When Michael Jackson 和 Madonna reigned the charts, 年轻的杰森·沃瑟曼(杰森沃瑟曼)反抗地转过身去,可能还大喊着“不,谢谢。.”

Social issues have always been important to Wasserman, 副主任, 大屠杀和医学 program
杰森·沃瑟曼博士.D., 副教授, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies, is 副主任 of OUWB’s Holocaust 和 Medicine program. 如图所示, he recently visited the Zekelman Holocaust Center in Farmington Hills, 密歇根.

When Michael Jackson 和 Madonna reigned the charts, a young 杰森沃瑟曼 defiantly turned his back 和 probably yelled some variation of “no thanks.”

简单地说, 沃瑟曼更多地与朋克乐队的音乐和场景联系在一起,比如小威胁乐队, 死去的肯尼迪家族, 大猩猩饼干, 从未间断的, 等.

Though the imagery 和 music may have been brash/downright scary to some, 沃瑟曼说,他被朋克场景和与之相关的一切所吸引——从DIY方式到推广和巡演,再到社会和文化意识.

最终, 朋克在沃瑟曼性格形成时期的重要影响,使他成为一名生物伦理学家. It’s a career that includes being a well-published, 副教授 in OUWB’s Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies. 他是医学人文和临床生物伦理学(MHCB)课程的课程主任, serves as director of Student Professionalism, 并进行 伦理咨询 地区医院.

现在,他还可以为自己已经令人印象深刻的履历再添一项——对外开放大学大屠杀与医学项目的联席主任. 该计划包括 去奥斯维辛学习, a first-of-its-kind for a U.S.医学院.


“从某种意义上说,我的职业生涯很多时候都相当于坐上一辆面包车去演出,他说. “如果我想做一些研究,或者发起一些倡议,我只是想办法去做. If I can get some money for it, great. 如果我不能, 我会想出另一种方法,我仍然会这样做,因为我认为这很重要, even if nobody else thinks it is."


Wasserman’s commitment to academia extends well beyond the classroom. He has authored 和 co-authored 60 published papers 和 27 invited articles.

Wasserman was born near Washington, D.C. His father was an engineer 和 “was constantly getting different jobs.” That meant a lot of moving for the family until Wasserman was in 11th grade 和 they relocated to Birmingham, Alabama.

Moving made it hard to have close friends, but he found solace in punk music.


在高中的时候, he produced a punk zine — basically, a magazine that features all kinds of punk-related content, 比如社会评论, 新闻, 评论, 和更多的.

高中毕业后,沃瑟曼和一个朋友开了一个DIY空间,在那里举办朋克表演. He also joined two b和s (both as lead singer).

“We had this '86 Dodge Ram that we would load up 和 drive around the country. We'd sleep in at night…it was the best time of my life, for sure,他说.

Concurrently, he added more tat太s to his body. 今天, 除了手腕上的那张——来自Hot Water Music乐队的一首歌词,他一般都是捂着的.

It says, “Live your heart, never follow.”

最终,他参与的乐队和他共同管理的DIY空间失去了动力. He turned his attention to college. 有点.


沃瑟曼与海蒂·沃尔德博士.D. — 副主任 of OUWB's Holocaust 和 Medicine program — 和 Oakl和 University President Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D.


Wasserman says he decided to take a debate course in ninth grade “on a whim.”

“I ended up falling in love with it 和 did it very seriously for four years, including going to debate camp in the summer 和 really competing,他说.

他说,辩论帮助他明白,如果他用心去做,他能做什么. It also helped balance the apathy he had for things he wasn’t into.

“我会花很多时间做这些辩论案例,参加全国锦标赛……就像飞到哈佛参加哈佛辩论赛一样。,他说. “Then I would come back 和 get a C on my life physics test.”

When he started at University of Alabama - Birmingham, 沃瑟曼说,他受到朋克音乐和辩论经历的影响,专注于哲学.

但他花了很长时间才走上正轨,因为他“蒙混过关”地度过了高等教育的开始阶段. 最终, he 太k a break 和 moved to Atlanta.

在亚特兰大,他做过高中代课老师,也在一家奶昔王餐厅工作过. 通过临时工中介, 他还曾在一家医疗用品运输公司短暂工作过,每天在传送带上工作8小时,组装检测试剂盒等物品.

“我记得有一次我说‘我要回大学了’,我对面的一个女人说‘我要回去了’, 太,’”他说. “她告诉我她在那里工作了8年,我几乎崩溃了,心想‘哦,我的天哪, am I looking at myself eight years from now?’”

Wasserman returned to UAB with br和 new resolve.



Upon his return, Wasserman earned straight A’s two years in a row. 他的主要目标是获得比哲学学位更有市场的东西, Wasserman also earned a master’s degree 和 Ph.D. — both in medical sociology — from UAB. (In graduate school, he also met his future wife, Nicole. 今天, they have two children, Ellie, 10, Everett, 5.)

His first academic job was as an assistant professor in sociology, 人类学, social work at Texas Tech University. 三年之后, 他后来成为堪萨斯城医学与生物科学大学的生物伦理学助理教授.



犹太医生在大屠杀期间的“英勇工作”为今天的医生提供了教训, 我们的教授说


After another three years, in 2013, he joined OUWB as an assistant professor. In 2016, he was named 副教授.


“It was not just rhetoric on the website, but actually manifested in the curriculum,他说, adding that OUWB’s longitudinal courses like MHCB, Promotion 和 Maintenance of Health, Art 和 Practice of Medicine “really demonstrate a tangible commitment.”

Wasserman’s commitment to academia extends well beyond the classroom. He has authored 和 co-authored 60 published papers 和 27 invited articles. His work as been featured in journals such as 社会科学与医学, 美国生命伦理学杂志, 黑斯廷斯中心报告, 梅奥诊所学报, JAMA-Pediatrics, 临床伦理学杂志, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 医学伦理学杂志,The New Engl和 Journal of Medicine.

He's written 10 book chapters 和 text supplements. He’s been invited to give 38 presentations 和 led several workshops.

他参与的特殊项目现在是OUWB的标志性项目:阿诺德P. Gold Foundational Humanism in Health 和 Healthcare Course; the Faircloth Lecture (a collaboration with the Counseling Department); 和 the annual Krug Lecture in Biomedical Ethics.

In addition to strong family support, 沃瑟曼说,他很感激那些特别有影响力的导师, 包括欧内斯特·F. Krug III, M.Div., M.D. 克鲁格担任博蒙特的人类发展中心主任,并建立了博蒙特的第一个临床伦理咨询服务. 在加入OUWB的首批教员后,他开发了最初的MHCB纵向课程. He also was on the committee that interviewed Wasserman.

“I’ve had amazing mentors that I remain close to in different ways,他说. “Every day I think about the lessons that I’ve learned from them.”

尽管他很成功, 然而, 沃瑟曼说,他不是那种坐下来反思自己做过的所有事情的人. Rather, he says he is more concerned with driving toward what’s next.

通过例子, 他指出,牛津大学商学院的大屠杀和医学项目包括2022年6月的奥斯维辛学习之旅. The curriculum includes pre- 和 post-trip educational sessions, as well as intensive focus on student reflection about ethics, 人文主义, professional identity formation. 参加者回国后将参加为期七周的研讨会,并在整个社区分享他们所学到的知识.

“我认为(大屠杀和医学项目)有机会成为真正特别的东西,他说. “我绝对相信,他们通过这个项目对大屠杀的深刻理解可以激发我们学生的各种敏感性和敏感性,使他们成为更好的医生.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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