An image of the OUWB Class of 2023 at orientation in 2019
OUWB's Class of 2023 during orientation on Aug. 6, 2019.


首届OUWB多样性周将涉及该校所有基于身份的学生组织, from Queers & Allies (Q&A)和亚太裔美国医学学生协会(APAMSA)到天主教医学学生协会(CMSA)和拉丁裔医学学生协会(LMSA).

这一周(从4月24日开始)将在OUWB的奥多德大厅(O 'Dowd hall)的主厅(二楼)展示信息海报和简报, along with a diversity in health care physician panel, game night, and a special “Around-the-World Night.” (See complete schedule below)

Tonya Bailey, Ph.D., associate dean, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and Community Engagement, 他说,这一周是一个前所未有的机会,可以更多地了解“我们独特性的丰富性”, and allow us to learn new ideas, hear each other’s stories, and ultimately grow as a community.”

“Diversity Week affirms our commitment to our values, vision and mission here at OUWB,” she said. “它也提供了一个机会,让不同的观点, cultures and values are celebrated, accepted, and welcomed.”

Kevin Van领导了这个特殊周的创建,他称之为与14个基于身份的学生组织的领导“合作事件”

“这一周的目的是表彰我们所有以身份为基础的学生组织,以及我们为校园带来的所有独特背景和观点。,” said Van.

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它将不同于每年在开放商学院新生入学指导期间举行的学生组织博览会, too, he said.

“That’s to introduce student orgs to new students,” said Van, 本周的主题是认识到并更好地帮助“就在我们自己后院的多样性”下的人们.”


“JeMSA认为多元化周是值得参加的,因为它可以让我们向其他人介绍犹太教及其文化,” said Joanna Wasvary, M2, president, JeMSA.

“此外,我们还可以了解其他宗教和文化,”她说. “我们认为这一周会非常有趣,同时也是一次非常值得学习的经历.”

CMSA主席Andrew Glaza M2表示,他的组织也很高兴能参与此次活动.

"It aligns with our organization's values and mission of 坚持天主教对科学和医学实践的信仰原则,”他说. “天主教的信条要求为穷人和弱势群体服务. 实现这一目标的众多方法之一是倡导卫生保健的包容性和多样性. 多样性周旨在强调和促进在联系日益紧密的世界中卫生保健界遇到的各种身份."

CMSA和JeMSA将参加“环球之夜”活动, which will be held Thursday, April 27, from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m., in room 203 of O’Dowd Hall.

During the event, the 14 student orgs will have their own stations, 他们将在哪里与游客围绕重要的以身份为中心的话题进行展示和讨论, relevant symbolic meanings, 或者对他们所代表的组织的健康影响.


“I am hoping this event, in particular, 会让我们的教职员工对公开商学院学生群体的广泛背景和观点有更有意义的了解吗, and in turn, 从学生的角度来看,我们的教职员工的多样性,” said Van.

“我们每天都在不断地相互交流, 然而,我们并没有完全认识到或谈论之前影响我们旅程的不同身份, and at OUWB; and more importantly, 我们身份的方方面面塑造了今天的我们,” he added.


范说:“我希望这是未来课程多元化周的开始。. “希望随着时间的推移,他们能把它变成越来越有意义和影响力的东西.”

Here is the schedule for the week:

  • Décor/Posters and Identity Board Activity
    All week
    Main hallway, second floor, O’Dowd Hall 
  • Diversity in Healthcare Physician Panel
    Tuesday, April 25
    4:30 – 6 p.m.
    203 O’Dowd Hall

The event will feature a discussion and Q&A与一系列的提供者围绕着医疗团队之间多样性的典型作用和对患者护理的不同观点的影响. 本次活动对所有学生、教职员工开放,并提供食物. 

  • Virtual Diversity Jeopardy Night
    Wednesday, April 26
    7 – 8 p.m.

 复习一下你的多样性知识,加入OUWB基于身份的学生组织,参加虚拟的DEI危险之夜, 在那里,团队将通过基于多样性和跨文化问题的jeopardy式布局进行竞争,以获得获奖机会. This event is open to all students, faculty, and staff. 

  • Around-the-World Night
    Thursday, April 27
    5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
    203 O’Dowd Hall
    (See story above for details)

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected].

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & Marketing webpage.

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