Ten medical students from OUWB’s Class of 2022 won’t have to wait until the third week in March to find out where they will work as doctors for the first time.


Ten medical students from OUWB’s Class of 2022 won’t have to wait until the third week in March to find out where they will work as doctors for the first time.


即将毕业于泌尿外科和眼科, 以及那些在军队中匹配的人, already have been notified of where they will be headed for residency as part of the early match process.

Early matches apply only to these specialties because they are not affiliated with the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), 每年的比赛日是在三月的第三个星期五(今年是3月18日).

“我祝贺我们的10名学生早早地完成了比赛. 这需要付出巨大的努力 今天,”OUWB的Stephan Sharf院长Duane Mezwa说.D.

“不管时机如何 residency reveal it will always be one of the most memorable days of your career and a proud 户外活动日.”



OUWB maintained its 100 percent match rate with three students matching in the field from the Class of 2022.


弗里德曼在德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德谷分校匹配, 威斯康星医学院的Asantey说, 和卡杰在博蒙特医院, 皇家橡树.

“这是一种超现实的感觉,”Asantey说. “这太伤脑筋了, 但后来我打开了邮件, 我查看了一下网站,肩上的重担如释重负. 我想我还没有完全理解明年我就要成为住院医师了.”


根据美国泌尿学协会的说法, 2022年, 美国有143个非军事认可的泌尿外科住院医师项目.S. 列出365个职位和365个空缺职位. 共有556名申请者提交了偏好清单, 这意味着有191人(34%)是不匹配的.

Khajeh said AUA released that data prior to revealing who matched and that was “very anxiety inducing.”

“我松了一口气,”她说. “我们结束了这一切,感觉很好.”

Friedman said the weeks leading up to the urology match had him thinking about what life might be like in different parts of the U.S.

“You’re planning for what could happen and what life would be like in these vastly different regions…here’s what it might be like in Pennsylvania, 或中西部地区, 或者这是德克萨斯州的情况. 你的整个人生即将改变,而你不知道那会是什么样子.”


“I look forward to being a person that a patient can rely on solely…(and to) being that person I can independently be as a physician,他说.


The San Francisco Residency and Fellowship Match Services (SFMatch) runs the ophthalmology match.

Statistics from the Association of University Professors and 眼科学 and SFMatch show there are annually just under 500 ophthalmology residencies. 大多数都是满的.



Nina Diklich在迈阿密大学巴斯科姆眼科研究所进行了匹配, 她说,她很快就会成为一名眼科医生,这“终于开始出现了”.

“在实习期间,我期待着很多事情,”她说. “I am looking forward to becoming a compassionate, well-rounded, excellent ophthalmologist. I am excited for the privilege of improving and preserving sight in patients entrusted to my care.”


她的同学Michael Moussa在St. 路易斯大学医学院.

他说:“我感觉很棒,就像我肩上最大的负担被卸下了。. 经过近四年的刻苦学习, 在此过程中牺牲家庭时间和休闲活动, 感觉一切都是值得的.”

Moussa said he is looking forward to specializing to “truly becoming a master of my craft.”

德州大学圣安东尼奥分校眼科学专业的凯利·费伊(Kelly Fahey).

“I'm thrilled to have matched at my top choice for ophthalmology residency,” said Fahey. “我对我职业生涯的新阶段感到兴奋,我永远感谢我的家人, 朋友, 以及在医学院期间帮助过我的导师们.”

Fahey said she’s particularly looking forward to aspiring “to be that ophthalmologist patients seek, 不仅是为了获得知识和治疗技能,还有同情心, 关怀的态度和服务的使命,这是我在澳博继续培养的.”


The Joint Serve Graduated 医疗 教育 Selection Board administers the residency selection process for the Air Force, 军队, 和海军.



Rachel 康奈尔大学 matched in pediatrics at Dayton Children’s Hospital/Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

“达到这一里程碑并不容易, but it’s rewarding to have a program recognize that the skills and knowledge I’ve gained over the last four years will be a useful addition to their team,”她说。.


“从新生儿到青少年, 我非常享受在OUWB与儿科患者的每一次接触,”她说。. “我很高兴我找到了最适合我的专业, 我迫不及待地想把我的学习集中在这个惊人的病人群体上.”

Michael Sun matched in neurosurgery at University of Florida and said he’s looking forward to enjoying “the little time I have left with my classmates who I’ve really grown to love over the past four years.”

他说:“我感到如释重负,站在世界之巅。. “I’m excited to apply all that I’ve learned in medical school and actually treat people…I’m excited to be the one guiding patient treatment and clinical decision making.”


学生 who participated in the early match noted the role of OUWB and Beaumont in helping them get to this point.

The three urology residents pointed to OUWB’s affiliation with 博蒙特健康 and Kenneth Peters, M.D.彼得, & Florine Ministrelli Distinguished Chair in 泌尿外科 and chair of OUWB’s Department of 泌尿外科.

“博蒙特健康医院是一家非常知名的医院, 尤其是泌尿科,弗里德曼说. “Dr. 彼得斯很谦虚, but his work is world famous…and (Peters and the other urology physicians) go to bat for us.”





Asantey说他在客场轮换时亲眼目睹了这一点. He said other health care providers were constantly asking if he knew doctors from Beaumont’s urology department.


“人们对我擅长缝合感到震惊, scopes when it came to cystoscopy and whatnot…they were like ‘Where did you learn to do that?’”他说。.

Khajeh said she felt as if the doctors in Beaumont’s urology department were constantly providing her with teaching moments.

“I really loved how during every surgery they would drill you with questions about everything from anatomy to next steps to equipment use and it was all to just better us,”她说。.



“I’ve learned so much about what it takes to be a quality physician through observing the actions of the faculty and my peers,”她说。. “The comprehensive training provided by OUWB has prepared me to confidently transition into the more autonomous role of a resident physician.”

Moussa said, “OUWB was a wealth of resources and always had the door open for questions and guidance.”

“They found ways to connect me to the right people who ultimately paved the way for my successful match,他说.

费伊表示, “I am incredibly grateful for the mentorship I have been given throughout my time at OUWB. 在像眼科这样竞争激烈的专业, I am lucky to have had the guidance of many accomplished physicians to help me along the way.”

“在我在博蒙特的那段时间里, 我不得不批判性地思考, 运用我的知识, 学习与病人沟通和为病人争取权益的艺术,她补充道。. “I will strive to implement what I've learned in medical school, both in residency and beyond.”


从医学院的第一天起, (OUWB和Beaumont)在我的教育和我的人格上都投入了很多,迪克利希说. “There have been countless teachers and physicians who have dedicated hours to help mentor and guide me. OUWB将我训练成一名具有无情同情心的医生, 利用循证医学获得最佳结果, 并一直关注医学背后的人性.”

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