Former OUWB official returns for 多样性 Lecture Series, talks compassion in patient care
An image of Caryn Reed-Hendon talking to a group
Caryn Reed-Hendon博士.D. ——OUWB前多元化主管 & 包容 — speaks at a school event in 2019. 上周她作为客座演讲者回来了.

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine’s 多样性 Lecture Series continued this month with the return of Caryn Reed-Hendon博士.D. ——该校前多元化主任 & 包容.

“指南针ion: The Essential Element in Patient Care,” was the title of the event held virtually on Feb. 1、参加人数超过30人.

The discussion centered around the necessity of compassion within health care in order to build trust between providers and their patients, 以及文化谦逊, 社会知识, 归属感, and lived experiences play roles in showing compassion.

“Belonging is to patient care as air is to breathing. 这是必要的,”里德-亨登说. “When we’re thinking about 归属感 — to feel safe, 感到被重视, to feel heard in the space that you occupy —you have to think about the place in which that is happening.”

In order to foster 归属感 in the health care realm, 说Reed-Hendon, physicians must listen to their patients closely to ensure they aren’t defaulting to an “easy fix” based on assumptions.

医生, 她说, must also be conscious of providing “culturally-centered care,” or exhibiting cultural humility as well as having knowledge of cultural safety to understand where each individual person is coming from based on their background to provide a safe place for them to exist.

“当我们审视我们的医院系统时, we hope for them to have what’s called structural competence,里德-亨登补充道.

“That means that they have the trained ability to discern how to deal with the host of issues that show up because of the impact of inequities within a system.”

In order to display this cultural humility and cultural safety, physicians must learn to address their implicit biases, 说Reed-Hendon.

“Implicit bias often modifies the relationship between you and your teammates, 还有你的病人. It absolutely can decrease trust, self-efficacy, understanding, and job satisfaction,”她说。.

为了解决这个问题, 她说, people must be conscious of themselves and their surroundings and learning over time.

“It’s not until you’ve had repeated and differing experiences that you can begin to see how bias tends to show up. 所以当我们不说出来的时候, when we don’t say something when we see something…we don’t know how to treat people, 从人际关系的角度来看,里德-亨顿说. “We are unable to actually communicate well with the patient that we’re helping…we will default to the easy fix.”


Reed-Hendon left her position at OUWB in 2020 and now serves as the founding director of 多样性, 股本 & 包容 at Lawrence Technological University.

回来做这个讲座, 她说, was a “full circle moment” — Hendon was one of the people who created the 多样性 Lecture Series in 2019.

“这部剧不仅长了腿, but it continues to be a part of the celebration for the school,”她说。.

这个系列的重要性, 她补充说, is that it allows medical students to gain knowledge that sometimes gets lost.


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“Sometimes, it seems like it’s only coming from one point-of-view. 毕竟, medical students across the country all have to go through similar training and learning about all of the intricacies of the human body,里德-亨登说. “然而, I think it’s important to understand all of the different ways people are unique and how we respond to them.”

In that regard, her choice to give a lecture on compassion specifically was a careful one. Especially after the pandemic, 她说, compassion in health care is more crucial than ever.

“Our sensitivities are that much higher now,”她说。. “Now, there’s this real acute awareness of care and what care should look like.”

“当这些期望没有得到满足时, then you find yourself or your patients and their families, 甚至他们的社区, finding themselves having yet another traumatic experience where they feel like they cannot trust health care workers.”

整体, 她说, she was glad to have the opportunity to come back to give this lecture and discuss the importance of compassion with medical students because she knows that the OUWB students and faculty take the humanistic approach so very seriously.

“It’s one of those conversations that will prepare (medical students) far, 远远超出了他们的想象,”她说。.

“There’s a sensitivity that has to be reached and ensuring that you’re doing all you can, 那就是帮助你的人, 帮助你的病人, you are little by little helping to heal the family, 帮助社区恢复健康, 帮助建立社区, 等等......,里德-亨登说.

“And the students at OUWB and the faculty at OUWB, they take the humanistic approach so very seriously.”

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