生, won the best poster award for “Perioperative Antibiotic Use in Neonatal Surgery.海报上的合著者是凯文·罗比, 医学院三年级学生, OUWB, 帕特里克Karabon, 生物统计学家, OUWB, Akay, 还有帕万·梵天, M.D.他是儿科外科医生,也是科佩尔的登船导师.


OUWB surgical symposium draws participants from throughout Michigan, Ohio

研究 project led by OUWB medical student lands $150K for future work



Kopel said he has spent the last three years studying the topic because there is a lack of literature available to guide proper antibiotic stewardship for neonates that minimize negative outcomes.

“Not only am I extremely honored to be recognized by my peers but winning provides a great platform to disseminate the findings even more,他说.


最佳口头陈述奖授予诺亚·库尔曼, a first-year medical student at Michigan State University College of Medicine, for his poster “Dexamethasone decreases postoperative opioid and antiemetic use following shoulder arthroplasty: An RCT.”

弗里德曼的演讲排名第二. 它的标题是“术中MAP”, 升压, Opioids in TF-TAVR patients undergoing Conscious Sedation vs. 全身麻醉.弗里德曼感谢刘炜.D., Karabon for their 指导 on the project.

“It’s great to be recognized for research,” said Friedman. “研究 is a long, arduous endeavor but I believe it’s one of the only ways we move forward.”

里美谢里夫, a second-year medical student at University of Michigan, came in third place for “Prognostic Factors Associated with Survival in Surgical Patients with Sarcomas.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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