的 defining characteristics that have shaped 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 into what it is — along with a vision of what it will be — were highlighted Wednesday by its dean

杜安·梅兹瓦,m.m.D., Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB, 主持了2022年威廉·戴维森讲座, 这是OUWB第11届年度医学教育周的一部分.

的 defining characteristics that have shaped 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院 into what it is — along with a vision of what it will be — were highlighted Wednesday by its dean.

杜安·梅兹瓦,m.m.D., Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB, 主持了2022年威廉·戴维森讲座, part of OUWB’s 11th 年度医学教育周.

Mezwa spoke on the “Evolution of OUWB: Building a Path to Continued Excellence” to an audience of about 450 that was in person and online.

除其他事项外,Mezwa还解决了OUWB的问题 2022-25战略计划, efforts to continue decreasing student debt while increasing activities in the areas of 研究, 慈善事业, 社区参与, 新项目, 并计划更新奥多德大厅.

“It is truly a privilege to be part of (OUWB’s) history as the second dean,他说. “我不仅感激永远与这所学校联系在一起, 但我很荣幸能继续下去, 并以此为基础, 建国政府的愿景.”

Mezwa shared how OUWB’s commencement ceremony always reminds him of the school’s influence on graduates, 尤其是当每个班都宣读誓词的时候.

“Thinking about their future motivates me to lead the current students through their incredible medical school journey, 并领导和鼓励我们的教职员工勇于创新, 富有同情心的, 和参与,他说.


琳达·米斯拉,D.O.,副教授. of Neurology, presented Mezwa with a special plaque in honor being this year's distinguished speaker.

Mezwa首先谈到了学校在过去14年里的发展, starting with the 2008 decision by Oakland University and 博蒙特健康 to establish the first M.D.40多年来一直在密歇根州的对抗疗法医学院任职.

他指出,牛津大学商学院创始院长罗伯特·福尔伯格(Robert Folberg).D., was intent on developing a curriculum where kindness and focused listening were taught and emphasized. Mezwa also credited the OUWB team of founders with essentially creating a new genre of medical school.

“我们将继续以他们的辛勤工作为基础,”他说. “We will forever be grateful for their courage to take professional risks and it is our hope that they will always be proud of OUWB.”

Mezwa提到的最近的亮点包括学校的20年扩建 合作协议书 博蒙特公司和OUWB公司 2020年reaccreditation 医学教育联络委员会(LCME).

He also noted that OUWB students continuously place in some of the most competitive and prestigious residency programs in the U.S.

“在全国各地和密歇根州, 作为总住院医师,他们正在留下自己的印记, 和同伴, 就像Dr. 福尔伯格预料到他们的同情心会得到认可。.   


Mezwa talked about ongoing activities and addressed two issues identified by LCME: the need for more physical space and the trends and trajectory of student debt.

关于空间, Mezwa said planners are working to create more teaching areas in O’Dowd Hall for small groups. 他指出,OUWB最近上涨了5倍,000 square feet of space on the first floor of the building and that will allow for 10 new classrooms.

Mezwa showed an early rendering of the kind of entrance being considered for O'Dowd Hall.

Mezwa also revealed an early rendering of the kind of entrance being considered for the east entrance of O'Dowd Hall.

“这将是一个非常温暖的地方, 一个聚会的地方,我们可以在那里举行招待会,他说. “这将是一个很棒的新成员.”

Mezwa said that all of the planned construction projects are pending approval from the Oakland University Board of Trustees.

在解决学生债务问题上, Mezwa noted that he and others are working hard to reduce student and one of the ways is through student scholarships.

Another step taken to address student debt has been to hold tuition flat in two of the last three years. Mezwa also said creating new endowments and growing existing ones is the “number one priority” for the OUWB development team.

Successes already have been seen: the total amount of scholarships received by OUWB students has increased from about $6.从2019年的100万美元降至约9美元.2022年将达到400万, as the total number of scholarships increased from 220 to 552 during the same period.

梅兹瓦说,还有其他几个正在进行的慈善相关项目, such as virtual “Dinner with Dean” events and the inaugural OUWB Golf Outing are reconnecting the school with alumni and parents.






Mezwa highlighted many OUWB programs in place that will serve as the foundation for OUWB’s continued evolution.

贫困模拟, 例如, is now a component of the Promotion and Maintenance of Health curriculum for first-year medical students. 学生 engage in a shared experience that illustrates some of the structural barriers, as well as some of the potential personal and emotional repercussions experienced by those who live in poverty.

OUWB还将继续致力于与社区互动. 的 number of co-curricular community service activity student hours logged has increased from 243 in 2015-16 to 12,2020-21年度为644.

Mezwa还强调了OUWB对多样性、公平性和包容性的承诺. He highlighted the OUWB 多样性 Liaison and 多样性 Champion programs as well as the 多样性 Lecture Series.

“公开大学商学院致力于打造一个让所有学生都能参与其中的环境, 教师, 工作人员, 并邀请了来自不同背景和生活经历的参观者, 有一种归属感, 订婚了, 因为他们的声音和贡献而受到重视和尊重,他说.

即将采取的新举措包括大屠杀和医学方案, OUWB自己的遗体捐赠计划, 并建立了医学道德价值观中心.


OUWB’s 医疗 教育 week exists in large part because of the late William Davidson, 一位成功的商人和皇宫体育娱乐公司的创始人. In late 2007 Davidson initiated plans to donate $1 million to 博蒙特 with the express direction that the money be used to support medical education under the direction of his doctor and friend, 桑德尔H. Shoichet, M.D., FACP, 项目负责人, Internal Medicine Residency and medical 导演 of Outpatient Clinics at 博蒙特 Hospital, 皇家橡树, 也是牛津大学的医学副教授. 戴维森于2009年去世,享年86岁.   

Ann Voorheis-Sargent博士.D., 导演, 医学教育卓越中心, 医学教育周的联合主席, 说Mezwa的演讲很适合医学教育周.

Her hope is that those who saw Mezwa speak understand that OUWB is “continuously moving forward.”


刘易斯·罗森鲍姆,m.s.D., 导演, 博蒙特行政健康服务中心, 和副教授, 内科, 他说他很欣赏牛津大学的医学教育方式.

他说:“重点不只是学业和获取技能, but also development of the person to be a better overall person…is the wave of the future,他说. “OUWB站在这方面的最前沿.”


“他完全专注于所有正确的领域, 真正把牛津大学打造成一流的医学院,他说.

巴里·富兰克林博士.D., 教授, 内科, 和导演, 预防心脏病学/心脏康复, 博蒙特, 有相似的感受.

“(OUWB的)未来非常非常光明,”他说. “的 resources here are huge…it’s just a matter of getting people out of their silos and working together to create a synergy that will take us into the future.”

斯蒂芬妮·阿塔尔迪博士.D., 助理教授, 基础医学研究系, 她对Mezwa的最新消息表示感谢.

“(Because of the pandemic) it’s been a long time since all of us were together and looking at school outcomes as a whole,”她说。.  “以我作为教员的身份, 这让我思考我应该去哪里与我的教学, 研究, 还有服务,以配合学校的发展方向.”

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 (电子邮件保护).

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