As 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 looks to its evolution for the next three years and beyond, 一项新的战略计划将有助于指引道路.


As 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 looks to its evolution for the next three years and beyond, 一项新的战略计划将有助于指引道路.

OUWB 2022-25战略计划 officially goes into effect on July 1 — the culmination of 18 months of work.

该计划包括更新的使命和愿景声明, 值, 以及如何实现既定目标的具体细节. 这些目标是针对教育的, 多样性, 股本, 和包容, 社区参与, 研究, 和管理工作.


杜安·梅兹瓦,m.m.D.牛津大学商学院院长斯蒂芬·夏普·迪恩(Stephan Sharf Dean)说,这个计划极其重要.

““OUWB’s new strategic plan is more than just a document because it serves as our foundation for success,Mezwa说. “It’s a roadmap guiding us to continue developing the 同情ate physicians we’re already known for while enhancing service to our communities, 重新聚焦我们对多样性的承诺, 股本, 和包容, 以我们的名义支持开创性的研究, 确保我们的基础设施在未来几年都是健全的.”

史蒂夫羽衣甘蓝, CMA, 工商管理副院长, 说更新计划是当务之急.

“When I arrived at OUWB in 2020 I felt our old plan was not answering all of the questions our stakeholders were asking,他说. “I am excited that our new plan is providing the direction we need to take the next best steps as a school of medicine.”


A strategic plan essentially provides a blueprint and direction for a school like OUWB, 艾琳·雪莉说, MPA, 高级规划分析师.

It helps align resources and ensures “that we are all moving in a concise direction towards a particular 愿景.”

“它为我们的目标提供了路线图, 我们怎么去那儿, 以及我们可以整合哪些资源来支持我们的学校,雪莉说。.

“It also gives an opportunity for all of our stakeholders to understand the direction in which we’re going.”

战略计划包括一份使命声明, 愿景陈述, 以及学校的核心价值观.

使命宣言定义了学校的目的. 的 愿景 statement identifies what OUWB is working towards and what it will focus on. 这些价值观清楚地定义了OUWB的核心原则——协作, 同情, 多样性, 股本, 和包容, 卓越, 和职业精神.

丽贝卡·普拉特, Ph.D., 基础医学研究系的教授, 是否积极参与了新战略计划的制定.

“A strategic plan tells people that you truly do believe that academia is a dynamic environment and not static,她说。. “同时, you need to reassure people that there is a brand and that OUWB isn’t changing everything. 有些事情是我们想要出名的, 比如社区服务或者我们的上船项目, 因为这是我们的遗产.”


新计划取代了2015年制定的旧计划. Shirey说 — who joined OUWB in late 2018 — says that the intention is to update the plan every three years going forward.

“医学教育发展很快,”雪莉说. “五年太长了.”

的 process to create a new strategic plan officially kicked off in the fall of 2020.    

这个过程的一个重要组成部分是组建一个特别工作组. 由对外开放大学的15名教职员工组成, 博蒙特健康, 和十大菠菜台子, the task force partnered with OUWB’s 高级规划分析师 to identify data needs, 评估数据, 提供他们的建议.

Two internal surveys were deployed in the fall of 2020 and the fall of 2021 to provide OUWB stakeholders an opportunity to have input on the development of the school’s goals as well as input on the re愿景s of our mission, 愿景, 和价值观. 接受调查的包括公开商学院的教员, 工作人员, 学生, 校友, 父母, 社区合作伙伴, 以及十大菠菜台子和博蒙特大学的领导.

Further, a consultant was hired to conduct an external market and comparison institution analyses. 的 process centered on comparing OUWB with other medical schools of similar size and age, 还有本州的其他医学院, 识别潜在的改进机会. 的 consultant also provided the task force with information on the direction of health care and medical education across the country.

所有来自内部和外部来源的数据, 还有旧计划的结转, 为更新的战略计划创建一个框架.

“We did not make final decisions based on what was provided in the stakeholder survey or external market analysis — we used it as a guide for discussion,雪莉说。.

的 task force developed recommendations that were eventually taken to leadership teams at OUWB, 博蒙特, 和十大菠菜台子进行审查和任何额外的投入.


普拉特, 一个特别小组成员, says the committee spent a tremendous amount of time developing the recommendations. She says it’s because the task force viewed the strategic plan as much more than words on a document.

“We jumped from a big overview and got granular and really dug some things out that had been sort of hidden under some baskets, 以及他们是否漂亮, 他们出来了,她说。.

一旦收到工作队的建议, Shirey说 called on a team of “champions” and implementation teams to craft the approved recommendations into a final plan. 冠军和他们的队伍都是教员, 工作人员, 和来自OUWB的管理员, 十大菠菜台子, 和博蒙特.  

更新后的计划最终得到了Mezwa的批准, 他的行政领导团队, 还有医学院管理委员会.

雪莉说能走到这一步很令人兴奋, especially since the updated plan “really represents who our school is now.”

“我们一直在努力确保我们有一个适合OUWB的计划, 人们理解它, 他们觉得在制定计划的过程中,他们的声音被听到了, 他们的声音将继续被听到,她说。.


更新后的计划已经提交给了几个小组. 的 OUWB网站 已经更新了与OUWB使命相关的新计划和标志, 愿景, 和价值观 will soon be changed in the school’s O’Dowd Hall and at 博蒙特 facilities.

的 big challenge now, says Shirey说, is making sure the plan is more than a bunch of words on paper. 更新后的计划要求制定结果、指标和时间表. 更新后的仪表板将用于监控进度. Shirey说 says the dashboard will help OUWB officials see exactly how the school is doing in terms of sticking with its strategic plan.


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“有一个计划是一个很大的壮举, 但更大的壮举是推出并实施它,雪莉说。.

普拉特说,她称更新后的计划“从温和到大胆”,” and that she hopes the OUWB community can work together to meet its goals.

“的re are parts of the strategic plan that can be accomplished with the current day-to-day workings of OUWB, 但如果我们保持一种固定的心态,其他部分就不能,她说。. “We need to get a growth mindset to allow the community to recognize that change is required.”

Both 普拉特 and Collard praised Shirey说 for fostering OUWB’s revamped plan through the process.

Shirey说, 反过来, says it couldn’t have been done without a tremendous amount of teamwork and leadership.

“It takes a very strong commitment from a school to go through this process and the commitment of OUWB’s leadership team has never wavered in support of how important this is,雪莉说。. “OUWB社区非常幸运.”


“的 development of this plan has been a tremendous effort across our school,Mezwa说. “I cannot emphasize enough how thankful I am for the collaboration and commitment of everyone involved.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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