An image of posters from a past Embark Capstone Colloquium.

十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院的毕业生需要完成四年的研究项目, 但没有多少人会面临2023届毕业生面临的独特挑战.

这些项目是通过学校的Embark项目进行的,这是一个为期四年的纵向课程,包括研究设计和实施方面的结构化课程, compliance training, research communication, and scholarly presentation, 在受保护的时间内,在广泛的社区和健康相关环境中开发受指导的项目.



Still, 学生们克服了困难,取得了成功, says Kara Sawarynski, Ph.D.负责认证和持续质量改进的副院长、Embark联席主任. Their work can now be found online via the OUWB 2023 Embark Colloquium.

“为了在整个大流行期间取得进展,许多最初的项目需要进行重大重新设计, which forced students to lean into their problem-solving talents,” she says. “Remarkably, 澳博大学的学生通过出版物和在地区和国家会议上的成功演讲(多次获奖),与更广泛的科学界分享了他们的研究成果.”

So far, OUWB 2023届毕业生完成了74项演讲和奖项, as well as 10 published manuscripts.

这只是一个关于如何分享Embark项目的例子,Nayiri Khatchadourian presented her work -“医生对糖尿病患者饮食失调行为的知识和态度”-在新奥尔良举行的2022年ADA美国糖尿病协会会议上. 她还在Emily Program和Veritas Collaborative制作的一个名为“和平餐”的流行播客上谈到了这项研究, which is about eating disorders. 她还利用社交媒体传播研究结果.

上周,Kevin Eid的导师在美国白内障和屈光手术协会年会上介绍了他的项目. Eid says they plan to submit for publication the work entitled “练习艾扬格瑜伽能改善和减轻眼科医生的肌肉骨骼疼痛吗? A Pilot Study?

Jordan Ensz, M4, presented her project, "Disentangling the link between Burnout, Resilience, 医学生的情绪调节:间隔年的作用," at the OU Graduate Research Conference in March.

同样,许多学生也利用这个机会在大会上展示他们的作品 Oakland University Graduate Research Conference held on March 10.

一些项目已经有了实际的应用,比如这个项目 special pillowcase 由本杰明·戈尔茨坦设计,旨在帮助人们学习心肺复苏术.

Still others have won awards. Richard Ramirez recently presented his Embark project 在密歇根传染病学会年度科学会议上获得了最佳口头报告奖. 他的研究表明,有一种更好的方法可以帮助医生决定何时给病人服用强效抗生素.

Camilla Cascardo won the Kennith J. Matzick Embark项目年度竞争性奖学金稿件. Her project was “双活动髋关节系统的监测:损伤模式和临床数据分析.” (Other winners can be found at the Embark Colloquium webpage.)

“当我打开电子邮件,看到我获得了年度最佳手稿奖时,我惊呆了," says Cascardo. 当我感到一种巨大的成就感时,我的脑海里闪过了无数的想法."


"In the end, 在整个登船经历中,我最大的收获是学会了坚持不懈的重要性," she says.

Overall, Sawarynski calls the OUWB Class of 2023's Embark projects, 一系列令人印象深刻的研究努力,在临床实践中解决了广泛的健康问题, education and the community."

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“Graduates have pursued projects aligned with their passions, 在研究设计过程的早期,他们在应对COVID限制的过程中表现出了巨大的韧性.”

Dwayne Baxa, Ph.D., 基础医学研究系副教授, and co-director, Embark, 她说,希望Embark能帮助学生对研究过程有更强的认识, along with “their ability to successfully communicate their work, manage complicated project schedules, work within interdisciplinary teams, and operationalize an idea into a successful research project.”


“没有他们共同的专业知识,学生和项目的成功是不可能的,” says Baxa.


“以这种数字格式呈现学生的作业,可以与远近的家庭成员分享, as well as mentors across OUWB, OU, and Corewell,” she says.

“We hope that shared interests, collaborative ideas, 和潜在的未来项目将通过访问研讨会现场发展,” she adds. “We hope that audience members, including our first- through third-year medical students, find viewing the Class of 2023’s work as inspiring as we do.”

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected].

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