Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine medical students took a study break earlier this week to visit with a few four-legged and furry “angels.”

Dog day of summer: Mental health student org brings pet therapy to OUWB
医疗 students enjoyed taking a break on Aug. 21 to spend a little time with dogs brought to campus by 皮草天使.

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine medical students took a study break earlier this week to visit with a few four-legged and furry “angels.”

OUWB’s Mental Health and Psychiatry Interest Group presented “Study Break with Therapy Dogs,在8月11日的午餐休息时间. 31.

The event was held outside of OUWB’s O’Dowd Hall. A handful of dogs were brought to campus by 皮草天使, a Rochester-based organization that provides pet therapy services to various groups throughout southeast Michigan.

OUWB’s medical students already have been in class for several weeks and generally said they appreciated the visit.

“It’s just a really nice break from everything that’s going on,艾米丽·巴布科克说, a first-year medical student who was all smiles petting the different dogs.

“It’s great to get my mind off everything else for a while.”

Second-year medical student Nathan Lwo is president of the Mental Health and Psychiatry Interest Group.

The group is comprised of students curious about the field of psychiatry as well as those who want to expand awareness regarding mental health conditions and initiate dialogue on the need for mental health support.

Lwo said medical students especially need to be aware of their mental and emotional well-being. Having the dogs on campus is just one way to help them achieve that, he said.

“Having the dogs outside is really all about getting a breath of fresh air and reminding everyone to take a break,Lwo说。.

根据… 2019年的研究 from Washington State University, researchers found that just 10 minutes of petting a dog can have a significant impact on a person’s health in form of lower blood pressure, 心率, 松弛的肌肉紧张, 和更多的.

The study was limited to participants in animal visitation programs at universities, just like the one at OUWB this week led by the Mental Health and Psychiatry Interest Group.

Janae Kinn, LMSW, OUWB的社会工作者, said many other studies like the one from Washington State have demonstrated the mental health benefits of humans interacting with dogs.

“It can be really grounding,” she said. “学生 are spending a good amount of their days looking at screens or in class, but here you are outside in nature and petting dogs...who are always happy to see people and can put a smile on just about anyone’s face.”

Lwo said there were no costs involved in bringing 皮草天使 to campus.

Kristyn Tonti is a team lead with organization.


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“We do it because we all love dogs and like doing volunteer work that helps others,” she said. “The dogs help people with stress, help them relax, help them feel comfortable.”

To ensure the safety of everyone involved, participating dogs — like Tonti’s Labradoodle Bailey — must pass a test to ensure each is friendly, 非侵蚀性的, 听好了, 和更多的.

Passing the test allows dogs to visit schools like OUWB as well as hospitals, 养老院, 和更多的.

“It’s very rewarding,” said Tonti. “People are always happy to see us with our dogs.”

First-year medical student Max Troyke was among the students happy to see the dogs visiting OUWB.

“This is great…a much-needed study break,” he said. “It’s just nice to have and really reinforces the community feeling here…it’s just an all-around positive experience.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护)

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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