博士的照片. 戴维森和他的家人

从12岁起,卡梅伦·戴维森博士就开始了他的职业生涯.D., felt drawn to be an educator — a calling that’s now led him to 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院.

戴维森 joined the Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies as an assistant professor on June 1. He focuses on behavioral aspects of medical training and teaches early career medical students about health behavior, 行为改变, 精神病理学, and practical applications of 行为改变 principles for the medical professional.

加入OUWB之前, 戴维森 completed a two-year postdoctoral fellow position in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at Wayne State University School of Medicine.


“I wanted to expand and move out of my comfort zone by coming to a newer medical school,他说. “另外,人们在这里做了很多好事.”

自加入世行以来, 戴维森 has been elected as counselor-at-large for the Michigan chapter of the Society for Neuroscience and published two peer-reviewed manuscripts.

他也给同事们留下了深刻的印象,比如Doug Gould博士.D.基础医学研究系教授兼系主任.

“He really is a perfect complement to a number of things happening in the department, 从学术和研究的角度来看,他说. “I can see him plugging into a huge number of things going forward.”


戴维森 grew up in Noblesville, Indiana — about 20 miles northeast of Indianapolis.

He earned his undergraduate degree in psychology from Ball State University. He would also earn his first master’s degree (in social and cognitive processing psychology) from Ball State.


After completing his master’s at Ball State, the two moved to southeast Michigan. 戴维森在韦恩州立大学继续他的学业, 他在哪里获得了第二个硕士学位, 是行为和认知神经科学.

He would go on to earn his doctoral degree in the same specialty from Wayne State.

戴维森 says his interest in psychology can be traced back to when he was younger and had to undergo extensive testing because of dyslexia and dysgraphia.

他说:“我们需要了解我们作为人类是谁。. “Why does my brain do this, and somebody else’s does another thing?”

In addition to psychology, 戴维森 also has long held an affinity for teaching.

It started when he was 12 years old, and his father owned a karate studio.

戴维森的父亲问他是否想教一些课程. 但这并不是直接交给他的. 戴维森说,他的父亲让他接受了一次“正常”的面试, complete with making him reschedule after being late for the first appointment.

最终, 他得到了这份工作,主要教4到6岁的孩子, 也可以帮助年龄较大的儿童和成年人.

“这真的激发了我对教学的兴趣,”戴维森说. “From the instructor’s perspective, you start to see things clicking with students. 你也会学到. 你意识到当你用一种方式教它时,它可能不会真正奏效. 所以,你用一种稍微不同的方式来教它,它确实做到了.”



案例5:Brianne Lewis博士.D.基础医学研究系助理教授

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戴维森在工作室教书,直到他离开去上大学. 当时,他认为自己的教学生涯结束了.

“头两年我是对的,”戴维森说. “But then one of my professors said that he took notice of how I interacted with the material and students and asked me to be a teacher’s assistant (TA).”

戴维森 says he was then asked to be lead TA for a “very large lecture.”


He started teaching regularly at Ball State and continued at Wayne State.

And though his students at the university level were obviously older and more sophisticated, 戴维森说,它带来了熟悉的满足感.

“One of the most exciting comments I ever got was after I taught a statistics class,他说. “The student said they had previously failed the course three times and didn’t understand any of it. They finished my class with a B-minus and said they finally understood it.”


Teaching at OUWB allows him to marry his interests in psychology and teaching.



戴维森 already boasts an impressive 18 peer-reviewed publications and has given more than 30 presentations to complement the manuscripts. He has another three currently under review, including one co-authored with Varna Taranikanti, M.D.基础医学研究系副教授.

“He has impressed everyone with his openness and willingness to contribute, 合作和交流,古尔德说。. “He is a true pleasure to interact with and I'm confident he has found an excellent academic home here at OUWB.”


博士的照片. 戴维森

戴维森 enjoys gardening, as evidenced by this recent harvest of garlic and luffa sponge gourds.

The first thing one is likely to notice when meeting 戴维森 is his unique facial hair. 具体来说,就是他的帽带式胡须和八字胡.

He started growing a goatee as a freshman at Ball State and hasn’t thought about a clean-shaven face since.

When he did trim it several years ago, his then-future wife wasn’t having it.

“She reminded me that if I didn’t look like myself when she walks down the aisle, 她转过身来,戴维森笑着说. “所以,我已经有一段时间了,也不指望改变它.”

当他不教书的时候, 进行研究, 写论文, 或者是整理他的胡子, 戴维森 can usually be found doing something with his hands: gardening; glassblowing (lampworking); origami; or helping his family settle into their new West Bloomfield home.  

戴维森 also calls himself an “avid knitter” and says it led to one of his favorite moments with the son he and Olivia had in 2022.

“最好的之一, most rewarding experiences in my life was wrapping up our son in a blanket that I knitted for him,戴维森说. “这太酷了.”

And he admits there are parallels between his hobbies and profession — like when he’s able to help students continue growing.

“It’s this tangible that I can point to and say, ‘I helped create this,’他说. “这绝对不只是我一个人, but to even be a small cog in that does feel good…to see the success of others.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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