十大菠菜台子 William Beaumont School of Medicine’s 11th 在今天的白大褂典礼上,班向成为医生又迈进了一大步.

White Coat Class of 2025
Pavan Brahmamdam, M.D., (right) helps Austin Kantola into his white coat. 坎托拉是2025届的一员,在接下来的四年里,婆罗门将通过OUWB的棱镜项目接受指导.

十大菠菜台子 William Beaumont School of Medicine’s 在今天的白大褂典礼上,第11届学员向成为医生又迈进了一大步.

The event capped off a weeklong orientation for the class, was held on the campus of 十大菠菜台子 和 livestreamed. 125名新生正式收到了他们的白大褂医生.

传统仪式强调以人为本的价值为保健的核心, 并强调了同情心和科学成就的重要性.

学员们还会在家属面前背诵《十大菠菜台子》——医生们致力于医学人道主义目标的宣言, 学校领导, 和同龄人.

杜安·梅兹瓦,m.m.D., Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB, 对学生们表示欢迎,并谈到了每个人在奥博商学院开始他们各自的医学院之旅的意义.

“We chose 和 invited you above all the others to be here,他说. “You had a combination of qualities, 但最重要的是, you had the compassion that indicated you belong here, immersed in the OUWB culture.”

White Coat 2025 InfographicWhite Coat 2025 Infographic对外商学院2025届的125名学员是从498次面试中挑选出来的. 该校收到了8152份申请,高于去年的6963份.

The median overall GPA of the class is 3.85, while the median MCAT score is 509. 

此外,还有20个州和地区以及14个国家的代表. A total of 61 undergraduate institutions are represented, with the top being University of Michigan, 安阿伯, 十大菠菜台子, Wayne State University, Michigan State University, University of California, 洛杉矶.

Mezwa说,他们在OUWB的教育将帮助他们成为不仅有能力的医生, but also compassionate, 交际, culturally aware.

伯克利·布朗博士.D., assistant dean for Student Affairs, celebrated the diverse interests 和 backgrounds of OUWB's Class of 2025 -包括在OUWB之前,这类人总共积累了118,000个服务小时. She highlighted a few of the ways students have served. 

"There are far too many wonderful stories to share today, 但我可以向你保证,他们都有一个共同的主题:为他人服务的热情,想要有所作为,她说. “我们期待着你们以许多积极的方式服务和贡献OUWB社区."

In addition to Mezwa 和 Browne, 十大菠菜台子校长奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨向全班同学致以了特别的问候, M.D., Britt Rios-Ellis, Ph.D.他是十大菠菜台子负责学术事务的执行副校长兼教务长. 

Guest speaker was James Robbins, M.D., president of medical staff, Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak. 

Mezwa concluded the White Coat Ceremony by quoting “Dare to be Yourself,” from Buckminster Fuller, an American visionary 和 architect.

“永远不要忘记, no matter how overwhelming life’s challenges 和 problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. 事实上, 总是因为一个人,世界上所有重要的变化才会发生. So be that one person.”


Immediately following the ceremony, 许多学生表示,穿过舞台,穿上白大褂的感觉很超现实. 

“我觉得我终于实现了我努力工作了很长时间的目标," said Skylar Sundquist. “这对我来说非常特别,因为我的本科毕业典礼取消了,我们从来没有举行过...this was really meaningful to me."

白色外套2025 B

"It feels surreal because the journey has been so long...it's always been 'In two years, in one year'...和 now it's finally here," said Erin Mueller. 

“在漫长的几年里,我们没有多少庆祝我们所有成就的活动, this just felt really special," said Emily Babcock. 

"I can't really believe it," said Saul Castillo. "After so much work 和 so much time...to think that I'm here now is really exciting."





David Howell said that during the oath, “有一天,我真的觉得自己要承担起照顾病人的责任."

‘Really excited to start’

白大褂仪式标志着学生们从周日开始的忙碌一周的结束. Mezwa welcomed them all that day, before they met other OUWB officials 和 took care of logistical matters, such as picking up their OUWB backpacks 和 computers. 学生们还喜欢用OUWB道具拍照,并发布到社交媒体上.

The general feeling was one of nervous excitement.

“我一直梦想成为一名医生,所以实际上经历医学院的入学过程绝对感觉很超现实,” said Darshana Blaise.

Matthew Prevost said he woke up a bit nervous.


Orientation continued Monday with most of the 天的焦点 on diversity, equity, inclusion. Presentations also were given on 健康 和 mental health.

Tuesday saw students learn details about various courses, 如临床实践生物医学基础(BFCP)和临床实践解剖学基础(AFCP). They also learned about several other OUWB organizations 和 services.

On Wednesday, many of the students walked into Beaumont Hospital, Troy, 第一次, 参观临床技能中心,并了解医学艺术与实践(APM), OUWB的纵向课程,介绍和发展学生的历史和身体诊断技能.

A video featuring Ashley Aller, M.D., 2018届OUWB毕业生, was shown during a session introducing APM. 阿勒给医学院新生讲了一句鼓舞人心的话.



Celebration video wraps orientation week for OUWB’s 10th class

OUWB White Coat Ceremony welcomes ninth class of medical students

“当我们刚到的时候,我有很多问题……看到这个视频让我有点激动,觉得我们能做到。,” said Noopur Ranganathan.

周四的迎新活动继续进行,学生们学习了OUWB的其他课程和项目,比如 棱镜开始.

棱镜 is a multi-layered system of support, along with a four-year curriculum that focuses on personal growth, 健康, career development. 开始是一个必修的学术集中课程,为研究和奖学金提供指导.


萨利姆·阿卜杜勒·拉扎克说:“(迎新会)是一次令人难以置信的经历. “所有的一切都坚定了我参加OUWB的决定.”

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 (电子邮件保护)

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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