博士的照片. Mezwa在院长顾问委员会会议上
Mezwa在2022年院长咨询委员会会议上发言. 麦兹瓦组成了董事会, which consists of 12 members who have expertise in leadership and a commitment to assisting the school in matters of strategic importance, 包括社区外展, 伙伴关系, 资源开发.

Duane Mezwa, m.s.D., 每年都欢迎OUWB的新生, he uses his own professional journey to make a point — the field of medicine affords almost endless possibilities. 

它是如何, 说Mezwa, 他的职业生涯令人印象深刻,包括, 除此之外, 成为一名著名的放射科医生, 领导着美国最大的放射科之一.S.并最终被任命为公开商学院的第二任院长.


Mezwa 9月退休. 4. He’ll stay close to OUWB — and not just physically — but is finally taking his foot off the proverbial gas pedal to focus on the thing he values more than anything: spending time with family.


Mezwa说:“OUWB在地图上. “我看着我们的学生如何融入他们的实习,我感到无比自豪.”


“当你开始向全国各地的人们询问他们对OUWB的了解时,我很自豪, 他们通过种类来识别我们, 有爱心的, 富有同情心的医生,我们帮助培养创造,Mezwa说. “这正是学校成立时的设想.”




博士的照片. Mezwa和学生们在2019年OUWB白大褂典礼上
梅兹瓦说,他最怀念的是和学生们亲近. Here, he has fun with members of the OUWB Class of 2023 after their White Coat Ceremony in 2019.

麦兹瓦在哈姆特拉克长大. 他和父母以及两个兄弟姐妹住在一间800平方英尺的房子里. 他的祖母和两个叔叔住在楼上,一个阿姨住在隔壁.

长大后,麦兹瓦就读于果园湖圣. 玛丽高中是一所四年制的罗马天主教高中,也是一所男生寄宿学校. 很长一段时间,麦兹瓦认为他想成为一名牧师.

然而, 1971年高中毕业后, Mezwa’s interest in medicine blossomed as he worked in nursing care at a small hospital near Hamtramck called North Detroit General Hospital.

同时, 麦兹瓦就读于韦恩州立大学, 在那里他不仅能获得本科学位, 但是继续上医学院. 1979年成为一名专攻放射学(胃肠和腹部)的医生.

Mezwa说他“着迷”于做放射学, and says radiologists generally serve the role of “a doctor’s doctor" — meaning other doctors often turn to radiologists for help when they can't quite figure out what might be happening with a patient.

1983年,梅兹瓦从住院医师实习期毕业. 毕业前,他得到了一个职员的职位. 他很快发现教书是多么值得.


“It was a joy for me to take a first-year resident — who knew little about the equipment that we use — into a room and show them how this magical piece of equipment could look inside the body to help us figure out what was wrong with somebody.”

He served as program director for the residency in radiology for 15 years followed by vice chair, 并最终, 卫生系统主席和医生执行诊断放射学和分子成像.

在整个过程中,Mezwa在州和国家层面担任过各种角色. 他曾担任放射学项目主任协会主席. 他也是密歇根放射学会的主席, 是美国放射学会的一个分会. 他是ACGME放射学住院医师审查委员会的成员,并担任副主席. 他也是美国放射学委员会的成员, 担任董事会和管理委员会的成员.

进一步, Mezwa has been recognized numerous times for his contribution to the science and practice of radiology. He received the gold medal of the Michigan Radiological Society as well as the lifetime achievement award for the Association of Program Directors in Radiology. 他被密歇根医院协会授予医疗保健领导奖.

他把自己的成功很大程度上归因于永不停止学习的愿望, 并且总是寻找机会来改善自己.

作为证据, he points to a decision at the age of 50 to take night business classes at the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business…or to his continuing to take leadership classes, 尽管他的院长任期只剩下几周了.

梅兹瓦说,这都是关于他的观点,即医生是天生的领导者, 并且有责任在任何可能的情况下以这种身份服务.

“医生等于领导,”他说. “当你成为一名医生时,你没有选择. 无论是在一个小组实践,部门,还是医院. 然后你必须决定在多大程度上利用这些领导机会."



博士的照片. Mezwa在OUWB毕业典礼上
During his tenure at OUWB, Mezwa played a big part of the school's annual commencement ceremony.

当他第一次得知十大菠菜台子计划开办医学院时, 梅兹瓦说他“很快就成为了信徒.”

“我相信公开商学院创始人罗伯特·福尔伯格(Robert Folberg)和他的愿景和使命, 善良课程, 以及我们想要创造的医生类型,Mezwa说.

麦兹瓦被邀请加入福尔伯格的执行领导团队, 曾在首届招生委员会任职(并担任副主席), 并担任学生表现检讨委员会主席.  He also represented the clinical faculty to the AAMC as a member of the Council of 教师 and Academic Societies.

此外,他还主持了OUWB的诊断放射学和分子成像部门. 他在完成这些工作的同时,还履行着博蒙特大学系主任的职责.

他在临床环境中的经历和他对医学教育的参与, Mezwa says it wasn’t a huge leap for him to become OUWB’s second dean after Folberg stepped aside.

“我对这所学校非常了解,”他说. ”也, 在医院待了40年之后, this was a great opportunity to finish out my career by going back to the university and really getting back with the students, 这是我真正怀念的……这对我来说是一种真正的快乐.”

Mezwa led OUWB through the rigorous Liaison Committee on 医疗 教育 (LCME) accreditation process, 这导致了医学院的 重新认证八年,即立法会评审委员会颁授的最长时间.

