Nineteen students from Oakland University spent the first part of the week in Krakow, 波兰, preparing for a visit to a World War II concentration camp as part of the school’s Holocaust and Medicine program.

Two days in Krakow: OUWB medical students learn about Jewish life in 波兰 as part of deep dive into Auschwitz
6月15日,我校师生合影留念, 2022, in the courtyard of Krakow's 雅盖隆大学博物馆迈乌斯学院.

Nineteen students from 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 spent the first part of the week in Krakow, 波兰, preparing for a visit to a World War II concentration camp as part of the school’s Holocaust and Medicine program.

由当地导游带领, Tuesday and Wednesday allowed students to see firsthand how Jewish people lived pre-war — and how that world was thrown into chaos when the German Nazis attacked in 1939.

周二, 学生们参观了克拉科夫的犹太区, 包括Remuh犹太教堂, a small Renaissance synagogue dating to the 1500s; the adjacent Remah Cemetery, one of the oldest existing Jewish cemeteries in 波兰; and visited the Oskar Schindler Factory to experience a permanent exhibition called “Krakow under Nazi Occupation 1939-1945.”


On Wednesday students visited several other significant sites in Krakow — Galicia Jewish Museum, 鹰药房, 贫民窟英雄广场, 克拉科夫老城的主要广场, 雅盖隆大学博物馆迈乌斯学院, 和瓦维尔大教堂.

“Everything’s been a ramp up to the study that will be done at Auschwitz,” said Jason Wasserman, Ph.D., 副教授, 基础医学研究系, 也是牛津大学大屠杀与医学项目的联合主任.

Specifically, he said helping students learn “about Jewish history in 波兰, Polish history.”

这是美国一所大学开展的首次此类研究的一部分.S. medical school, students will tour Auschwitz on Thursday and Auschwitz-Birkenau on Friday. Both days also will include lectures related to the Holocaust and medicine along with reflective writing, 讨论, more — all designed to prompt students to reflect on the implications of the Holocaust for one’s own personal and professional development within the medical profession.

“The first two days have set the stage for the central experience (of the study trip to Auschwitz),沃瑟曼说.

海蒂·沃尔德博士.D., clinical professor of Family Medicine at the Warren Alpert 医疗 School of Brown University, 也是牛津大学大屠杀与医学项目的联合主任, 沃瑟曼也这么想.

“学生 have mentioned that they are grateful for this time in Krakow because it’s preparing them emotionally (for Auschwitz) …I’m struck by that,”她说。.

Tour guide Aleksandra Kowalczyk has been leading visitors on tours of Krakow for 15 years and led them both days for the OUWB students. She said understanding the past is important to prevent the atrocities of the Holocaust from repeating.

“不幸的是, 我们可以观察到历史在重复,”她说。, 注意到俄罗斯目前对乌克兰的袭击. “That’s why we always stress that it’s important to remember the past to not allow it to happen again.”

Tour guide Aleksandra Kowalczyk (right) talks to OUWB medical students in Krakow, 6月15日,波兰犹太区英雄广场, 2022. 
为学生, seeing the sites helped recognize the realities and horrors of the Holocaust and World War II.

For Jonathan Blake, it was during Wednesday’s visit to the Galicia Jewish Museum.

That’s where students toured the exhibition called “Sweet Home Sweet: A Story of Survival, 内存, 并返回.” The exhibition is devoted to three generationS of one family and explores how Holocaust memory and narratives are 传输ted through generations and how the children and grandchildren of survivors engage with contemporary 波兰.

The tour guide explained how one of the family members who survived the Holocaust considered 波兰 a cemetery post-war due to the tragic nature of what took place.

“He didn’t want his children to smile when they were taking pictures out of reverence and respect to the people…that changed my perspective,布莱克说。. “这不仅仅是一个事实……这是一个人的生活故事.”

Saini Kethireddy was moved to tears when an 82-year-old Holocaust survivor spoke to the group after the tour at Galacia Jewish Museum.

Via interpreter, Lidia Maksymowicz shared her harrowing tale of surviving the Holocaust. She was taken to the concentration camp as a 3-year-old, separated from her family.

“你可以阅读人们的回忆录和语录, but just seeing and hearing it in person like this just makes it so much more real,凯瑟蒂说. “当我们参观奥斯维辛时,会感觉更真实.”

Kethireddy also said Maksymowicz had an impact on her when she told the students that “the world is in your hands” with regard to history repeating and the way people treat others.

“It touches my heart and I am inspired to make the right choices more often,”她说。.

Kaycee Fillmore also said learning about the pre-war culture of Jewish people from the area was beneficial.

“I’ve really enjoyed seeing the culture before we go to Auschwitz and see the devastation that resulted from the Holocaust,”她说。. “It’s good to have background on how the Jewish people lived before their lives were upended.”

For daily updates and more about the OUWB Study Trip to Auschwitz, click here.

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