OUWB Student Mental Health Counselors to medical students: ‘It’s OK to ask for help’
OUWB Student Mental Health Counselors Janae Kinn (left) and Ashley Watters take time for a photo near a display intended to raise awareness of mental health issues.

每年的9月10日是全国医生自杀意识日. 17, counselors at OUWB are using the day to encourage medical students to take advantage of available mental health resources.

这样做可能意味着生与死的区别, 威斯康星大学商学院学生心理健康顾问Janae Kinn和Ashley Watters说.

They say the primary reason is that medical students and physicians who feel a kind of calling to help others, can fall into a trap of ignoring their own needs for various reasons — creating the potential for mental health emergencies.

“It is well-know that medical students enter medical school with the same mental health as their peers or better, 随着时间的推移, 开始恶化,金说。.

Watters adds that, for various reasons, being a physician “can be a really isolating profession.”

他们都想让医学生知道,事情不一定非得这样, 伸出手总是一种选择.

“I always like to say to my clients that nothing changes if nothing changes,沃特斯说。.


根据Medscape的说法 医生自杀报告2022在美国,2021年有十分之一的医生考虑过或试图自杀.

医学生也在挣扎. “Depressive Symptoms in 医疗 学生 and Residents: A Multischool Study” found that more than 9 percent of fourth-year medical students and residents reported having suicidal thoughts in the previous two weeks.

进一步, medical students are three times more likely to commit suicide than their same-age peers, 根据美国医科学生协会.

公开商学院的学生被邀请在9月9日星期二加入Kinn和Watters. 从早上11点开始.m. -中午在奥多德203, for a presentation on the topic of mental health and suicide in the field of medicine.

我们也鼓励学生退房 这个网站 致力于全国医生自杀意识日.

如果你处于危机之中, 请拨打全国预防自杀热线1-800-273-8255, 或通过短信TALK至741741联系危机短信热线.

To schedule an appointment with Kinn or Watters, call the OU Counseling Center at 248-370-3465.

“Thirty percent of medical students and residents suffer from 抑郁症 and 10 percent report having suicidal thoughts and we think that, 事实上, 这是一个更高的数,金说。.

金恩和沃特斯指出了许多因素, including: striving for perfectionism; lack of connection/communication with others; and/or poor work/life balance that includes failure to prioritize one’s own needs.

Still other factors contribute: the “lethal trifecta” whereby an individual concurrently feels “perceived burdensomeness,” loneliness; and learned fearlessness, the fact that physicians are routinely exposed to tragedy and death results in occupationally induced anxiety, 抑郁症, 和创伤后应激障碍.

Watters says because medical students often feel like they are competing against their peers, they can be less likely to talk about their struggles with others who might be feeling similarly.

“医疗 students can feel like they don’t have support within their own peer group when struggling with something that is really difficult for them,她说。.

Kinn says medical students also are less likely to seek treatment for fear of career impact.

a的结果 对1300名医生自杀的7年调查 show that doctors and medical students die by suicide due to fear of seeking care that would be disclosed on their applications for residency, 医院的特权, 国家许可.

Kinn says “nine times out of 10” the fact that a medical student sought counseling is not going to impact the individual’s career.

“我们谈论的是受保护的健康记录,”她说. “派驻 don’t have access to those records…they’re not able to see if a student even is in treatment.”

“除非你告诉实习医生,否则实习医生是不会发现的,”金恩说. “We want students to know that it’s OK to ask for help and it’s not going to keep them from their goals.”



Kinn自2019年9月以来一直在OUWB工作. 在OUWB之前, her training and background involved working with individuals who had experienced high levels of trauma as well as cognitive behavioral therapy, 综合护理, 二手创伤压力.  

沃特斯自7月以来一直在OUWB工作. 在OUWB之前, 她在许多大学咨询中心工作, 最近一次是在中密歇根大学医学院. 她的工作背景包括处理广泛性焦虑症患者, 社会焦虑, 抑郁症, 冒名顶替者综合症, 以及家庭暴力的幸存者, 性侵犯, 跟踪, 亲密伴侣暴力, 和更多的.




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当我和OUWB医学院的学生一起工作时, both are bound by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). That means they can’t disclose anything that is said to them during counseling sessions to school officials. However, they can work with others in the department on general programming related to mental health.

例如, 作为提高人们对医生自杀意识的一部分, the team plans to have available ribbons that are teal and purple (the official colors of National Physician Suicide Awareness Day). They also plan to use the school’s main bulletin boards to post tips for self-care that are specific to medical student mental health. 关于睡眠卫生和考试焦虑管理等主题的讲义.

另外, they plan to have posters set up where people are being asked to comment on how they will support their own mental health and/or contribute to student wellness at OUWB.

“We wanted to involve students and ask them to share how they take care of themselves and ask staff and faculty to weigh-in on how they can be contributors to helping,沃特斯说。.


它们都可以用于面对面或视频会议. They only see medical students and can see them for the duration of their time at OUWB — there is no session limit or cost for students. Because there are no costs involved, there isn’t any type of insurance requirement.

If students prefer to see an Oakland University counselor who does not work for OUWB, 他们确实有这个选择. 然而,每次的费用是20美元,而且每次的次数是有限制的.

不管选择的资源是什么, 金恩说,她只是希望那些需要帮助的人能够伸出援手.

“如果你的脚骨折了, you don’t just walk around on your broken foot…you do something about it and no one is going to look down on you for going to the doctor,她说。. “你需要帮助的时候为什么不自己动手呢?? 因为这是心理健康而不是身体健康?”

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 (电子邮件保护).

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