OUWB med students tackle ‘real-life sports medicine’ at high school football games
A Birmingham Groves football player is helped off the field following an injury on Sept. 22. Behind the player, (from left) Talon 沙姆韦, M2, OUWB, listens as 詹姆斯·比科斯,M.D.格罗夫斯的运动教练凯利·索尔特讨论了受伤的情况.

塔隆·沙姆韦(Talon 沙姆韦)花了很多时间在足球场上, but the former receiver at Brigham Young University is now looking at them in a whole different way.


沙姆韦, M2, is among many medical students from 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 who volunteer at area high school football games through what has become an annual autumn tradition at OUWB.

That means instead of always looking to exploit defensive weaknesses for big gains, 沙姆韦 (and his classmates) constantly scan the field — ready to learn and help in any way possible when a player gets injured.

“这太神奇了,”沙姆韦在9月11日说. 22岁,伯明翰格罗夫斯高中.  

“这是一个让我感觉很舒服的地方,”他说. “我喜欢以一种不同的方式参与到游戏中.”

Another benefit is getting one-on-one time with some of the area’s top physicians.

“That’s the biggest thing that comes from these opportunities…the chance to be with physicians who are top notch in their field,沙姆韦说. “We get to watch them interact…watch how they observe the game and understand what they look out for.”

“有一场比赛正在进行,对吧?” he added at half-time of the Groves game as the home team came back out on the field to a raucous crowd.

“But right now my mind is focused on (the physician) and every single thing he says.”


这是塔隆·沙姆韦博士的照片. 詹姆斯Bicos

Talon 沙姆韦, M2和詹姆斯·比科斯,M.D.在9月9日的中场休息期间,他们在场边聊天. 伯明翰格罗夫斯对罗切斯特的第22场比赛.

Such opportunities for OUWB’s future physicians are coordinated through the school’s Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine (OSSM) student interest group.

与OUWB临床教师和骨科医生密切合作, OSSM可以在整个足球赛季提供30多个机会.

The opportunities are at eight schools within a short distance of Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital: Groves; Birmingham Seaholm; Royal Oak; Bishop Foley; Ferndale; Royal Oak Shrine; Troy Athens; and Berkley.

The schools all have their own athletic trainers who generally serve as the first to evaluate players in the event of injury, Corewell的医生会提供额外的帮助.

詹姆斯·比科斯,M.D., an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine, is one of the physicians.

他说,这对学校没有成本. Officials at each simply take advantage of the opportunity to have volunteer physicians at their games.

Bicos, 同时也是整形外科的助理教授, said OUWB students have been taking advantage of the opportunities to work with those physicians at high school football games since the school’s inception.

“It’s great for the students to see real-life sports medicine on the field,他说. “读到它是一回事, it’s another to even see athletes in the clinic…but to see it happen and see how to manage it as it happens is a totally different experience.”


马修·席德曼和博士的照片. 琥珀色格鲁伯

Matthew Cederman (M2)(左)与琥珀色格鲁伯 (M)交谈.D.科雷威尔健康中心的居民哈立德·库德西博士.O.在圣堂期间. 特洛伊雅典队和伯明翰西霍尔姆队的第22场比赛.  

一般, the physicians and OUWB students stand on the sideline of the team they’re working with and watch the games unfold.

Should an injury occur, the school’s athletic trainers are the first to evaluate the player. 如果伤势看起来是“灾难性的”,” Bicos said the physician and shadowing student will head out on the field right away.

受伤的球员将在场边接受进一步的评估. 这个过程通常包括获取简短的历史记录, 基本考试和/或特定考试, and trying to determine if the injured player can keep playing or needs to stay out and receive further evaluation before returning.

虽然这不是超级碗, it means a lot to everyone involved in the games and learning how to navigate that is a lesson in and of itself, 据比克斯说.

“It’s really providing a glimpse of what it’s like to be a team physician,他说. “如何与运动员、教练、训练员甚至家长互动. 它并不总是一成不变的.”

学生 like Matthew Cederman, president, OSSM, call it a great learning experience.

席德曼在八月. 25 game between Groves and North Farmington High School when a linebacker was involved in one of those “catastrophic” injuries.


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测试最终将确定球员的前交叉韧带撕裂, 制程, 他有半月板撕裂的可能.

“从纯粹的运动角度来看, you’re worried about the player’s health as you see everyone around you taking a knee,他说. “But on the other side of the coin, you’re actively engaged in trying to help the player. I think it furthers a lot of people’s interest in orthopedics and sports medicine.”

西德曼说的, 除此之外, he was able to see what it was like to administer a Lachman’s Test in real time to determine if an ACL is torn.

以前, 西德曼说的 he had studied the test and seen it performed in a clinical setting as part of an internship he had over the summer.

“But there’s was nothing as hands-on or direct as physically doing a Lachman’s Test on a player who just went down with a torn ACL two minutes ago,他说.

That’s exactly why medical students need the opportunity to volunteer at the games, 安布尔·格鲁伯说, M.D., a family medicine physician and associate professor in the Department of Family Medicine and 社区 Health.

Cederman shadowed Gruber at the game between Troy Athens and Seaholm on Sept. 22.

“医科学生很难获得现实世界的经验...(和)实践学习是医学生渴望的,”她说. “能够直接指导是件好事.”

它还帮助学生服务社区. 这在OUWB中尤为重要, where the mission is “to develop compassionate physicians who are dedicated to improving the health of their communities, 协作, 终身学习.”

雅典乐队在四节之间演奏, Gruber elaborated on the experience calling it “one of the best ways for (medical students) to get involved in the community, 不管他们的专业是什么.”

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