
APAMSA 2021 Mental Health Campaign
亚太裔美国医学院学生协会(APAMSA)创建并主办了题为“抗击病毒”的运动. Fighting the Bias.” The campaign is open to the entire OUWB community and runs through May 26. This image shows many of the participants.

An Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine 一个学生兴趣团体正在领导一场心理健康运动,旨在解决最近针对亚裔美国人社区的仇恨犯罪的影响.

The Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) at OUWB created the campaign entitled “Fighting the Virus. Fighting the Bias.” The campaign is open to the entire OUWB community and runs through May 26.

该活动的特色是OUWB社区成员通过AMPAMSA分享答案 Facebook page to three questions: How do you feel about the recent hate crime or how has it been affecting you; What changes would you like to see that will address the issues surrounding the recent hate crimes; Do you have any positive advice or tips on how you have endured the past year or for any Asian Americans affected by these tragic events?


“APAMSA试图关注主要影响亚裔美国人社区的各种健康差异和问题,其中之一就是心理健康,” said Jenny Nguyen, rising M2 and vice president of APAMSA at OUWB.

APAMSA是一个由医学和医学预科学生组成的全国性组织,致力于解决亚洲和太平洋岛民美国人社区独特的健康挑战. The OUWB chapter has more than 50 members.

本组织作为一个论坛,让学生领袖参与这些健康问题,并制定解决这些需求的倡议和项目. The local, regional, APAMSA的全国活动旨在促进APIA社区的健康,并帮助保健工作者了解如何以文化敏感的方式照顾APIA患者.

APAMSA also provides an important venue for medical students to meet, exchange experiences, and develop personally and professionally through leadership and service.

阮说,为亚裔美国人社区开展心理健康活动尤其重要,因为“作为一个在亚洲家庭长大的人, mental health and illness isn’t really talked about.” She called it a “silent struggle.”

“It’s kind of always pushed aside,” she said. “在心理健康方面有很多耻辱,我相信它也影响到其他种族.”

Michael Ko, rising M2 and president of APAMSA, 他补充说,医学领域的心理健康“在人们关注的事情中被推到了一边”.”

“APAMSA不仅面向APIA社区,也面向医科学生, 我们觉得这是天造地设的一对,因为我们把重点放在了对两个社区都很重要的事情上,” he said.

With its campaign, 阮说,APAMSA的目的是“为亚裔美国人和其他想讨论心理健康重要性的人带来意识和一个安全的空间。.”

Increasing awareness to build community

高说,APAMSA执行委员会决定每年活动的重点是什么. Last year, APAMSA focused on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health.

This year, Ko said, 董事会认为,竞选活动需要关注他所谓的“针对亚裔美国人的仇恨犯罪令人不安的上升”.”

Ko and Nguyen, for example, said they worry about the safety of their family members, 即使他们在做最简单的活动,比如出去散步.

该活动要求参与者分享他们是如何应对的,以及他们的经验, stories, 和/或针对亚裔美国人的仇恨犯罪问题的建议.

“任何我们可以分享的东西,建立一种社区意识,表明我们正在一起度过难关,” he said.



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像Sarvar Oreizi-Esfahani这样的参与者分享了他们对仇恨犯罪的感受.


“我的许多非常亲密的朋友(现在和长大后)都来自亚裔美国人社区,看到他们受到如此负面的攻击,我感到愤怒,心碎,” she wrote. “那些离家在外的人担心他们的家人会发生什么,每天都焦虑地坐着,等待着听到坏消息的那一刻. This is inhumane and not right — it should be stopped now!”

Serena Kuang, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Foundational Medical Studies, offered advice on day two of the campaign.

“Safety first!,” she wrote. “We should minimize the chance of going out alone. If one needs to go out, 最好是几个人一起旅行,保持一定的社交距离.”

邝女士还表示,她希望“每个人都对亚洲的传统和文化有高度的信心, which have profound wisdom to contribute to the world peace, the peace of our common planet.”



“开展这类活动可以让人们在看到或经历任何不公正待遇时更有信心大声疾呼,” she said.  

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at [email protected]

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & Marketing webpage.

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