学生 and residents who exemplify 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院’s broad and longstanding commitment to humanism in medicine recently were recognized at the 8th 一年一度的医疗人文主义之夜.

Human kindness, goodness celebrated at Faircloth Evening of 医疗 Humanism
在费尔布医学人文主义之夜, 19 OUWB students were inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society. 请参阅下面的完整列表.

学生 and residents who exemplify 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院’s broad and longstanding commitment to humanism in medicine recently were recognized at the 8th 一年一度的医疗人文主义之夜.

Co-sponsored by OUWB and Oakland University School of 教育 and Human Services, what has become a signature event was attended by nearly 100 online and in person. 

今晚将献给帕特里克·费尔布博士.D., 十大菠菜台子的校友, who created an endowment for OUWB and SEHS to ensure that medical students study communications and interpersonal skills as part of their training to be compassionate physicians.

在3月30日的活动期间, 19 OUWB students and six Beaumont residents were inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society. SEHS心理咨询部门颁发了8个奖项, 第一次, Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine awards were given to an OUWB student and a Beaumont physician.

“More than ever, we need to recognize human kindness and goodness in the world,” said Duane Mezwa, M.D.Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB.

晚上开始的时候, 梅兹瓦向在场的几位人士致谢, including other OU school deans and Oakland University President Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D.


杰森·沃瑟曼博士.D., 副教授, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies and Department of Pediatrics, OUWB — and Faircloth coordinator — introduced the executive leadership team of OUWB’s Gold Humanism Honor Society chapter. 的y are M4s Dina Abdo, Anisah Hashmi, Lucas Nelson — all inducted into GHHS in 2021.

“的 Gold Humanism Honor Society recognizes students who are not just leaders in medicine, 而是那些展现和示范同情心的人,阿卜杜说, OUWB GHHS分会主席.

哈什米解释说, 在第一轮的过程中, GHHS入选者由同级同学提名. Hashmi noted the decision was made this year to consider more nominations from the first round in an effort to be “more equitable and inclusive.”

040122费尔布箱的 top 33% — in terms of peer votes received — are asked to submit a personal statement and letters of recommendation. 其中排名前15%的学生将被选入大学.

“我们在寻找那些体现人文主义价值观的人, 社区服务, 多样性和包容性, 还有专业精神,哈什米说。.

“我们为这些人感到骄傲,”她补充说. (完整列表见图表)

Yousef Ibrahim, M3, was among those inducted, called it “an honor.”

“Every aspect of who I am is geared towards giving back and why I went into medicine,他说. “被认可是一种荣誉, 但这只是开始,希望如此, 我可以迈出这一步, 前进, 继续建设.”

Brittany Silverman, M3, said induction into GHHS “means the world to me.”

“I think what really meant the most to me is just knowing that my classmates are the ones who wrote me in because…all my classmates are such incredible people,”她说。.

Majd法拉吉, M3, called induction into GHHS a “great honor” that was made even more special by some of his family members from Lebanon being able to attend the ceremony.

“We learn a lot throughout med school and having humanism at the forefront of what we’re doing is great,他说. “这件事就是例证.”

Faraj’s family members weren’t alone in wanting to celebrate their relative inductees.

Holly Kazyak, mother of GHHS inductee Kelsa Kazyak, beamed with pride after the ceremony.

“It’s wonderful that OUWB includes all aspects of being a doctor versus just the academic,”她说。. “看到(凯尔莎)受到这样的尊敬, I’m just so proud of her…this is who she is and this is where she shines.”


伦纳德·陶医学人文主义奖 由阿诺德P. Gold Foundation recognizes graduating medical students and faculty members who are exemplars of humanism in the care of patients.

有史以来第一次, OUWB’s GHHS chapter presented the award to a student and one to a faculty member. 他们都是由OUWB的2022届毕业生提名的.

这名教员名叫史蒂文·约瑟夫(Steven Joseph).D.急诊医学系助理教授.

“我对此非常感激,”他说. “你不知道这对我意味着什么……我真的很感激。. 非常非常感谢.”

这名学生名叫Maidah Rajah, M4. Abdo introduced Rajah as “someone who carriers herself with not just grace and integrity, 但善良.”

“She’s someone who shows up for her peers without fail, regardless of time of day,阿卜杜说. “She’s someone who carries the OUWB mission statement within her heart.”


“I’m only here because of the people who have helped me through and will continue to — and that includes my patients,”她说。.


的 evening’s lecture was provided by Greg Bennick, a humanitarian, TedX presenter, entrepreneur.



Twenty OUWB students inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha Honor 医疗 Society


Bennick focused primarily on the topics of listening and humanism, how the two are interlaced.

他借鉴了他作为创始人的经验 为海地捐赠100美元 (海地的一个救援组织) 波特兰互助网络 — mixed in with stories about his parents, the power of candy, even a bit of juggling.

“We’re all insecure, frightened creatures, we’re desperate for validation in the world,他说. “But I hope in the midst of that that our own sense of heroics doesn’t get in the way of humanist ideals of listening to people, 为我们所服务的人谦卑自己.”

He concluded his lecture by explaining that his life experiences have shown him the power of listening.

“更深入地倾听,更多地倾听,”他说. “That is something that we can start doing right here, right now.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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