From the moment Lindsay Oberleitner, Ph.D., 看到 OUWB的 emphasis on teaching future physicians, the assistant professor — 和 one of the school’s newest faculty members — knew she wanted to be part of it.

除了 of Oberleitner bolsters OUWB的 behavioral science offerings

From the moment Lindsay Oberleitner, Ph.D. 看到 OUWB的 emphasis on teaching future physicians, the assistant professor — 和 one of the school’s newest faculty members — knew she wanted to be part of it.

Oberleitner joined the Department of Foundational 医疗 学生 in December 2020. She teaches in behavioral sciences.

Her background includes serving as faculty at Yale University School of MedicineWestern Connecticut State University.

Originally from metro Detroit, Oberleitner said she knew OUWB would be a great fit for her from the time she first interviewed.

“It’s really important to me to feel like my values align with the place that I’m working 和 that was a really big push for me in this position,”她说。.

“When I met with everyone on the interview I 看到 how much everybody valued the students getting a good, 坚实的教育.”

Oberleitner received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Albion College, her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Wayne State University, with a focus on clinical health psychology.

She then completed a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Yale University School of Medicine. She continued as faculty at the Yale University School of Medicine until 2019, with involvement in the Divisions of Substance Abuse 和 Law 和 Psychiatry.

At Yale she was the associate director for a forensic addiction clinic, where she provided administrative 和 clinical supervision for an interdisciplinary team, co-developed a prison re-entry addiction initiative with an identified focus on opioid overdose prevention.

Oberleitner also has provided clinical training 和 seminars on the intersections of chronic health problems, 刑事司法, addiction at Yale School of Medicine for psychology 和 psychiatry trainees.

From 2019-2020 she was faculty at Western Connecticut State University where she was integral in the course development for a newly developed graduate program in Addiction Studies.

A common theme has been present for Oberleitner throughout her career, she said.

“I care a lot about doing work — whether it’s training students or doing research — that directly impacts clinical care,”她说。.


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Oberleitner's primary research interests are the intersections of substance use disorders 和 慢性健康状况, with a specific interest in how these issues are manifested in 刑事司法 populations.

Oberleitner is interested in developing treatments that effectively target the role of emotions, 创伤, gender differences in individuals with co-occurring addiction, 慢性健康状况,/or 刑事司法 involvement.

进一步, she is interested in research 和 efforts to strengthen 和 exp和 the interdisciplinary addiction treatment workforce, as well as best practices in improving the integration of interdisciplinary approaches 和 patient-centered communication to clinical practice in graduate/medical training programs.

OUWB has been a “really welcoming environment,奥伯莱特纳说, who — together with her husb和, David — has three children between the ages of 1 和 7 years old.

“Everyone’s been so kind in reaching out 和 trying to make starting a new job during the p和emic as smooth as possible,”她说。. “People have really found creative ways to make everything feel welcoming 和 warm.”

Oberleitner added that she has “really been struck by how much my expectation —related to focus on students — has really rang true.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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