A third-year medical student from 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 had a key role in a study detailing the effectiveness of booster shots against COVID-19 — research that has gained widespread attention.

‘Boosters save lives:’ Third-year OUWB student leads critical study into effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines
Nicholas Mielke, M3, OUWB,是这项研究的主要作者.

A third-year medical student from 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 had a key role in a study detailing the effectiveness of booster shots against COVID-19 — research that has gained widespread attention.

Boosters reduce in-hospital mortality in patients with COVID-19: An observational cohort analysis的文章发表于3月17日 《十大菠菜软件》美洲区域卫生. 主要作者是Nicholas Mielke, M3, OUWB.

The study found that COVID-19 booster vaccines significantly reduced the death rate for hospitalized, COVID-19病人. The study has been called one of the first investigations of the real-world effectiveness of boosters.

Following publication, the research gained widespread media attention, including a story from NBC新闻 安东尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)对此发表评论.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden.

“It’s really exciting when your research gets read and people are interested in it,米尔克说.

“I’m really hoping that people read it, see the importance of boosters, get their shots. It’s really meaningful to think that I could have helped some people possibly not get so sick.”

这项研究的首席研究员是Amit Bahl, m.s.D.皇家橡树博蒙特医院急诊超声主任. Bahl也是牛津大学急诊医学系的副教授.

“Nick was involved in all aspects of this project from study design to manuscript preparation – he really played a critical role in getting this research done in a timely fashion,巴尔说。.


这项研究的目的是评估人口统计学, 临床, outcome variables of patients requiring hospitalization for COVID-19 while comparing 充分接种疫苗 and boosted, 充分接种疫苗, 未接种疫苗的患者. (Steven Johnson, D.O.他是皇家橡树博蒙特的一名急诊医生,也是该研究的合著者.)

研究人员查看了超过8份的汇总数据,博蒙特医疗系统从8月到8月共有200名患者住院. 2021年和1月12日. 20, 2022. (患者身份信息被删除.)

The study found that 住院病人 who received boosters had a 45% lower mortality rate than unvaccinated, 住院病人. 研究人员还发现,死亡率最高的是12岁.8% in unvaccinated, 住院病人; a much lower mortality rate (7.1%) for vaccinated and boosted patients; and a mortality rate of 10.3%的患者接种了疫苗,但没有接受加强接种.

“早期的迹象表明,助推器可以挽救生命, this real-world research shows that boosters saved hundreds of lives at Beaumont alone,巴尔说 新闻稿 从博蒙特.


米尔克在明尼苏达州的梅普尔格罗夫长大. 他在明尼苏达大学获得生物学学士学位.

At OUWB, it was Mielke’s 开始 project that first had him work closely with Bahl.

开始 is a required scholarly concentration program of OUWB that provides a mentored introduction to research and scholarship. The four-year longitudinal curriculum consists of structured coursework in research design and implementation, 合规培训, 研究交流, 学术性的陈述, with protected time to develop mentored projects in a wide-range of community and health-related settings.


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分别, Mielke says he and Bahl were talking in late 2021 about breakthrough cases they were noticing in the ER and internal medicine units at Beaumont. In this context, a breakthrough case is when someone 充分接种疫苗 gets COVID-19.

“随着助推器的推出, 我们很好奇它有多有效,它是否真的重要,米尔克说, who also notes “there was no research about how effective the booster was in real-world time.”

Having the large amount of data opened the door to answering the question from “a statistically significant standpoint,米尔克说.

“That’s when we found that the booster shot really was making a big difference for people in the hospital that had COVID,米尔克说.

在2月, the team had spent more than 100 hours analyzing data and writing the study that was published shortly thereafter in 《十大菠菜软件》美洲区域卫生. The open-access journal is devoted to sharing research that can improve 临床 practice and health qualities in the Americas. 该杂志是…的姊妹刊物 《十大菠菜软件》, 一个备受推崇的, 独立的, global medical journal dedicated to advancing the science of medicine to transform society and positively impact people’s lives.



“There is limited real-world data that highlights the benefits of the booster dose and our research helps fill that gap,巴尔说。. “Our study was a large multicenter investigation with results that are applicable to the average person. 随着医药试验数据的不断涌现, it is necessary to validate the findings in the community and our study does just that.” 

关于米尔克, Bahl calls him “one of the most motivated and hardworking individuals I have ever met. 能够指导他完成这个项目和其他项目真的是我的荣幸.”

He adds that Mielke “is on a path to doing great things for medicine” and that this is just one example.

“(Mielke) is developing a skill set that will allow him to scientifically address 临床 questions or problems as they arise, 最终改善病人的健康,巴尔说。. “This experience has made him more well-rounded and an asset to the field of medicine.”

Mielke says the experience has inspired him to keep his intellectual curiosity going.

"用于内科, it’s always important to keep a wide view and look at things from a different angle,他说. “(The study) also sets the foundation for more research in the future…I’m more comfortable with designing a study and carrying it out. 我知道我可以在实习期间和以后一直问这些问题.”

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