A new student organization at OUWB aims to help medical school students regularly put on their dancing shoes 和 strut their stuff.

New student organization at OUWB has all the right moves, focuses on dance
In April, EDM hosted “Mentoring Through Dance at La Casa Amiga.在庞蒂亚克的圣公会教堂举行, the group taught kids 和 teens about various dances 和 the importance of exercise.

A new student organization at OUWB aims to help medical school students regularly put on their dancing shoes 和 strut their stuff.

EviDance-based Medicine (EDM) is the name of the group designed to “foster creative expression 和 the building of community through dance.”

The name is a play on OUWB’s approach to holistic physician development that is grounded in evidence-based medical science.

已经, EDM拥有近30名会员,并举办活动, including a session in the community designed to help kids 和 teens underst和 the health benefits of dance.

预计未来会有更多这类事件发生, EDM创始人达纳·雷克托说, a rising M3 who did ballroom dancing as an undergraduate 和 during a gap year.


“COVID helped emphasize how much I got out of dance 和 the dance community,” she says. “It was a don’t-realize-what-you-got-until-it’s-gone-type situation.”

“I wanted to form a new dance community at OUWB where it would be built around med students, 给医学院学生的, 医学生,雷克特补充道。.

Rector led efforts to launch the organization as an official OUWB student organization. The constitution for the student organization was adopted on Nov. 28, 2021.

COVID surges in late 2021 和 early 2022 delayed the group kick-off, 但最终还是在3月底举行了.

That’s when a session on merengue was led by 克劳迪奥·科尔特斯, DVM, Ph.D., assistant professor, Dep艺术ment of Foundational 医疗 Studies. 科尔特斯还担任EDM的指导教师.


“我们(在第一次会议上)过得很愉快,”科尔特斯说. “对我来说, it was just beautiful to see medical students really having a wonderful time…just laughing 和 enjoying it. 这就是舞蹈的意义所在.”

EDM also reflects a trend to incorporate more facets of the 艺术s 和 人文学科 into a medical student’s education.

In 2021, a group of professors from OUWB 和 Oakl和 University published a paper called “Integration of Arts 和 Humanities in 医疗 教育: a Narrative Review.” The paper was published in the American Association for Cancer 教育’s 癌症教育杂志.

The narrative review examined literature from about three dozen medical schools that showed educators are implementing didactic 和 experiential instructional approaches to embedding the 艺术s, 人文学科, 将社会科学纳入医学院的课堂.

According to the Association of American 医疗 Colleges (AAMC), “a growing evidence base suggests that learning experiences that integrate 艺术s 和 人文学科 within curricula may lead to a variety of important learning outcomes.”

“These include skills-based outcomes such as honing observation 和 interpretation skills, 关系结果,比如同理心, 沟通, 和团队合作, transformational outcomes at the level of professional identity formation 和 advocacy.”

Another OUWB student organization — DocAppella 和 Spinal Chords — has been around since the mid-2010s. 该团体在各种活动中唱歌, such as commencement 和 at Beaumont Hospital around the holidays.

此外,学校最近还举办了 人才艺术 显示.


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“Doing exercise is important, but everybody knows how to run,” he says. “It’s been shown that when you are dancing 和 learn a step, then another step…it has a positive impact on neuroplasticity, 这会产生一种满足感.”

In addition to giving medical students a break from studying, the group already has contributed to OUWB’s general community outreach.

In April, EDM hosted “Mentoring Through Dance at La Casa Amiga.在庞蒂亚克的圣公会教堂举行, the group taught kids 和 teens about various dances 和 the importance of exercise.

议会 says he expects EDM also will be p艺术 of the OUWB-Hispanic Newcomer Outreach (HNO) Summer Anatomy Program. Specifically, he says, it will help students learning about mental health.

Going forward, EDM already has a new board in place for next year. Rector says she hopes the group will hold dance lessons — or even hang out 和 watch dance-themed movies like “Footloose” or “Dirty Dancing” — twice a month during the school year. She sees EDM also getting involved in other volunteer capacities, too.  

However it turns out, she says, the goal of the organization to have fun will always be top of mind.

“There’s just so many different ways that we can grow this group…it’s really exciting,” she says. “Especially since the new board members also are really passionate about it.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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