The group of OUWB students and officials who went on the school's inaugural 奥斯维辛学习之旅 take a brief moment to pause for a photo at the gates of the former concentration camp known as Auschwitz I.

Second-year OUWB medical students who traveled to Poland last year to study the Holocaust and medicine continue spreading word about lessons learned to the community at-large.

In January alone, two presentations were made by a total of nine students who made the trip.

“Holocaust 教育 in the 医疗 课程: Inaugural 医疗 Ethics 奥斯维辛学习之旅” was presented virtually on Jan. 阿曼达·巴尚著, Kaycee菲尔莫, 赛Kethireddy, 克里斯汀斯菲尔, 裂缝Stepanian, Joanna Wasvary.

“The Impact of Death: Lesson from the Holocaust on Coping in Modern-Day Healthcare” was presented Jan. 约翰·布莱克、奎恩·辛普森和加勒特·彼得斯亲自撰写的18本书.

学生们还与捐赠者们聚集在一起 特别的晚餐 9月. 7 to reflect on the trip and share details on what they took away from the experience.

此外,彼得斯和巴尚 谈论旅行 at The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities 24th Annual Conference held Oct. 俄勒冈州波特兰26-29.

与他们一起出席会议的是杰森·沃瑟曼博士.D., 教授, 基础医学研究系, who said it’s vital that the students talk about what they took away from their respective experiences in Poland.

“The experience of going on the Auschwitz study trip is important and it has a tremendous impact on the students who go,沃瑟曼说.

“But we want the program to impact the other medical students and the larger community who couldn't go on the trip as well.”


“Creating a presentation and speaking to others about the experience helps the impact of the trip crystallize for those who went; it helps them gather and concretize the thoughts and emotions that they had while on the trip,他说. “这也放大了他们的体验.”


In 2022, OUWB began offering a new transformative learning opportunity to its medical students through the 大屠杀和医学 program.

Part of the program — the OUWB 奥斯维辛学习之旅 — is designed to prompt students to delve into this distinctive and tragic era in the history of medicine and critically reflect on its implications for one’s own personal and professional development within the medical profession.


首航时间是2022年6月13日至20日. 这次为期七天的旅行以克拉科夫的导游为中心, as well as the sites of the former Auschwitz 1 and Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. 特别讲座和互动研讨会也是这次旅行的一部分.

接下来是为期七周的研讨会, taken for credit as part of the 医疗 Humanities and Clinical Bioethics (MHCB) 3 course, 学生讨论和反思这次旅行的经验, 这段历史与当代医学的相关性, developed projects to disseminate what they learned at a symposium dinner as well as to other community groups at OUWB, OU, 及以后.

Wasserman credited the students for doing “a fabulous job with their presentations so far.“其他机会正在酝酿中.


40多名来自不同机构的人登录了视频. 由六名学生组成的小组做报告.


  • Describing the historical context of the Holocaust and how it related to the study trip.
  • 检讨支持在地教育的文献, 批判教育学, 以及地方批判教学法.
  • Defining professional identity formation, applying it to Holocaust education.
  • Explaining how immersive learning experiences are beneficial for medical students to become better advocates on the Holocaust and medicine, how that can extend into leadership development and advocating for their patients and communities.

“在奥斯威辛的时候, we stood on the grounds where these atrocities occurred — we saw the camps, 感受微风, 摸了摸军营的墙, ultimately culminating into an experience of the historical gravity of the Holocaust,萨斯菲尔德说.

“Physical presence made the experience much more meaningful and taught us more than a textbook reading or video could,她补充道。.

沃斯法里谈到了小组从这次旅行中得到的总体启示, 以及他们将如何运用所学到的经验教训. That included: being an advocate for patients and equality; speaking out against injustices; engaging in community outreach; practicing compassion and acceptance; and serving as a voice for patients.

She also stressed the importance of always remembering that “being a physician comes with power, 有了权力,就有了滥用权力的能力.”

演讲结束后,Duane Mezwa, m.s.D., Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB, said the students are “all going to be better physicians for” being part of the Holocaust and Medicine program.


An image of students talking about lessons learned on the 奥斯维辛学习之旅

大约有30人参加了第二组的演讲, 在十大菠菜台子奥克兰中心举行. 这次活动是由世界银行赞助的 Cis Maisel犹太研究和社区参与中心, 泽克尔曼大屠杀中心.

该小组的演讲以应对死亡为中心, 将大屠杀与现代医疗保健相提并论.

他们专门讨论了死亡对人类的心理影响. 小组还讨论了适应不良和适应的应对策略.

“如果你今天能从中学到什么, I would hope that it would be that we are able to choose how we react to our situations,布莱克说。. “最初, we may have our humanistic instinct that makes us feel a certain way when something negative comes up. 但在那之后,我们有机会采取行动.”



Two days in Krakow: OUWB medical students learn about Jewish life in Poland as part of deep dive into Auschwitz


“What’s so important about learning these coping strategies is that we can’t choose to employ them if we don’t know them,他补充道.

迈克尔Pytlik, 人类学兼职助理教授, 十大菠菜台子, 也是Cis Maisel中心的主任, 他说了解医疗行业的压力很重要.

Pytlik said the group effectively made the connection between medicine today and lessons learned on the OUWB 奥斯维辛学习之旅 — as well as the work put in before and after traveling to Poland.

“我期待一份好工作,因为我们的医学生真的很优秀, 但这次演讲确实很有影响力,他说. “他们拿走的东西真的很重要.”

来自Corewell健康 East的几位医生出席了会议.

Shashin Doshi, M.D., 放射科医生, 他说他参加了很多关于医学伦理的演讲, but had never been part of one that discussed the application of lessons learned from the Holocaust to modern health care.

“这太棒了,”他说. “There are so many things that we learn in daily life that we can apply to practice. (The Holocaust) is one of the greatest atrocities of all time and I have never even thought about how it can apply (to practice).”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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