梅兹瓦在十大菠菜台子和博蒙特大学发挥了重要作用 延长他们的合作协议 到2041年.

他也是带领世行应对新冠肺炎挑战的关键人物, working with his administration and health care system partners at Beaumont/Corewell to keep medical students learning in a safe environment and their education on track.

Mezwa还建立了院长咨询委员会, which consists of 12 members who have expertise in leadership and a commitment to assisting the school in matters of strategic importance, 包括社区外展, 伙伴关系, 资源开发.

此外,他还领导组建了 户外高尔夫该项目筹集的资金被重新用于学生奖学金.



“I’m fortunate that our team — faculty, staff, administrators — are all such good people,” 他说. “我很幸运身边有这样的专家.”


“我们有这种开放性,”梅兹瓦说. “我们可以把任何东西摆到桌面上, everybody is kind to each other and able to speak freely…and we do everything with the best interests of our students in mind.”

现在所有的学生都是, 或者很快就会, 这些医生让他对自己在牛津大学的工作感到最自豪.

“医学中的人文主义造就了我们,”他说. 当洛杉矶的人说, “我知道OUWB,他们培养了那种特殊的医生,“它不仅仅是医学科学. 这是医学的艺术. 这就是我们的医生与众不同的地方.”

Post-OUWB, 梅兹瓦说,他的主要目标是尽可能多地陪伴妻子, 维拉, 还有他们的三个女儿, 克里斯蒂娜, 阿莱, 和凯蒂, 以及他们的家人, 到目前为止,他们总共有五个孙子. 他会用那些对他意义重大的小事来取代没完没了的会议, 比如送孙子放学回家.

他现在住在密歇根州, and says he will never be far from OUWB — Mezwa says he will be happy to offer any help he can to his successor.


“与学生的亲密关系,”他说. “对我来说,没有这些将是退休后最具挑战性的部分.” 


博士的照片. Mezwa与OU校长Dr. 奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨
梅兹瓦与奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨散步交谈.D.10月10日,欧大校长. 28, 2022年,位于埃文山公墓的OUWB陵墓和接收库剪彩, 罗切斯特市中心附近.

布瑞特Rios-Ellis, 学术事务执行副总裁兼教务长, 十大菠菜台子, expressed gratitude for Mezwa’s “involvement with OUWB since its inception and for the impactful contributions his leadership and vision throughout the past four years as dean have made.”

通过例子, she noted Mezwa had an “integral part” of the medical school's success in leading LCME accreditation.

也许最重要的是, his stellar leadership and mentorship have impacted the lives of the many current and future physicians fortunate enough to have come through OUWB during his tenure,里奥斯-埃利斯说.

她指出,他的遗产将以许多方式继续下去,包括 杜安·梅兹瓦,m.m.D.OUWB招聘奖学金.


“在过去的四年里,杜安一直担任我们的院长, 我们的医学院继续蓬勃发展,奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨说, M.D.他是十大菠菜台子校长. “这是一个上升的轨道,这要归功于他令人难以置信的领导, 他的愿景, 以及他的决心.”

克里斯·卡朋特,男.D., OUWB内科主席, 梅兹瓦在学校的基础建设上“非常成功”.






具体地说, 他说, by leading the school in a way that has continually emphasized the importance of what it means to deliver patient-centered, 循证护理.

“这已经成为医学院非常重要的组成部分,”卡彭特说. “OUWB在这方面做得很好,这在很大程度上要归功于Duane.”

一个重要原因, 增加了木匠, 是因为Mezwa的性格, 以及他是如何有效地与他人合作的.

“杜安很擅长建立人际关系,因为他很真诚,”卡彭特说. “人们过去常说‘所见即所得’,这就是杜恩. 不要摆架子. 他就是他,人们能感觉到他和他之间的联系.”

It’s that personality and leadership style that others point to as the reason for Mezwa’s success at OUWB.

“(Mezwa) has brought tremendous enthusiasm to the dean’s position and really galvanized the relationship between faculty and students,马克·弗里克说, M.D.牛津大学外科学系主任. “他确实利用了创始院长的优势来推动这项工作.”

卡拉·萨沃林斯基博士.D., 副教授, 基础医学研究系, 负责认证和持续质量改进的副院长, 梅兹瓦将对学校产生持久的影响.

“There is no doubt that his impact at OUWB will be felt for many years to come both in his important initiatives and strategic plan goals as well as his modeling of how to be a teacher, 临床医生, 最重要的是一个人,她说。.

Sawarynski adds that Mezwa “has served as a role model to myself as well as countless others in his steadfast drive to always do what is best for the students, 把同理心和善意带入每一次相遇, 并扩大开放式银行在社区中的积极影响.”

Even those who have worked with Mezwa a relatively short time recognize his strengths as a medical school dean.

“我真的很喜欢依靠他作为临床领导者和教育领导者,本·施瓦茨说。, M.D.他是Corewell健康 East的总裁. 施瓦茨于2022年年中被任命为该职位.

He points to Mezwa’s “willingness to be innovative” that’s reflected in the curriculum and the level of faculty drawn to the school.

“Dean Mezwa has put together a program that we’re all really particularly proud of,” says Schwartz. “What’s so wonderful about the work that he’s done in the last few years is that he’s always putting the medical students first, making sure they have a strong voice in the curriculum and that they were engaged…there’s something very magical about a leader like that.”

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