A continued evolution of technology and teaching methods will shape medical education for the next generation of physicians, according to a “cornerstone” OUWB faculty member who is retiring.

Loftus reflects, projects on medical education during retirement event

A continued evolution of technology and teaching methods will shape medical education for the next generation of physicians, according to a “cornerstone” OUWB faculty member who is retiring.

史蒂芬·洛夫特斯博士.D., associate professor, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies, retires effective July 1. He used a special virtual event held June 9 to reflect on his career in medical education while projecting future trends.

Loftus joined Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in November 2013 as associate professor. He has been responsible for faculty development and was also involved in a number of courses, especially medical humanities and 开始 research projects.

道格拉斯·古尔德博士.D., chair, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies, reflected on the impact Loftus has had on OUWB.

“Dr. Loftus...has been instrumental in making (the Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies) into a group of card-carrying master educators,古尔德说。.

Gould added that Loftus is “a prolific author on medical education and has been the cornerstone of the OUWB medical education certificate program and the fellowship in medical education programs.”

“Dr. Loftus' impact on OUWB will last for generations and his influence on medical education will be dearly missed.”

Loftus said he hopes to have helped raise awareness on the complexity of medical education. He added that he chose OUWB because it was a new school open to new ideas.

“It was a fairly new medical school, I knew they would be more open to try new ideas,芙蓉说. “That was part of it; to be pioneering and innovative.”


A dental professional with more than 20 years in medical education, Loftus developed an internationally recognized inter-professional online graduate course in pain management at Sydney University.

His research on clinical reasoning has appeared in several journals and books, 如广受好评, “Clinical Reasoning in the Health Professions.” He has also supervised doctoral research students at Charles Sturt University in Australia, 比如临床推理, 高等教育, 以及医患关系.

Loftus said he started his journey in the dental field but did not see himself as a surgeon. It wasn’t until he discovered the CD-ROM he fell in love with not only computers but the future of educational technology.


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“My first job after graduation was to go to the University of London and head up a small team that was developing computer-based tutorials for medical and dental students,芙蓉说. “And I found the whole thing absolutely fascinating. I had to learn and teach myself how to do instructional design. And while I was there, the World Wide Web came along.”

Loftus said he thinks there will be a lot more educational technology in medical education, stated that he thinks people oversimplify medical practices by seeing it as knowing science and how to apply it.

“There's going to be a lot more integration. I'd like to see this: a bigger trend towards case-based learning, 问题式学习, 以团队为基础的学习, 更多的小组学习和互动. I think that they're powerful opportunities for the students to really learn what they need to learn,芙蓉说.

To better prepare students to take their own role in their education, he said that OUWB must market new techniques to them such as case-based learning, where the approach will help them apply what they learn in the classroom when meeting with patients.  除了, he said there needs to be a shift from a two-plus-two curriculum to one that is more integrated.

“A case-based learning approach and a 问题式学习 approach helps them do that right from the start,他说.

回顾他在牛津大学的时光, Loftus added that he was very impressed with the medical humanities and clinical bioethics course, 说它是 “这是我见过的世界上最好的一个.” 

“I’ve really enjoyed the clinical and educational environment. I enjoyed learning more about the medical practice,” he added. “[OUWB has] been a great place and a very friendly place… it is supportive and encouraging.”

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