Third-year medical student from OUWB helps save man’s life at local gym

A third-year medical student from 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 is being credited with recently helping save a man’s life at a local gym.

瑞安Ko, M3, jumped into action 4月7日 at a Planet Fitness in Southfield.

Ko says he tapped CPR skills learned at OUWB and recently revisited during a clerkship at Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital in Royal Oak.

His actions allowed enough time for paramedics to arrive and transport the man to the hospital, 他在哪里康复?.

And even though says the experience made him feel “very emotional,柯震东对自己的所作所为保持谦虚, 把这归结为他只是在做他被训练的事情.

“我认为我在这方面并不特别,”他说. “I know so many of my peers that I would trust with my own life…it could have been any of us, 我想我们任何人都会这么做的. What we have learned at OUWB prepares us for this kind of situation.”

杜安·梅兹瓦,m.m.D., Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB, 说他“为瑞恩感到无比骄傲”, 谁立即行动起来救了一个人的命.”

“When I hear that one of our OUWB students performs beyond what we expect from our future physicians it gives me immense pride knowing we are accomplishing what we set out to do.... create caring compassionate physicians who respond to a crisis in a professional manner,” says Mezwa.


4月7日, Ko woke late in the day after being on the night shift for a surgery clerkship the entire week.

下午6点左右.m., he decided to hit the Planet Fitness on Southfield Road in Southfield, where he has a membership.

他戴上耳机没多久, 播放一些音乐, 开始在楼梯机上做热身运动, Ko noticed a commotion — a man was lying on the ground and a group of about a dozen had gathered around the individual. 他们大喊大叫,想把他叫醒.


“Almost immediately I realized what was going on so I dropped all of my stuff and ran over to the patron,他说.

另一个人开始做胸外按压, but Ko says he knew from his training at OUWB that the person was doing it wrong.

“I remembered from (Basic Life Support) and (Cardiac Life Support) that people tend to go too fast…and I noticed he was using the wrong form,高说。.

Ko immediately identified himself as a medical student and took over.

“I knew it would be much different than the simulations of training, but I didn’t realize how stressful it would be when there’s a lot of people and no one knows what is happening,他说.

一个人说这个人需要氧气. 另一位说不需要压缩. 还有人说这个人只是需要水.

仍然, 高知道得更清楚,并继续进行按压, taking a break to listen to his lungs and resuming compressions when he didn’t hear anything.

这时,员工们都朝拿着AED的人跑去, 急救人员正从门里进来.


“It felt like no time had passed at all…like 30 seconds,他说


Brandon Prentice, M3, Pastor Jones from Welcome Missionary Baptist Church in Pontiac, and Ko. The picture was taken when Prentice and Ko were heavily involved in educating others about COVID-19 vaccines. 

Ko heads into his fourth year of medical school with plans to specialize in radiation oncology.

Throughout his time at OUWB, he has been active on both local and a national levels.

In 2021, he — along with classmates Mallory Evans and Brandon Prentice — led a critical mission to educate as many people in southeast 密歇根 as possible about COVID-19 vaccines.

In 2022, he was elected to the AAMC Organization of Student Representatives Administrative Board and served as a national delegate.

就在几周前, Ko was among a group of four who gave a plenary talk at an American Association of 医疗 Colleges conference on “Next Step 1: Navigating Expectations Following the Transition of USMLE Step 1 to Pass/Fail Scoring.”

但在南菲尔德的星球健身馆发生的事, 密歇根, 4月7日, 2023, 是关于什么的吗, 他说, 并且永远和他在一起. 

“It was very emotional for me since this is the first time I had a role in helping save a patient’s life,高说。. “It made me feel really good about my decision to go into medicine.”


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Ko says he was able to visit the individual at the hospital, and that he is “doing very well.”

玛丽·斯科特证实了这一点, vice president of marketing for Planet Fitness in southeast 密歇根, 大急流城, 和托莱多, 俄亥俄州.

Scott says the company is “very appreciative” of Ko’s assistance.

“Ryan did not hesitate to jump in and help by administering chest compressions,” s他说. “多亏了他行动迅速, our staff was able to focus on contacting EMS and ensuring that the area was cleared for emergency workers.”

Mezwa says that’s exactly the kind of thing that makes him most proud when he learns of students like Ko who don’t hesitate to jump into action when duty calls.

“We as a community are all in a better place because of these outstanding students walking in our midst,他说.

Other OUWB medical students are drawing inspiration from Ko's actions.

"It makes me feel grateful to receive comprehensive training in CPR during our medical school years as it has shown utility within and beyond the hospital environment,尼古拉斯·托塔说, M3.



For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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