的成员 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院’s Class of 2020 has been promoted to rank of captain in the U.S. 空军.

Member of OUWB’s Class of 2020 promoted to 空军 captain
上校. 约瑟夫·亚当森被钉住了.
在5月13日的一个私人仪式上. Joseph Adamson was pinned with his captain shoulder boards by his wife, 贝基.

的成员 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院’s Class of 2020 has been promoted to rank of captain in the U.S. 空军.

上校. 约瑟夫·亚当森,正式加入了M.D. on June 1 — achieved the rank via his participation in the military’s 卫生专业人员奖学金计划 (HPSP). Previously, he was a commissioned officer with rank of 2nd 中尉.

亚当森被他的妻子封为队长, 贝基, in a private ceremony that would have otherwise been held during OUWB’s 2020 Honors Convocation, one of many events cancelled for safety and health reasons as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

这对夫妇现在把注意力转向 埃格林空军基地 在佛罗里达, where Adamson soon begins a three-year family medicine residency that is part of a seven-year commitment to the 空军.

“我感觉很棒,”他说. “I’m really excited to be promoted to captain because it’s a big deal for all of us that take the scholarship, reemphasizes the important of what we’re doing as well as the importance of the accomplishments that we’ve made in graduating from medical school.”

Adamson said his interest in the military began when he was in high school and lived near the 密歇根空军国家空军警卫队基地 在斯普林菲尔德(巴特克里克附近).

“We’d always see the planes flying over and my childhood dream was to be an 空军 fighter pilot,他说.

His military career took a slight detour after high school when Adamson went to Hope College in Holland, 密歇根, where he graduated with a bachelor of science degree in biology. He worked for two years as a nursing assistant at Bronson Battle Creek Hospital after earning his undergraduate degree.

But Adamson said he wanted more — specifically, to attend medical school and become a doctor.

Adamson said he was accepted at six of the medical schools to which he applied, but was hooked on OUWB when he did his interview and second visit to campus.

“I really just loved the atmosphere of OUWB and the emphasis on community,他说.

“I also saw that Beaumont Hospital is an amazing place to train and met some of the physicians who would be training me. 我只是觉得很舒服.”

通过参加HPSP计划, Adamson’s medical school experience incorporated his lifelong dream of being part of the 空军.

“我最初想成为一名战斗机飞行员, but I really did love learning about science — physiology and biology,他说. “And the idea of working with a huge team of physicians, 不管是医院还是空军, 吸引着我.”

Via HPSP, Adamson received a full scholarship to attend OUWB. 作为交换, he is committed to the 空军 for at least seven years (based on the requirements of his specific program).

However, Adamson said his participation in the program was based on more than the financial benefits.

“如果你只是为了赚钱, 这是一个非常糟糕的决定,我一开始就知道,他说. “It’s more about the population that you get to work with when you’re a military physician…the opportunities for growth and leadership.”


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Adamson was sure to take advantage of opportunities for growth and leadership at OUWB.

2019年,他被选入 阿尔法欧米茄阿尔法荣誉医学协会 -一个认可学生的国际社会, 校友, faculty who dedicate themselves to the medical profession.

另外, Adamson was inducted into the Gold Foundation Humanism Honor Society, 每年表彰学生的社团, 居民, faculty who exemplify a compassionate approach to medical care.

Adamson also was involved in the Emergency Medicine Interest Group and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Interest Group and served as a representative on the OUWB 课程 Evaluation Committee. 他还参加了OUWB的Big Sib项目.

在密歇根东南部社区, 亚当森自愿加入遗忘收获, 世界医疗救济, 加里·伯恩斯坦社区健康诊所, 皇家橡树消防队, 复活节海豹, 和特洛伊学区.

He also has served as co-investigator on several studies as well as principal investigator on a project evaluating significant barriers to mental health treatment utilization by veterans.

Looking forward, Adamson said he believes OUWB has set him up for success in a career in medicine.


另一部分, 他说, is the groundwork laid by OUWB 校友 who have worked hard to establish the school as top-notch around the country and helped people understand the kind of physician they’re getting in an OUWB graduate.

“似乎无论海外商学院的学生去哪里, people enjoy having us in the clinic or enjoy having us in the hospital,他说.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

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