
Wasserman headshot for web

An Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine 十大菠菜台子任命了一名副教授担任一个关键职位,直接旨在促进和改善教师的多样性和包容性.

Jason Wasserman, Ph.D., associate professor, OUWB, 是公开大学最近任命的两位教务长之一吗.

The other appointee is Joanne Lipson Freed, M.A., associate professor and M.A. program director in OU’s English Department.

教务长学院多样性研究员致力于提供促进教师多样性和包容性的策略, 其中包括努力增加代表性不足的全职教师的数量.


“我们可以也应该走出去,谈论多样性的价值和重要性,以及它为什么重要——我们可以也应该走出去,努力让人们更多地意识到自己的偏见。,” he said. “But at the same time, you’re going to hit a point where you’re preaching to the choir, 人们做了很多反思,但他们仍然会有偏见.”

“My real interest is that next frontier — how can we create systems 这有助于我们更加公平和公正地行事,实现更大的多样性?”

As the chief academic officer of Oakland University, 负责学术事务的高级副校长兼教务长领导和监督学术项目, research, and outreach activities of the institution’s faculty, staff, and students.

Currently, 十大菠菜台子正在全国范围内寻找下一任学术事务执行副校长兼教务长.

According to Joi Cunningham, assistant vice president of  Academic Human Resources, Oakland University, 教务长为学院多样性设立了教务长研究员的目标, 与高级学术事务部门领导协商,并支持十大菠菜台子战略计划设定的目标和指标.

Cunningham said the Provost Fellow for Faculty Diversity will:

  • 为教师开发和实施多元化和包容性培训工具.g. hiring
  • 支持与大学内外未被充分代表的群体建立学科关系
  • Lead the university senate committee on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and other committees as appropriate
  • Be a resource on matters of faculty diversity

“这个职位在教务长办公室的多样性倡议和多样性倡导者等选区之间提供了一个关键的教员联系, faculty search committees and DEI Council, 并推动这些举措,以支持大学的战略计划,” said Cunningham. 它还为教师们提供了工作实习的机会,让他们有机会接触到大学的高层管理人员.”

Wasserman and Lipson Freed are the third cohort to fill these positions. 这是一个为期一年的任命,有机会再延长一年.

The first person to hold the position was Karen Markel, Ph.D.曾任欧大工商管理学院管理学教授. Markel was followed by Cynthia Miree-Coppin, Ph.D.欧大工商管理学院管理与市场营销学教授.

Miree-Coppin served for two years from summer 2018 through summer 2020. 在此期间,她的成就包括为教师搜索开发多样性倡导者(DA)计划, creation and delivery of a training program for DAs, training for more than 60 DAs, and assignment of DAs to a majority of full-time faculty searches. Discussions are underway to expand that program to staff searches.


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沃瑟曼说,值得注意的是,该大学的DA项目是在OUWB的领导下首先开发的一个类似系统(多样性联络项目)的基础上建立的 Deirdre Pitts, Ph.D., associate dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty Affairs, Diversity & Inclusion, OUWB.

With regard to serving as a Provost Fellow for Faculty Diversity, 坎宁安说,沃瑟曼作为公开商学院的教员,“带来了独特的视角”.

“自从来到奥克兰,他参与了许多与部门内的多样性和包容性有关的倡议, the school of medicine, the larger university, and our surrounding community,” she said.

Cunningham noted that Wasserman co-chaired OUWB’s Diversity Council (特别关注教师之间的多样性和包容性问题), 并协助争取多元化联络计划的支持和实施. He also served for five years as chair of the OUWB Admissions Committee.

For the broader OU community, 沃瑟曼在大学参议院的要求下成立了一个全校范围的委员会,以促进与教师相关的多样性和包容性目标.

Further, 他与米莉-科平密切合作,为公开大学担任教员遴选委员会助理的教员举办了多次培训课程, 并就多样性和包容性的主题向学术部门和校园其他团体做了多次演讲.

Among other things, 沃瑟曼说,他希望帮助公开大学的各个院系识别他们的终身教职晋升指导方针的潜在挑战,并考虑如何在着眼于多样性的情况下对这些指导方针进行修改, equity, and inclusion.

“This does push me into new territory that I’m excited about, specifically related to faculty affairs,” said Wasserman. “很长一段时间以来,我一直对与教师生活以及我们为教师创造和维持的文化有关的问题感兴趣.”

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected]

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